Stéphén Dǻrori 22nd June 2014




Welcome to my Profile I am Stephen Darori on Facebook, Twitter,& many other places on the web.My previous surname was Drus ( Dziedrueszyck .in the 17th Century, Drus from 1856 amd Drus from 1907 ) It still is out of Israel. The American Family branch spell their name Drues. The English Family branch Druce. I hebraized my surname on 6th September 1986 to Dǻrori( דרורי in Hebrew, دا روري in Arabic, דאַראָרי in Yiddish ). Dǻrori is a “Sparrow” in Biblical Hebrew. The “a’ and the acute accent was added in 1987 for Branding Purposes. Ahad Ha’am ( Asher Ginsberg) an early Hebrew Poet wrote , ” Cage a Sparrow and it will Die” (logical truth) and from here Eliezer ben Yehuda who revived the Hebrew Language added a metaphorical meaning for “Freedom” and “Liberty” .

A am an unconventional innovative multidisciplinary Leader, Marketing ,Project and Business Development Manager. I am not afraid to amicably step on toes to get things done swiftly ,on time and in the budget.Consensus is seldom painless.

Change provides opportunity. I am looking for a position based in Israel with a lot less travelling ,multifaceted preferably, in the fields of Digital Marketing & Business Development, Finance, Management & Content Engagement .”Marketing is all about Engagement. Engagement is all about Content”. I have a career that says I get things done & well within the budgeted timeline.It always seems impossible until it’s done.. A nice attribute is the ability to multitask to Manchester & back with a high degree of focus.My mind is terrifically organized mind & have a wonderful memory.I can digest vast amounts of information & cut to the chase quickly.Remuneration is not really an issue as long as it is not a disincentive .2-6 trips a month is the immediate reason.

If you are are on the Internet, you probably have zero Privacy. If also on Facebook certainly a lot less. Get Over It.!! If there is anything left about Stephen Darori that isn’t on the web,ask & I will put it there.

Threshold Curve Model

Threshold Curve Model

Bilski v. Kappos

Bilski v. Kappos

What is the most embedded picture in your mind with regard to terrorist and terror attacks in Israel? What is it like to live through an ...

What is the most embedded picture in your mind with regard to terrorist and terror attacks in Israel? What is it like to live through an …

Stephen Darori ( Photoshop Image )

Stephen Darori ( Photoshop Image )






Mobile Digital Posters

October 2013 – Present (9 months)Israel

This enterprise centers around 10.9 kg a Remarkable Digital Poster Printer with threshold digital, nanotechnology and biochemistry. The paper cartridges are liquefied and during the printing process turns to a very high quality solid state of various thickness. No trees are downed to print anything on this remarkable invention. . Any image on the internet can be printed as a poster. Obviously the higher the resolution, the better the quality of the print. The operating system also enables low resolutions images to be upgraded to higher resolutions by patented technology..

Mobile Digital Posters will print on demand

Pro Bono Service Provider

Stephen Darori Pro Bono Publico

October 2012 – Present (1 year 9 months)Tel Aviv- Jaffa

I provide ProBono Publico Services in the field of Finance , Strategy, Digital Marketing and Branding to among others the following Organisation. Despite a long history of left wing social and civil activism in South Africa, the moment I stepped of the plane in Israel, the issue of National Security started predominating my view point in Israel along with my Zionist Heritage as a Revisionist . I was schooled in Betar, the movement founded by my Grandfather with Harry Hurwitz ( Johannesburg) and Meir Katz ( Cape Town) .I actively support the formalisation of an Israeli Constitution based on the two mothers of Constitutions. The American Constitution and the Magna Carta Libertatum. Almost every principle in these documents already exist in Israel either by Legislation, Decisions of the Supreme Court, Common Law or simply by untested precedent.

I give Pro Bono support to the following organisation and businesses
✔ Peres Peace House ( Center) The Center houses the remarkable Shimon Peres archives.
✔ Jaffa Christian Charity ( grant writer and fund raiser- $387,000 raised in 2013)
✔The Jaffa Association for Charity Activities ( strange name for a huge organisation that has existed from 1865 )
✔ Nagalaat Center
✔Arab- Jewish Center for Equality, Empowerment and Co-operation
✔Matalon Arab Pastries .The CEO is a Christian Arab that never says no to providing the IDF Military Court in Jaffa and Military Prison with Sweet Arab Patisseries when ever they ask and want.

I reiterate that I support what these Organisations do but not necessary their political motives or stated politics..

Nalagaat Center | Home

Nalagaat Center | Home


Start Up Nation Critical Canvas in the White Silicon City ( TVL) and Silicon Wadi

May 2012 – Present (2 years 2 months)Israel

Startup Nation Critical Canvas is a acive Knesset Lobby that aims to make it easier for non- Jewish High Techies to come and work in The White Silicon City ( Tel Aviv) . If you weren’t born in Zion or are Jewish , working in Israel is a nightmare. To get medical and other benefits , you have to have an Israeli ID number. Israeli ID Numbers are available top anyone born in Greater Israel ( excluding areas administered by the Palestinian Authority) , descendants of Israelis abroad and anyone who can prove he is Jewish ( to some degree ) .

The Start Up Nation Critical Canvas am to grant working rights ( quickly and without bureaucratic nightmares) on highly qualified individual for as long as they want without extending citizenship. ( unless they marry and Israeli)

(Open)1 project
(Open)1 recommendation
  • Burt Kempner
    Burt Kempner
    Senior Writer/Producer

    I would implicitly trust Renaissance man Stéphén Dǻrori to help me navigate the often confusing realm of social media. He’s an expert on marketing and digital content, conversant on a wide array of business issues and a first-class communicator. As…View

Tel Aviv Vacations

Tel Aviv Vacations

Peter Thiel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Peter Thiel – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The IDF History Museum

The IDF History Museum

Stephen Darori - Stephen Darori's Photos | Facebook

Stephen Darori – Stephen Darori’s Photos | Facebook

Environmental Indicators

Environmental Indicators


Founder , Partner and Mentor

3XC Global Partners

January 2006 – Present (8 years 6 months)Europe particularly Berlin. Geneva, Paris, Barcelona, and Holland ,and Israel

3XC Global Partners (29 Partners) has different Global Partnerships that provide Micro and Macro Management, Finance, Marketing, Branding, Restructuring and Strategy advice ( hands in always)

Areas have I been involved in:-
As a Mentor and Lead Partner to Early Stage and Seed Start Ups , we set up Start ups according to Eric Weis’s Lean Start Up Philosophy and Stephen Darori’s Threshold Technology Curve Model for Start Ups and Investors ( with 12 Patents) which includes expert knowledge of Digital Marketing,Affiliate Marketing, Inbound Marketing ,Advertising ( Bid Optimization, Portfolio and Manual Management), Digital Branding, Product Development , Business Development , Financial Management and Control. 3XC Lead Partner in preparation of Marketing Plans, Competitive Analysis, R &D Project Plan, Next Stage Finance Strategy, Exit Strategy, Marking, Branding, Restructuring and Strategy Business Plan, Executive Summaries, Elevator Pitches. Documents are always prepared from the point of view of Investors, .

Position: Founder, Mentor and Lead Partner of different 3XC Global Partnerships. I am in the process of stepping down as the Managing Partner since the Group was founded. I have for the last year taken a far more central role in our Investment syndicates and especially Lecturing at Tech Colleges around the world . We have agreements with over 140 colleges world wide to provide . Lecture Series in exchange for permanent advertising on their campuses offering our services and finance .This is a wonderful arrangement and beats anything a website could do hands down.

(Open)1 honor or award

Proud Supporter with a Touch of Charismatic Humour

MIU Movement for Israeli Urbanism and other ideas ( sorry I am a reality check)

February 2005 – Present (9 years 5 months)Israel

✔ The Draft or equal time National Service at 18 ( after exiting school) for everyone living in Greater Israel , Jew, Christrian, Druze, Bahai, Samarian , Buddist , Bedouim. ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE , no matter your religion ( and who cares about your length of your beard) and political beliefs
✔A Constitution for Zion
✔1st Amendment I believe that any level of privacy on the Internet in 2013 is a complete Fallacy. If you are there, you are tagged to Timbaktu and back . Get over it and enjoy Social Media technology.
✔Startup Nation Critical Canvas in the White City in Zion. Nothing could be more important than this – Economic Development & will only happen at the same pace if the high tech industry can start legally employing non-Jewish techies without one of the boutique solutions in play. If they pay Income Tax & Bituah Leimi , give them all the rights but not citizenship
✔ Environmental Sustainability : Jewish Villages , Towns and Cities with plenty of land allocation , should be developed in the Shomron and Judea at an accelerated pace and more direct access roads and railways should connect the 340,000 Zionists in the area West of the Jordan River .
✔ Social Justice and Equality in the Israeli Society as long as Israeli security is not pressurized.
✔Rapid Transitioning of Israel Peripheral Poverty into the the Silicon Periphery even if we have to bulldoze Gaza into the Sea .. you simple can’t Zip Rockets at Zion .
✔Two States Solution … Israel and Palestinian State in Jordan which already has a 83% majority of Palestinian. ( most still unfranchised after 92 years in the Jordanian artificial Monarchy ) .I have never denied I am a Right Wing Rip Roaring Zionist. school in Betar and Zeev Jabotinsky ‘s Revisionist Zionism.

(Open)2 recommendations
  • J L Mealer
    J L Mealer
    Arizona Gubernatorial Candidate. Arizona revitalization/restabilization strategies, putting Arizona Industry on top.

    Stephen certainly appears to be the man for the position. That goes for just about any position because his background is…View

  • Paulo Azenha
    Paulo Azenha
    CEO & Founder da empresa DreamScanner

    Excellent partner for businesses and highly recommended. Responsible in their work and a nice person.View

MIU About in English

MIU About in English

Ministry of Environmental Protection

Ministry of Environmental Protection


Butch Kerzner Gaming and on Line Investments ( Monaco) .

October 1998 – Present (15 years 9 months)Monaco

Joint venture between Howard ” Butch ” Kerzner, his father Sol Kerzner ( and the Darori Foundation . The Company held on line gaming and traditional “high” street properties for Sports Betting in Europe especially in the UK. and other positions in online gaming companies including in the Israeli start up Playsis , that exited ( Playtech, Teddy Sagi) with Queenco as the primary investor.

Howard (Butch) Kerzner died on 11 October 2006 when the helicopter he was travelling in crashed near Sosua, in the Puerto Plata province of the Dominican Republic.





Founding Partner, Mentor

Corporate Image Luxembourg

January 1998 – Present (16 years 6 months)Tel Aviv

Company now provides sophisticated Public relations and Crisis Management using Social Media largely and physical gimmicks imported from South East Asia . This separate division is the largest importer of made to order such gimmicks. Corporate Image Luxembourg evolved out of a once 50% holding with the late Kerry Capstick- Dale in what is now Corporate Image ( Pty) Ltd lead by Kerry’s widow Tamra Vervey.. Interest in Corporate Image (Pty) Ltd was sold in stages inthe mid and late 80’s to Kerry Capstickdale . Kerry dies in 2008 after a long illness. The company he founded with me has been lead ever since successfully by Tamra.

Corporate Image Luxembourg strives to be leading communications and public affairs consultancy.. Formed in 1987 and operating independently, it has been extensively involved over the years with the corporate FMCG, financial and industrial sectors in Europe and to a lesser extent in Israel.

In an Ipsos Markinor independent research survey into PR agencies , conducted amongst editors, deputy editors and consumer journalists in 2010, Corporate Image was rated in the top 5 PR companies in all categories, including overall professionalism, integrity, standard of press releases, understanding of clients and sectors, being proactive and providing service to clients.

The company has particular expertise in reputation research and management and corporate brand strategy, with a focus on corporate communications, media liaison, research, positioning strategies, crisis communications and issues management.


Stephen Darori Investments ( Paper emphenera, Postal History, Maps, Prints) ,

November 1997 – Present (16 years 8 months)Luxembourg, movedfrom Tel aviv for Tax Reasons.

I have been both a Buyer ( especially) and seller on eBay since early Noveber 1997 , shortly after eBay changed its name from AuctionWeb. In early 2000 I purchased two large colleections of autographed material including 8000 items related to Judaism and Zionism and have been leading the disposal with all proceeds going to Aguda Lemaan Hachayal – the Association for the Wellbeing of Israel’s Soldiers. ( LIBI Fund) The Darori foundation sponsors all the cost of postage of sales.

I currently employ a retired stamp and paper ephemera dealer who was based in Ahad Haam Street ( Pinat Allenby) to lead this charitable enterprise.All proceeds are donated to the Aguda Lemaan Hachayal are earmarked for physical items . The Darori Foundation and Darori Family Trusts never throw money in or at the bureaucracies of organisations. ( they are inherently inefficient and wasteful )


3XC Capital and Darori Capital Luxembourg

January 1990 – Present (24 years 6 months)Luxembourg

3XC Capital and Darori Capital Luxembourg invests in 3XC Global Partners ‘s Clients both at Start Ups and Revenue Growth stages. Darori Capital leads and participates in Closed Investment Syndicates.


The Warehouse Group – – Lets Go International

January 1990 – Present (24 years 6 months)Israel Greece, Cyprus ,Macedonia,Albania

✔The Warehouse Group Clothing Imports and Distribution Unit
✔The Warehouse Group Printed T-Shirt and Caps Imports and Distribution Unit
✔The Warehouse Group Publishing Unit
✔The Warehouse Gourmet and Kitchen Gadgets and Appliances Imports and Distribution Unit
✔The Warehouse Group Electronic Gadgets Imports and Distribution Unit
✔The Warehouse Group Publicity Gimmicks Imports and Distribution Unit
✔ The Warehouse Group Accessories Imports and Distribution Unit Unit
✔The Warehouse Group Indigenous Spices and Teas Importers and Distribution Unit
✔The Warehouse Group Jewelry Importers and Distribution Unit.


Darori Foundation

January 1988 – Present (26 years 6 months)Off Shore

Until May 2013 , the Darori Foundation supported Libraries and Special Collections in Israel only. In June 2013 it started an initiative to give ever child in Israel an Internet Device and a Free Internet Access Service. (100 mega down, ) . The Darori Foundation has in the past sponsored research into Digital Libraries and the translation of Wikipedia Articles ( and similar articles that do not claim a copy right) into Hebrew before Google Translate and Bing made that product redundant..The translation project was led by the ministry of education in Israel . The Darori Foundation financed dozens of translators..

3XC Capital holds the 12 patents , trademarks and copyrights related to the Threshold Technology Curve Model. Since 2010 the 12 patents have been making a PCT circuit and have increased exponentially by a double digit number. 3XC Capital also holds the trade mark “Darori”,”Stéphén Dǻrori” and “Thé Thréshǿld Téchnǿlǿgy Curvé Mǿdél ”

The Darori Foundation is financed by a series of 2nd, 3rd and 4th Generation Trust Funds and the living Trust of the current Chairman. .

(Open)6 projects
(Open)1 organization
(Open)1 recommendation
  • David Maeir-Epstein
    David Maeir-Epstein
    David Maeir-Epstein – Resource Development Consultants for Nonprofits in Israel

    Foundation Trustees are generally lay volunteers who are not necessarily expert in the funding areas. Stephen Darori is not your typical Trustee. His range of expertise in the area of Libraries is astounding and his approach is comprehensive rather…View

Darori Foundation Plaque0001

Darori Foundation Plaque0001

Peres Center for Peace

Peres Center for Peace

שיר בית"ר (זאב ז'בוטינסקי)

שיר בית”ר (זאב ז’בוטינסקי)

Zionist Archives - הארכיון הציוני

Zionist Archives – הארכיון הציוני

Children who regularly text message have BETTER English than those who don't (even if thy use txt spk)

Children who regularly text message have BETTER English than those who don’t (even if thy use txt spk)


Managing Editor

Israel Book Review ( South African Book Review)

January 1980 – Present (34 years 6 months)Tel aviv

The South African Book Review was founded by Stephen Drus ( now Darori) , the late Kerry Capstick-dale, Lizzy Bramford, the late Sarah Cullinan and Paul Groves in 1980. Edited from Capetown , it was published and distributed from London to avoid a banning order. In 1986 Paul Groves moved to London and the editorial office moved to London. In the same year the israel Book Review was started with funding from Sir Harry Oppenheimer and Gordon Wadell . ( Sir Harry’s ex son in law).

The Israel Book Review which has always been only a hard copy publication with no advertising with the philosophy of getting University Students and High School English students to detach themselves for 30 to 40 minutes from the Internet and the numerous tabloid format blogs ( many with spelling and grammar worse than mine) and read English Book Reviews Articles that avoid tabloid-ism. The IBR includes reviews of Philatelic, Scripolily, and other Paper Emphemera catalogs in every edition (1page).

Detach and give them something substantial to read.” has been the one line philosophy of the Book Review and previously the South African Book Review.for over 30 years. All book reviews carry links to the Amazon and the Publisher of the Books..

The Israel Book Review is published monthly in English. Once a quarter a double issue with a specific theme is published. The demand for such a hard copy publication has increased annually.Distribution is free on University Campus and some High Schools in Israel.

The Israel Book Review is sponsored by the Darori Foundation.

Journalist and Wikipedia Senior Editor ( like others on a honorary basis and it really is an Honor)

Wikipedia and Part Time Journalist

May 1972 – Present (42 years 2 months)Israel

“”Wikipedia (Listeni/ˌwɪkɨˈpiːdiə/ or Listeni/ˌwɪkiˈpiːdiə/ wik-i-pee-dee-ə) is a collaboratively edited, multilingual, free-access, free content Internet encyclopedia that is supported and hosted by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. Volunteers worldwide collaboratively write Wikipedia’s 30 million articles in 287 languages, including over 4.5 million in the English Wikipedia. “” I am the senior editor of 28 articles on Social Media, 12 on Zionism and Israel and 6 on Food and Cooking and 34 on diverse other subjects.

If you ask me whether I will assist you with the development of a Wikipedia Article. My answer is “Chas Vechalila ” … heaven forbid.!! I have always done so free.

I have been a part time journalist representing and filing for Time Magazine (1990′)s, Newsweek ( 1970’s to its demise) ,The Washington Post, Boston Globe, NY Times, WSJ, Handelsblatt, (Germany), The Economic Times (India),Financial TimesT ( UK) , Financial Mail( South Africa) , Cape Times and Argus,( both Cape Town) Until 1990 all remuneration from these activities were ceded to the International Defense and aid fund of Southern Africa and from 1990 to LIBI, the IDf Soldiers’ Welfare fund.

My South African Press Credential is 7864. I have had the number since 1972. From 1986 to 1989 it was suspended after I was detained repeatedly without trial in 1985/6. The Credential was returned to me officially when I met Nelson Mandela in Israel in October 1999.

My IAPP ( Swiss) Credential number is 8452 . I GPO Number is 98262( Israel)

IGT Cloud Summit DLD 2013 - Once a Year the Best Cloud Event in Town - כנס בתחום טכנולוגיה - אירועים - StartIsrael - פורטל היזמות הישראלי | TheMarker

IGT Cloud Summit DLD 2013 – Once a Year the Best Cloud Event in Town – כנס בתחום טכנולוגיה – אירועים – StartIsrael – פורטל היזמות הישראלי | TheMarker

Go4Europe Business Conference organized by Cukierman & Co. and Catalyst Fund - Home

Go4Europe Business Conference organized by Cukierman & Co. and Catalyst Fund – Home



SMS language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SMS language – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Corporate Controller & Treasurer, Operating Manager of Multiple Divisions

European Investments

June 2003 – December 2006 (3 years 7 months)Europe

Commercial and Industrial Real Estate, Investments and Venture Capital
The now multi billion company was founded by Glasnost Billionaires who prefer that the company keep a low profile . The Company remains today largely a real estate company with almost no debt and a high cash flow from leasing commercial property .I filled multiple positions of increasing responsibility including Managing Director of its large High Tech Incubator ( based on principles different from those in Israel) and a High Tech Investment Manager and an Alternative Investment Manager. Some Positions were held simultaneously.

(Open)1 project
Oligarchs And Oligopolies: New Formations Of Global Power (Critical Interventions: A Forum for Social Analysis): Bruce Kapferer: 9781845451745: Books

Oligarchs And Oligopolies: New Formations Of Global Power (Critical Interventions: A Forum for Social Analysis): Bruce Kapferer: 9781845451745: Books

The Oligarchs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Oligarchs – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

European Investments Commercial and industrial Developments

European Investments Commercial and industrial Developments

CFO ( Director of Finance , COO and Administration)


January 2002 – May 2003 (1 year 5 months)Kibbutz Ketura

P&L Management, Budget and Control, Business Operations, Contracts and Legal Administration, Strategic Planning, Capital Fundraising, Site Management and Human Resources. Took this 4 year old start up that was hopelessly in a insolvent position to a very healthy balance sheep one year latter by reporting all the multiple CSO gransts it had received and optioned 2 additional ones and also reporting the $3.5 million Approved Enterprise it had also received, In I n January 2013 it was valued at over $80 when part of the controlling shareholding was sold.It is today the largest biocompany producing Astaxathin from the algae strain Haematoccoccus

Algachologies Techologies

Algachologies Techologies

CFO, COO and Administration

Queenco Leisure International Ltd.

October 1999 – April 2002 (2 years 7 months)Israel

I was the CFO of the Rescido Group then part of Queenco listed on TASE . The Group consisted of Real Estate Redeveloper, Investments in late stage start ups and an in house gaming start up with both Angels and VC Partners.(STI – Benny Steinmetz) The Real Estate Redevelopment Company was purchased by interests of Milamor (delisted from TASE) which have continued renovating buildings in the CBD of Tel Aviv to this day. Playsis received a substantial exit by selling its large and high quality email membership lists to interest belonging to Teddy Sagi. The investments in late stage High Tech company were taken over by Queenco interests.

Recido Real Estate Renovations and Building Company Ltd

Recido Real Estate Renovations and Building Company Ltd

Division Cost and Management Accountant


May 1996 – November 1999 (3 years 7 months)

Cost and Management Accounting, with emphasis on Standard Cost Accounting, Outsourced Subcontracting, Obsolescence & Reserve Accounting. Two of my models were later incorporated into other Manufacturing Divisions of 3 Com. 3 Com is now part of HP.

I joined 3Com Israel , very much downsizing my resume & making it fit with the position of Division Cost and Management Accountant. I jointed 3Com went the Finance Department was in its infancy and a shambles after 3Com placed an incompetent member of their Corporate Audit Team in the position of CFO . Nachman Shelef one of 3 Founders &d General Manager, appointed Daniel Slutzky ( an excellent choice) & after an expected bump ( first audit) , 3Com Israel achieved full marks in both Finance, Management, Product Marketing & initially R & D . 3Com Israel hit an annual sales rate of $250 million quickly after acquisition

3Com was the very first US Corporation to buy an Israeli Technology Company.It bought NCD ( Nice Computer Division ) from Nice Com when the unit had just Beta Switches and Routers for Large Area Networking Solutions ( also Metro and Wide). The cost was $59 million.

What Bruce Chefet did when he replaced Eric Benahou when he retired is still taught as a business case in Ivy League Schools as an example of Corporate Mismanagement- “downsize people not entire divisions”. The entire Israeli Division was closed as one of the very first things Chefets did when he assumed office in January 2000.It was disturbing that when I met Chefets & Benahou by chance in transit at Heathrow before he assumed office, he was already speaking openly about his plans to downsize divisions that weren’t completely profitable. In hindsight he was the very worse choice to replace Eric Benahou who had led 3Coms expansion for a decade chasing Cisco all the time and nipped at the heels by late comers to this sector like Germany’s Siemens.The purchase of US Robotics for $6 billion started the disaster ( Benahou didn’t get kudos) .

Division Finance and Costing Manager

Vishay Intertechnology, Inc.

January 1995 – June 1996 (1 year 6 months)Holon (Head Office) with factories in Dimona , Beer Sheva and Migdal Haemeck

Vishay had two distinct divisions, one manufacturing core subsidiary product lines ( Dale, Daloric, Roderstein) & the other basically every thing else.Vishay has aggressively pursued expansion by purchasing companies with product lines in play. They spun off the evolving threshold technology division, the R & D they were doing themselves .I was transitioning into the core subsidiary division.It is actually quite sad. The person I was supposed to replace knew he was terminally ill but told no one (& when you are with the company from the very first day, you can can push the transition period envelop out).My patience ran out after 18 months & he sadly died suddenly less than 2 months later .Had I known,I may have had endless patience. Nobody including myself made the observation he was ill & some worked with him from day 1.Other than obvious weight loss.

Vishay Israel is one of the most profitable companies in Israel .It was established by the late Dr Felix Landsman ( in France) a Holocaust survivor as a child ( in the partisan) a Great Zionist, Businessman.& very generous Yad Vashem supporter. It received grants to build its factories in Dimona, Migdal Haemek & Beer Sheva in a smaller magnitude as Intel. x employees should be employed by the factories & well busing 5000 employees to Dimona was logistically possible if people didn’t mind been picked up at 6am to start work at 6.45am , Didn’t happen so amicable trade off .Was not privy to all the details negotiated by the Treasurer & CFO but “very fair play in play” Dimona is a award winning massive glass structure designed for 5000 workers who also receive a substantial sit down lunch.

Vishay is one of the best managed Manufacturing.Companies,in Israel and on top of the logistic nightmare.All production is shipped to a distribution center overseas.

Vishay is a Fortune 500 Company. Vishay Israel produces over 120 million passive electronic components daily & employs over 8500 people on Israel.

Deputy Head Accountant for Revenue & Special Assistant to the late Director General of Ort Israel

ORT Colleges

January 1990 – December 1994 (5 years)Holon Head Office

Ort Israel Head Offices ( Schools and Colleges) Originally employed as Deputy Finance and Accounting in Charge of all income sources of ORT Israel, the largest independent school network in Israel and assistant to the Director General ,the late Israel Goralnick once deputy to Yigal Allon in the Palmach ( he lost n arm in the War of Independence) liaising and regularly reporting with a major Donors who in the course of my time at Ort built and furnished Ort College Henry Braude , Karmiel ( the first accredited college in Israel to award degrees) paid for entirely by Baron Sir Gerald Ronso and with a little arm twisting and a lot of public relations he went on to build and furnish completely 6 additional Ort Schools in Ashkelon , Ashdod , Osafeia a/ Dalet Al Hakarmel and elsewhere and set up a maintenance fund for each at my suggestion.( Out of the Box thinking) I was project manage for two very expensive IT projects and computerized other aspects of my function using advanced business models . MY final task was to start raising fund for the conversion of Ort Vocational School to High Tech Schools. A task completed by 2000. Monthly T/O of Ort Israel exceeded 2.5 billion shekels during the period I worked for there. I was also the Ort Israel Liaison with the World Ort Union in London.

IDF – Shalev Bet and then Mil’uim


December 1986 – February 1987 (3 months)Israel

Voluntary shortened Israel military service .In 1986 anyone who was older than 26 when they immigrated was exempted from IDF service.

First Lieutenant=> Captain=> Major=> Commandant until 1994 (Lieutenant-Colonel)

SADF=> Recce Commando, the Elite Commando of 11 Commando, 3rd Infantry Battalion

January 1975 – December 1976 (2 years)Diskopolos, Kimberly , South Africa

Angola : My “4 Citations , 3 medals ( 2 Campaign + Another), 2 Battlefield Promotions” Period . South Africa ( Defence Force) enters Angola on the side of UNITA against the MPLA , SWAPO and 25,000 subprime Casto Cubans. This was not a helicopter gunship war . In a bombastic “Apocalypse Now” ( the movie came later) helicopter gunship formation , South Africa launched a massive attack on the MPLA . In the open 5-10 minutes 7 SADF gunships were destroyed by 9K32 “Strela-2” shoulder fired Russian Missiles. Not another SADF helicopter again entered Angola . The 75 person Recce Commando ( the elite of the elite unit ) was paradropped 8 kms north of Luanda & told to proceed eastwards pulling the substand Cuban Battalions & some MPLA away from the coast & the protection of SAM 6 missiles around Luanda. I ran (circling back at night) across Angola & exited through Zambia .Entered as 1 of 3, 2nd Lieutenants, exited as a Major with 12 including 4 walking wounded.During this endless & now embedded nightmare kept saying that if I survive my first daughter would be called after the home base of the Recce Commandos . 20 years to the date I was discharged, my daughter Kim(berly) was born. Kimberly ( Big Hole of .fame) was the home base of 11 Commando.Honest to god truth, joined the Recce Commandos, & really expected to sit on my backside , suntanning, drinking beer & reading all the English Classics.This was a character building lesson in survival. The Recce Commando like 11 Commando originated during the Anglo Boer War.The Recce Commando first saw action at Spion Kop (Anglo Boer War)on 24th January 1900. 11 Commando was created by the British to counter the very mobile (mounted) Boer Recce Commandos & went toe to toe with the later during the Guerrilla War phase of the Anglo Boer War, November 1900 to May 1902 until the Transvaal Republic surrendered at Vereeniging on 31st May 1902. The agreement was signed ,by the Generals De Wet & Kitchener.

Apocalypse Now redux - Trailer - HQ

Apocalypse Now redux – Trailer – HQ

Stephen Darori Angolan Nightmare

Stephen Darori Angolan Nightmare

South African Special Forces

South African Special Forces

Test Scores

Stephen Darori

Score: 95

December 1978

Don’t quite get this section. Share Peter Thiel philosophy “Two years after billionaire tech investor Peter Thiel announced an experiment to pay bright high schoolers to drop out of college for $100,000, the Thiel Fellowship program hasn’t won over education leaders.”


Threshold Technology Curve Model(Link)

US Patent Office, US Trade Mark Office , Copyright

August 8, 2010

Stephen has a wide and rich experience in turning new technologies into viable start ups . He provide leadership and value for preseed and seed stage start up by leveraging his analytical, management, and organizational skills and and strategic planning but most of all his Threshold Curve Model which addresses directly what VC’s want to see in Business and Marketing plans and especially R & D…more

Honors & Awards

Beit Trust Scholarship

Beit Trust

January 1983

The Trust was initially set up in 1906 by the Will of Mr Alfred Beit, a brilliant financier and a director of the British South Africa Company with many interests including the development of Rhodesia’s railway system. In 1903 he suffered a stroke near Salisbury, Rhodesia, and died on 16 July 1906 in England at the age of 53, leaving much of his fortune bequeathed to a wide range of charitable causes. As a result of his close association with…more

University Blue Honour fo Student Leadership

University of Cape Town

Student Blues Awards are awarded to outstanding students in various disciplines including sport ( largely) and student leadership. I was very active in Student Councils, a student led Rag fund ( that is a small industry) that supports an entire free medical aid for Blacks ( and Coloured) A massive student charity and student politics ) + held youth leadership positions in the official White opposition party with a prominent presence on multiple…more

Region Chairman Western Cape Progressive Party Youth Committee=> Progressive Reform Party->Progressive Federal Party=> now Democratic Alliance

Democratic Alliance

January 1978

The Progressive Party transitioned to the Progressive Reform Party which became the Progressive Federal Party who are the Democratic Alliance to day. The Democratic Alliance (DA) is a political party in South Africa, which is the official opposition to the ruling African National Congress (ANC) at federal level, and the governing party in the Western Cape province. The DA is broadly centrist, though it has been attributed both centre-left and…more

National Chairman Progressive Federal Party Youth Committee => now Democratic Alliance

June 1981

The Progressive Party transitioned to the Progressive Reform Party which became the Progressive Federal Party who are the Democratic Alliance to day. The Democratic Alliance (DA) is a political party in South Africa, which is the official opposition to the ruling African National Congress (ANC) at federal level, and the governing party in the Western Cape province. The DA is broadly centrist, though it has been attributed both centre-left and…more

Founding Member and Treasurer Mass Democratic Movement (MDM) and United Democratic front ( UDF)

Nelson Mandela and Democratic Black Rule in South Africa

THE MDM was the first Massive Umbrella movement fof 400+ Free Mandela organisations. The mistake it made was electing a leadership , thereby giving it existence as an organisation that could be banned by the South African Government and that happen quickly. Immediately thereafter the UDF was “formed” with 500+ organisations on board . This time without an official leadership. “The United Democratic Front (UDF) was one of the most important anti-…more

First National Youth Action Chairman (and joint founder with Helen Suzman, Colin Elgin,Harry Oppenheimer and Dr Nthato Motlana

National Youth Action


National Youth Action was the first attempt at an integrated Youth Action Program for kids aged 15 to 18 in South Africa. The idea was to form racial integrated groups who would do volunteer communal work in communities that need such help. The first two groups became active in the Western Cape ( Gugeluto) and Pretoria ( Alexandra) . The South African Government did not like mixed integrated groups of kids , ” Cleaning up Slums” and eventually…more

Volenteer of the Month ( Civil Action Clean Up Project)

Municipality of Tel Aviv and Bat Yam, and local newspapers

Local Newspapers love my Civil Action ” Clean Up Project” and interviewing me is fun and full of humour and catchy soundbites. The following publications have giving the project a mention
✔HaMekimon Tel Aviv ( 3)
✔Yediot Tel Aviv
✔Yediot Bat Yam
✔Gal Gefen ( Bat Yam) (3)
✔Jaffa Christian Association Publication
✔Hashikma ( Bat Yam) (2)
✔Mabat ( Russian).
✔iMar ( Arabic-Christian (4)
✔ kul-alarab ( Arabic – Muslim Religious Council)


Threshold Curve Model ( twelve separate aspects) in e Court Decision in terms of Bilski Versus Kappos, A Supreme Court Decision whereby it became possible to patent “Business Methods” ..

United States I will have to look for a hard copy of the patent numbers

Issued April 30, 2011

It took a decade for the Supreme Court to actually permit the patenting of Business Models and Methodology and was in good company with eBay….who tried and failed using different avenues to register the “on-line auction methodology” and were first in the que after this decision. TheThreshold Curve Model for start ups and early investors ,in start ups calls among many other things for the early…more

Trade Marks : Dǻrori ; Stéphén Dǻrori and Thréshold Téchnology Curvé Model

United States 735698545 through 67

Issued 2003

Dǻrori ; Stéphén Dǻrori and Thréshold Téchnology Curvé Modél are all registered Trade Marks and Patents in terms of bilski versus Kappos for multiple aspects of the Threshold Technology Curve Model. The trade mark s have a second trade mark series of numbers.


…Industrial and Commercial Centers at the outer periphery of up market residential areas with a metropolitan line entering below ground and doing a metro circle… we built many such centers and moved workers in the opposite direction

January 1990 – Present

…revolutionary … concept .. we moved many of the frustrated Central Busines District inhabitants in the opposite direction where they had no transport problems or parking issues … every building we built had excessive underground parking… the centers used rezoned country side and were green tech before the clique was coined.. They were planned to make the worker from factory to C level…more

3 team members
  • Stéphén Dǻrori
    Stéphén Dǻrori
    Innovative unconventional multidisciplinary Team Leader.Marketing, Project and Business Development Manager

The Peres Peace House Library(Link)

October 2013

The Darori Foundation has committed itself to filling the (Shimon) Peres Peace House with 1000 academic books in the next few years on subjects relative to the Centre . The Darori Foundation has never allowed politics to interfere with its “direct” donation policy. It never donates to the bureacracy of any organisation

3 team members
  • Stéphén Dǻrori
    Stéphén Dǻrori
    Innovative unconventional multidisciplinary Team Leader.Marketing, Project and Business Development Manager
  • No photo
    Orly Nabel
  • No photo
    Samantha Shmuel

Beit Ariela(Link)

May 2010

Beit Ariela Public Library and Cultural Center

Since 1922, Shaar Zion has been Tel Aviv’s main public library. The central branch is
now located in Beit Ariela, and holds a wide selection of books in a variety of languages
(Hebrew, English, French, German and more). In addition to the main reading hall, there
are small libraries specializing in different subjects such as Dance, Music,…more

2 team members
  • Stéphén Dǻrori
    Stéphén Dǻrori
    Innovative unconventional multidisciplinary Team Leader.Marketing, Project and Business Development Manager
  • No photo
    Moshe Patz

Bezalel School of Arts and Crafts(Link)

April 2008

stablished in 1906 by artist Boris Schatz as the “Bezalel School of Arts and Crafts”, Bezalel has evolved into one of the world’s most prestigious art schools.

The name Bezalel is synonymous with more than 100 years of Israeli art, innovation
and academic excellence. Bezalel’s unique strength stems from the numerous
breakthroughs it has been responsible for and its ability to respond and…more

3 team members
  • Stéphén Dǻrori
    Stéphén Dǻrori
    Innovative unconventional multidisciplinary Team Leader.Marketing, Project and Business Development Manager
  • No photo
    Zvi Armon
  • No photo
    Eva Ilous

Peres Archives at The Peres Peace House(Link)

September 2013

The Archive is continually growing as President Peres continues his career serving the State of Israel as President. On a daily basis the archive staff collect, categorise, register and preserve the many materials that are currently being produced surrounding the life and work of the President, from news articles about him or which he is quoted in, televised interviews, books and articles he…more

2 team members
  • Stéphén Dǻrori
    Stéphén Dǻrori
    Innovative unconventional multidisciplinary Team Leader.Marketing, Project and Business Development Manager
  • No photo
    Orly Nabel

Civil Action ” Clean Up Jaffa in the Neve Golan ( Jaffa Gimmel) and Neve Tamar ( Jaffa Dalet)” and the Amidar Bat Yam Neighbourhoods

March 2013

So there I was again on my daily 8 to 12 km walk/run when like Chicken Licken something fell on my head. No it wasn’t an acorn, it wasn’t the sky .. it was a bag of pach ( rubbish) . Some customs take a generation to die before it is expelled from immigrant embedded acceptable practice. and some still throw their pach from their windows into the road.

“What the hell”,I said to myself &…more

4 team members
  • Stéphén Dǻrori
    Stéphén Dǻrori
    Innovative unconventional multidisciplinary Team Leader.Marketing, Project and Business Development Manager
  • No photo
    תמיר ג
  • No photo
    Sebastian W.
  • Lisa Gamele
    Lisa Gamele
    In House Model at Michele Gamele Fashions

“Tarshis” Jaffa Arabic Municipal Library(Link)

May 2014

Housed in a dilapidated building in Mendes France Street, it was a wonderful surprise to find a spacious library actually been used . The Darori Foundation has committed itself to filling the English Children s section.

3 team members
  • Stéphén Dǻrori
    Stéphén Dǻrori
    Innovative unconventional multidisciplinary Team Leader.Marketing, Project and Business Development Manager
  • No photo
    Fatma Tourk
  • Lisa Gamele
    Lisa Gamele
    In House Model at Michele Gamele Fashions

The Libi Fund – קרן לב”י(Link)


All fees and other remuneration from activities as a journalist have been ceded to the Libi Fund since 1981.

eBay Platform
The sale of Autographs and signed documents and photographs ( liquidation stock Herzog Hollander Phillips & Co) has been ceded to the Libi Fund since the late 1990. The darori Foundation sponsors postage and packing to eBay buyers.

(Open)7 team members, including:
  • Stéphén Dǻrori
    Stéphén Dǻrori
    Innovative unconventional multidisciplinary Team Leader.Marketing, Project and Business Development Manager
  • No photo
    Ilan Tal
  • No photo
    Yehuda Bachar
  • No photo
    Dan Halutz


Independent Coursework

  • Maximize entrepeneural potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be
  • Impart management tools according to values of the manager (Among Others)
  • • Improve ability to lead and manage workforce. (Among Others)
  • Leverage managers to strategic thinking, vision, values and objectives (Among Others)
  • Derive from long-term objectives and work plans the annual budget. (Among Others)
  • Diagnose management and administrative capabilities. (Among Others)
  • Improve the ability to choose and hire the best talents (Among Other)
  • Determining how to write a Busibness Plan and other documents from what a potential investor wants to see (Threshold Curve Model)


  1. English, Hebrew

    Native or bilingual proficiency
  2. Dutch, Afrikaans , Flemish

    Limited working proficiency
  3. Hebrew Txt Spk

  4. English Txt Spk

  5. SMS Spk

Volunteer Experience & Causes

Head of the Ofarim Local Committee & then a member of Beit Aryeh Ofarim Munincipality

Beit Aryeh – Ofarim Municipalty

December 1999Economic Empowerment

-Head of the Ofarim Local Committee that ran the 250 family units in this settlement
-After the amalgamation of Beit Areh with Ofarim served on various committees including Chair of Finance Committee ( first task was to deal with a 17 million shekel accumulated deficit of Beit Aryeh that was not disclosed before the referendum. I did ask the question and the Internal Auditor had zippo idea of the…more

Opportunities you are looking for:

  • Joining a nonprofit board
  • Skills-based volunteering (pro bono consulting)


Darori Foundation


January 1982 – Present

The Darori Foundation supports Libraries and Special Collections in Israel and South Africa. The Darori Foundation has sponsored research into Digital Libraries and the translation of Wikipedia Articles ( and similar articles that do not claim a copy right) into Hebrew before Google Translate and Bing Translate nailed the Technology of Translating. .

The Darori Foundation is financed by Darori…more


California Institute of Technology Industrial Relations Center

The Caltech 10-Day Certificate Program at Pasadena, California, Project Management98

2005 – 2005

Master the critical skills of project management.

The skills develop during the program apply to large & small projects, product design and development, construction projects, IT projects, software development, and projects with critical performance, time, and budget targets.

Activities and Societies: California Dreaming Society:SunBeer and lovely Undergraduates..

Stephen Darori Caltex Executive Education Program- Prorect Management

Stephen Darori Caltex Executive Education Program- Prorect Management

File:Caltech logo.svg

File:Caltech logo.svg

Stanford Center for Professional Development

Project Manager Stanford Certified at Stanford near Palo Alto, Project Manager96

2004 – 2004

Stanford Advanced Project Management courses and certificate blend academic theory with the real-life processes, tools, management skills, and methodologies of IPS Learning (IPS) to empower individuals to become more effective leaders and team members and to strategically execute projects, programs, and portfolios.

Activities and Societies: Took a 10 day time out for a refresher academic course . Loved to walk and run round this Ivy League Campus ( and the undergraduates were very cute ) .

Sanford and California Institute of Technology Marching Bands

Sanford and California Institute of Technology Marching Bands

Northwestern University – Kellogg School of Management

Operations Management Week at Evanston, Cook County, Illinois, The Science of Lean Six Sigma Operations combines with Supply Chain Management Program

2003 – 2003

The Science of Lean Six Sigma Operations
Combines the business-flow framework with the science of lean and six sigma, enabling participants to make major improvements in their operations and service processes.

Supply Chain Management
Focuses on effective logistics strategies for companies that operate globally, and, in particular, on integrating supply chain components into a coordinated system that reduces system-wide cost and increases service levels.

Activities and Societies: Bird Watching: The Undergraduates were really Cute.

Northwestern University School of Management

Northwestern University School of Management

מרכז לימודים והכשרה Mercaz Limudim Vehaksara

Certificate in Sustainable Ecology and the Environment, EcologyEnvironmentand Creative Recycling100

2003 – 2003

The compelling reasons why Ecology and Environment are important subjects at degree level. First, the world is faced with profound environmental and ecological challenges.
Ecology is at the heart of this programme, with core concepts ranging from ecosystem structure and function to population dynamics. These fundamentals are complemented by applied topics including urban ecology, marine ecology, biodiversity and conservation biology, and new computer technologies such as Geographical Information Systems.

Activities and Societies: Visits and hikes all over Zion

Georgia Institute of Technology

MSc Computer Science, Computer Science ( database management and languages seldom used anymore)Cum Laude ( they were been generous)

1992 – 1993

This was the first “accredited on line degree” to be recognized by the Education Ministry in Israel. It was an experiment I undertook for the Pedagogical Department of Ort Israel. Assignments were submitted with a scaled down version of Wordperfect and an early Zip ( compression program) . The Internet quite frankly did not have enough broadband . Only half the assignments were submitted over the Internet , the rest bounced and were submitted by Courier Service. The Courses revolved round Database Management and Internet Technology which of course have come a long way since then. Among the languages also studied in this degree were Pascal, an early version of C , COBOL, RPG ( for the IBM AS 400) and Fortran and an early version of Basic .That constituted a high % of the then languages. Today there are 1000’s and many have been ported to and Linux. Part of the degree revolved round identifying viruses and there was even an exercise to actually write one =:)

Activities and Societies: None

Logo of the Georgia Institute of Technology

Logo of the Georgia Institute of Technology

University of Cape Town

MBA,MA, BCOM in Accounting and Economics, Accounting and FinanceWith Distinction

1978 – 1985

Started studing at the University of Cape Town and continued elsewhere.BCompt Hons ( UNISA), MBA ( Heriot Watts) ….. Quite frankly over the years have become a Peter Thiel supporter. Peter was a founder of among other companies, Paypal and an early 2% investor in Facebook. Peter like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg , Steve Jobs,Larry Ollison and others , l has no academic degrees. Peter is sponsoring 100 young entrepreneurs with $100K a year not to go to college but jump straight into a a high tech startup…. 93% of his 100 have raised follow in finance including matching finance from Peter Thiel … clearly he has a point.According to a survey by the University of haifa , “A MBA is a waste of time and hampers success ” Lior Zetel,The Marker , Business Publication, Wednesday 5th February 2014. The survey received considerable attention at the Davos Economic Summit.

Activities and Societies: Quite frankly over the years have become a Peter Thiel supporter. Peter was a founder of among other companiesPaypal and an early 2% investor in Facebook. Peter like Bill Gates,Mark ZuckerbergSteve JobsLarry Ollison and othersPeter Thiel has no academic degrees. Peter is sponsoring 100 young entrepreneurs with $100K a year not to go to college but jump straight into starting a high tech company . ( 88 have already raised follow on finance… Thiel is onto something)

(Open)2 honors and awards
University of Cape Town Coat of Arms

University of Cape Town Coat of Arms

Herzlia High School, Cape Town

First Class University Entrance Sort of like A Levels, MathsScienceAccountancyEnglish,Hebrew Afrikaans

Jewish education in a private school environment from the age of 3 to 18.

Activities and Societies: Regional Committee Progressive Party Youth Progressive Party Youth Support Speaker First Team CricketHockeyChess National Youth Action- founding member and first Chairman

(Open)1 test score
United Herzlia Schools

United Herzlia Schools

2013 Matric Results of Herzlia ( United Hebrew day schools ,Cape Town ) by stephen Darori a 1980′s Alumni

2013 Matric Results of Herzlia ( United Hebrew day schools ,Cape Town ) by stephen Darori a 1980′s Alumni

United Herzlia Schools

United Herzlia Schools

Additional Info

  1. Interests

  2. Personal Details

    Birthday January 16, 1967
    Marital Status Single
  3. Advice for Contacting Stéphén

    Tel 0527234313. If not in Israel, by phoning these number, you will be transitioned seamlessly to an international SIM and will be stacked with other calls on hold. I immediately disconnect any cold calls . First engage me and the 3XC Global Partners’ Analysts with whatever you like by emailing me at my general email address or Hotmail is preferable. Txt message is preferable to voice mail..
    Postal Address: P.O.Box 41026, Tel Aviv ,6141001, Israel

    A Cute and a Silly Tongue in Cheek Postscript : In 1962 , Professor Ethel Drus ( my aunt, my father’s sister and three times winner of the Alexander Prize for History, the equivalent of the Mitchell prize for Mathematics) spent 3 months researching disintegrating Proclamations ( Letters Patent ) that had been traditionally handed down in the Drues/Drus family. I am the hereditary Baron of Kraków , ( hmmm , can’t help smiling) that was created in 1732 in an exchange for a very significant contribution by Drues of Mejzugola to the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth ‘s Monarch Budget . This custom was started by King Henry VIII of England Rich land owners were rewarded with Aristocracy Titles for significant contributions to the King’s Budget. I am also the hereditary Count Dziedreuszycka , the Ordynat of Poturzyca, Zarzecze, Kramarzowka, Markpol, Gluszyn, Wiry and Szczytnik estates. The Count was the eldest son of Drues of Mejzugola and was excommunicated from the family when he married a shiksa , the youngest daughter of the then Monarch . Like in France, German, Austria and elsewhere , aristocracy titles came to an end when the 2nd Polish Republic was created by the Treaty of Versailles. The first Count had no issues and the property was returned to the Monarch. The title passed down ?? At least theoretically. Now I am giggling. Both titles have nice Coat of Arms .The Count’s has a Star of David instead of a cross, a pointer to his heritage. Have a check at it.


  1. Co-Founder

    Start Up Nation Critical Canvas in the White Silicon City ( TVL) and Silicon Wadi

    Burt Kempner
    Burt Kempner
    Senior Writer/Producer

    I would implicitly trust Renaissance man Stéphén Dǻrori to help me navigate the often confusing realm of social media. He’s an expert on marketing and digital content, conversant on a wide array of business issues and a first-class communicator. As impressed as I am with the depth and breadth of his knowledge, I’m also taken by what a down-to-earth man he is. I recommend…more

    March 6, 2014, Burt was with another company when working with Stéphén at Start Up Nation Critical Canvas in the White Silicon City ( TVL) and Silicon Wadi

  2. Proud Supporter with a Touch of Charismatic Humour

    MIU Movement for Israeli Urbanism and other ideas ( sorry I am a reality check)

    J L Mealer
    J L Mealer
    Arizona Gubernatorial Candidate. Arizona revitalization/restabilization strategies, putting Arizona Industry on top.

    Stephen certainly appears to be the man for the position. That goes for just about any position because his background is very diverse and his skill set extraordinary.

    July 26, 2013, J L was with another company when working with Stéphén at MIU Movement for Israeli Urbanism and other ideas ( sorry I am a reality check)

    Paulo Azenha
    Paulo Azenha
    CEO & Founder da empresa DreamScanner

    Excellent partner for businesses and highly recommended. Responsible in their work and a nice person.

    July 26, 2013, Paulo was with another company when working with Stéphén at MIU Movement for Israeli Urbanism and other ideas ( sorry I am a reality check)

  3. Trustee

    Darori Foundation

    David Maeir-Epstein
    David Maeir-Epstein
    David Maeir-Epstein – Resource Development Consultants for Nonprofits in Israel

    Foundation Trustees are generally lay volunteers who are not necessarily expert in the funding areas. Stephen Darori is not your typical Trustee. His range of expertise in the area of Libraries is astounding and his approach is comprehensive rather than particular. By this I mean he thinks in terms of policy and impact as opposed to individual requests. He is forward…more

    August 3, 2013, David was with another company when working with Stéphén at Darori Foundation


  • Shaju MadhavanShaju Madhavan

    Business Adviser | Growth Consulting & Advisory | Operations Excellence | Business Transformation on Analytics

  • Ira KoretskyIra Koretsky

    The Chief StorytelIer® – Improve Sales, Marketing, and Executive Effectiveness | Consultant. Speaker. Trainer. Coach

  • Vipul KapadiaVipul Kapadia

    Managing Partner

  • Arthur GoldstuckArthur Goldstuck

    Founder and managing director at World Wide Worx

  • Dror ShakedDror Shaked

    VP Business Development at

  • D. Todd DollingerD. Todd Dollinger

    Chairman and CEO, The Trendlines Group. Managing Partner, Trendlines Venture Partners, L.P.

  • Moti MargalitMoti Margalit

    Entrepreneur, consultant and inventor

  • Ayla MatalonAyla Matalon

    Chairperson at Global Entrepreneurship Week IL

  • Lesleigh DrusLesleigh Drus

    Paralegal at Naomi Assia & Co. Law Firm

  • Rafi YahalomiRafi Yahalomi

    Economy Consultant at Family Fortune Ltd

  • Previous
  • Next





Stéphén (Drus) Dǻrori




Welcome to my Profile I am Stephen Darori on Facebook, Twitter,& many other places on the web.My previous surname was Drus ( Dziedrueszyck .in the 17th Century, Drus from 1856 amd Drus from 1907 ) It still is out of Israel. The American Family branch spell their name Drues. The English Family branch Druce. I hebrewaized my surname on 6th September 1986 to Dǻrori( דרורי in Hebrew, دا روري in Arabic). Dǻrori is a “Sparrow” in Biblical Hebrew. The “a’ and the acute accent was added in 1987 for Branding Purposes. Ahad Ha’am ( Asher Ginsberg) an early Hebrew Poet wrote , ” Cage a Sparrow and it will Die” and from here Eliezer ben Yehuda who revived the Hebrew Language added a metaphorical meaning for “Freedom” and “Liberty” .

A am an unconventional innovative multidisciplinary Leader, Marketing ,Project and Business Development Manager. I am not afraid to amicably step on toes to get things done swiftly ,on time and in the budget.Consensus is seldom painless.

Change provides opportunity. I am looking for a position based in Israel with a lot less travelling ,multifaceted preferably, in the fields of Digital Marketing & Business Development, Finance, Management & Content Engagement .”Marketing is all about Engagement. Engagement is all about Content”. I have a career that says I get things done & well within the budgeted timeline.It always seems impossible until it’s done.. A nice attribute is the ability to multitask to Manchester & back with a high degree of focus.My mind is terrifically organized mind & have a wonderful memory.I can digest vast amounts of information & cut to the chase quickly.Remuneration is not really an issue as long as it is not a disincentive .2-6 trips a month is the immediate reason.

If you are are on the Internet, you have zero Privacy. If also on Facebook certainly a lot less. Get Over It.!! If there is anything left about Stephen Darori that isn’t on the web,ask & I will put it there.

Threshold Curve Model

Threshold Curve Model

Bilski v. Kappos

Bilski v. Kappos

What is the most embedded picture in your mind with regard to terrorist and terror attacks in Israel? What is it like to live through an ...

What is the most embedded picture in your mind with regard to terrorist and terror attacks in Israel? What is it like to live through an …

Stephen Darori ( Photoshop Image )

Stephen Darori ( Photoshop Image )






Digital Posters Israel

October 2013 – Present (9 months)Israel

This enterprise centers around 10.9 kg a Remarkable Digital Poster Printer with threshold digital, nanotechnology and biochemistry. The paper cartridges are liquefied and during the printing process turns to a very high quality solid state of various thickness. No trees are downed to print anything on this remarkable invention. . Any image on the internet can be printed as a poster. Obviously the higher the resolution, the better the quality of the print. The operating system also enables low resolutions images to be upgraded to higher resolutions by patented technology..

Digital Posters will print on demand and has started compiling a large series of Andy Warhol Images of famous Jews on Israeli and other Stamps. If you are a Photo Shop expert contact me . I may have some work for you. I pay per image accepted and then about $1 for every poster of the image ( print on demand). The records of all images printed can be access on the Internet ( Cloud) whenever a participating artists wants. Payment for use of print on demand images is via Paypal..

Pro Bono Service Provider

Stephen Darori Pro Bono Publico

October 2012 – Present (1 year 9 months)Tel Aviv- Jaffa

I provide ProBono Publico Services in the field of Finance , Strategy, Digital Marketing and Branding to among others the following Organisation. Despite a long history of left wing social and civil activism in South Africa, the moment I stepped of the plane in Israel, the issue of National Security started predominating my view point in Israel along with my Zionist Heritage as a Revisionist . I was schooled in Betar, the movement founded by my Grandfather with Harry Hurwitz ( Johannesburg) and Meir Katz ( Cape Town) .I actively support the formalisation of an Israeli Constitution based on the two mothers of Constitutions. The American Constitution and the Magna Carta Libertatum. Almost every principle in these documents already exist in Israel either by Legislation, Decisions of the Supreme Court, Common Law or simply by untested precedent.

I give Pro Bono support to the following organisation and businesses
✔ Peres Peace House ( Center)
✔ Jaffa Christian Charity ( Their English Letter Writer- $387,000 raised in 2013)
✔he Jaffa Association for Charity Activities ( strange name for a huge organisation that has existed from 1865 )
✔ The Jaffa Center
✔Arab- Jewish Center for Equality, Empowerment and Co-operation
✔Matalon Arab Pastries .The CEO is a Christian Arab that never says no to providing the IDF Military Court in Jaffa and Military Prison with Sweet Arab Patisseries when ever they ask and want.

I reiterate that I support what these Organisations do but not necessary their political motives or stated politics..


Start Up Nation Critical Canvas in the White Silicon City ( TVL) and Silicon Wadi

May 2012 – Present (2 years 2 months)Israel

Startup Nation Critiical Canvas (A Lobby Group) in the White Silicon City ( Trade Marked by me that can be used by all) of Tel Aviv and Silicon Wadi.. Wwith most degrees per capita and within 2 graduations will lead the world.. Israeli Academia ( University Degrees , College Accredited Degrees ( I coined the the term (in 1992/3) ), and from some private academic institutions that meet the Education Ministries requirements, and Certification) are is not coming close to keeping up to the demand for skilled hitech personnel of that the Innovative and Entrepreneurial Start Up Nation needs them.Israel has so many MBA ( most in the Wold per capita) that they are a dime a dozen but few could set up a database in a Cloud.. Perhaps Peter Thiel ( Paypal, Facebook etc ) is right to suggest that Academc Degrees date within 18 months and they are not worth the investment t of time and money and nothing beats entrepreneurship with innovation and risk..The Start Up Nation Critical Canvas is trying to get the Israeli Government and all the related Ministries to allow non- Jewish highly skilled techies to come and work in Zion. These non Jewish high techies with pay taxes and other deductions like everyone else in The Start Up Nation, and enjoy all the benefits ( health in particular). The impediment to working in the Start Up Nation is the Israel ID ( Teudat Zehut ) number you are born and die with it and everything you pay for and get in return is linked to it. The Start Up Nation Critical Canvas dos not advocate citizenship for non Jewish Employers . We have no illusions we are up against the ” $120 Billion Club” lead by Mark Zuckerberg and he is also pitching ” citizenship “. Still Palo Alto is a far , far second to the White Silicon City with its zillion attractions.(Walking , Cycling, Beaches and Nightlife).Nothing beats been single in Tel Aviv. Join us an ping & pong,canvas & meet Government decision makers.The situation is critical , we must adapt or die (trying)

(Open)1 project
(Open)1 recommendation
  • Burt Kempner
    Burt Kempner
    Senior Writer/Producer

    I would implicitly trust Renaissance man Stéphén Dǻrori to help me navigate the often confusing realm of social media. He’s an expert on marketing and digital content, conversant on a wide array of business issues and a first-class communicator. As…View

Tel Aviv Vacations

Tel Aviv Vacations

Peter Thiel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Peter Thiel – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The IDF History Museum

The IDF History Museum

Stephen Darori - Stephen Darori's Photos | Facebook

Stephen Darori – Stephen Darori’s Photos | Facebook

Environmental Indicators

Environmental Indicators


Founder , Partner and Mentor

3XC Global Partners

January 2006 – Present (8 years 6 months)Europe particularly Berlin. Geneva, Paris, Barcelona, and Holland ,and Israel

3XC Global Partners (29 Partners) has different Global Partnerships that provide Micro and Macro Management, Finance, Marketing, Branding, Restructuring and Strategy advice ( hands in always)

Areas have I been involved in:-
As a Mentor and Lead Partner to Early Stage and Seed Start Ups , we set up Start ups according to Eric Weis’s Lean Start Up Philosophy and Stephen Darori’s Threshold Technology Curve Model for Start Ups and Investors ( with 12 Patents) which includes expert knowledge of Digital Marketing,Affiliate Marketing, Inbound Marketing ,Advertising ( Bid Optimization, Portfolio and Manual Management), Digital Branding, Product Development , Business Development , Financial Management and Control. 3XC Lead Partner in preparation of Marketing Plans, Competitive Analysis, R &D Project Plan, Next Stage Finance Strategy, Exit Strategy, Marking, Branding, Restructuring and Strategy Business Plan, Executive Summaries, Elevator Pitches. Documents are always prepared from the point of view of Investors, .

Position: Founder, Mentor and Lead Partner of different 3XC Global Partnerships. I am in the process of stepping down as the Managing Partner since the Group was founded. I have for the last year taken a far more central role in our Investment syndicates and especially Lecturing at Tech Colleges around the world . We have agreements with over 140 colleges world wide to provide . Lecture Series in exchange for permanent advertising on their campuses offering our services and finance .This is a wonderful arrangement and beats anything a website could do hands down.

(Open)1 honor or award

Proud Supporter with a Touch of Charismatic Humour

MIU Movement for Israeli Urbanism and other ideas ( sorry I am a reality check)

February 2005 – Present (9 years 5 months)Israel

✔ The Draft or equal time National Service at 18 ( after exiting school) for everyone living in Greater Israel , Jew, Christrian, Druze, Bahai, Samarian , Buddist , Bedouim. ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE , no matter your religion ( and who cares about your length of your beard) and political beliefs
✔A Constitution for Zion
✔1st Amendment I believe that any level of privacy on the Internet in 2013 is a complete Fallacy. If you are there, you are tagged to Timbaktu and back . Get over it and enjoy Social Media technology.
✔Startup Nation Critical Canvas in the White City in Zion. Nothing could be more important than this – Economic Development & will only happen at the same pace if the high tech industry can start legally employing non-Jewish techies without one of the boutique solutions in play. If they pay Income Tax & Bituah Leimi , give them all the rights but not citizenship
✔ Environmental Sustainability : Jewish Villages , Towns and Cities with plenty of land allocation , should be developed in the Shomron and Judea at an accelerated pace and more direct access roads and railways should connect the 340,000 Zionists in the area West of the Jordan River .
✔ Social Justice and Equality in the Israeli Society as long as Israeli security is not pressurized.
✔Rapid Transitioning of Israel Peripheral Poverty into the the Silicon Periphery even if we have to bulldoze Gaza into the Sea .. you simple can’t Zip Rockets at Zion .
✔Two States Solution … Israel and Palestinian State in Jordan which already has a 83% majority of Palestinian. ( most still unfranchised after 92 years in the Jordanian artificial Monarchy ) .I have never denied I am a Right Wing Rip Roaring Zionist. school in Betar and Zeev Jabotinsky ‘s Revisionist Zionism.

(Open)2 recommendations
  • J L Mealer
    J L Mealer
    Arizona Gubernatorial Candidate. Arizona revitalization/restabilization strategies, putting Arizona Industry on top.

    Stephen certainly appears to be the man for the position. That goes for just about any position because his background is…View

  • Paulo Azenha
    Paulo Azenha
    CEO & Founder da empresa DreamScanner

    Excellent partner for businesses and highly recommended. Responsible in their work and a nice person.View

MIU About in English

MIU About in English

Ministry of Environmental Protection

Ministry of Environmental Protection

Founding Partner, Mentor

Corporate Image Luxembourg

January 1998 – Present (16 years 6 months)Tel Aviv

Company now provides sophisticated Public relations and Crisis Management using Social Media largely and physical gimmicks imported from South East Asia . This separate division is the largest importer of made to order such gimmicks. Corporate Image Luxembourg evolved out of a once 50% holding with the late Kerry Capstick- Dale in what is now Corporate Image ( Pty) Ltd lead by Kerry’s widow Tamra Vervey.. Interest in Corporate Image (Pty) Ltd was sold in stages inthe mid and late 80’s to Kerry Capstickdale . Kerry dies in 2008 after a long illness. The company he founded with me has been lead ever since successfully by Tamra.

Corporate Image Luxembourg strives to be leading communications and public affairs consultancy.. Formed in 1987 and operating independently, it has been extensively involved over the years with the corporate FMCG, financial and industrial sectors in Europe and to a lesser extent in Israel.

In an Ipsos Markinor independent research survey into PR agencies , conducted amongst editors, deputy editors and consumer journalists in 2010, Corporate Image was rated in the top 5 PR companies in all categories, including overall professionalism, integrity, standard of press releases, understanding of clients and sectors, being proactive and providing service to clients.

The company has particular expertise in reputation research and management and corporate brand strategy, with a focus on corporate communications, media liaison, research, positioning strategies, crisis communications and issues management.


Stephen Darori Investments ( Paper emphenera, Postal History, Maps, Prints) ,

November 1997 – Present (16 years 8 months)Luxembourg, movedfrom Tel aviv for Tax Reasons.

I have been both a Buyer ( especially) and seller on eBay since early Noveber 1997 , shortly after eBay changed its name from AuctionWeb. In early 2000 I purchased two large colleections of autographed material including 8000 items related to Judaism and Zionism and have been leading the disposal with all proceeds going to Aguda Lemaan Hachayal – the Association for the Wellbeing of Israel’s Soldiers. ( LIBI Fund) The Darori foundation sponsors all the cost of postage of sales.

I currently employ a retired stamp and paper ephemera dealer who was based in Ahad Haam Street ( Pinat Allenby) to lead this charitable enterprise.All proceeds are donated to the Aguda Lemaan Hachayal are earmarked for physical items . The Darori Foundation and Darori Family Trusts never throw money in or at the bureaucracies of organisations. ( they are inherently inefficient and wasteful )


3XC Capital and Darori Capital Luxembourg

January 1990 – Present (24 years 6 months)Luxembourg

3XC Capital and Darori Capital Luxembourg invests in 3XC Global Partners ‘s Clients both at Start Ups and Revenue Growth stages. Darori Capital leads and participates in Closed Investment Syndicates.


The Warehouse Group – – Lets Go International

January 1990 – Present (24 years 6 months)Israel Greece, Cyprus ,Macedonia,Albania

✔The Warehouse Group Clothing Imports and Distribution Unit
✔The Warehouse Group Printed T-Shirt and Caps Imports and Distribution Unit
✔The Warehouse Group Publishing Unit
✔The Warehouse Gourmet and Kitchen Gadgets and Appliances Imports and Distribution Unit
✔The Warehouse Group Electronic Gadgets Imports and Distribution Unit
✔The Warehouse Group Publicity Gimmicks Imports and Distribution Unit
✔ The Warehouse Group Accessories Imports and Distribution Unit Unit
✔The Warehouse Group Indigenous Spices and Teas Importers and Distribution Unit
✔The Warehouse Group Jewelry Importers and Distribution Unit.


Darori Foundation

January 1988 – Present (26 years 6 months)Off Shore

Until May 2013 , the Darori Foundation supported Libraries and Special Collections in Israel only. In June 2013 it started an initiative to give ever child in Israel an Internet Device and a Free Internet Access Service. (100 mega down, ) . The Darori Foundation has in the past sponsored research into Digital Libraries and the translation of Wikipedia Articles ( and similar articles that do not claim a copy right) into Hebrew before Google Translate and Bing made that product redundant..The translation project was led by the ministry of education in Israel . The Darori Foundation financed dozens of translators..

3XC Capital holds the 12 patents , trademarks and copyrights related to the Threshold Technology Curve Model. Since 2010 the 12 patents have been making a PCT circuit and have increased exponentially by a double digit number. 3XC Capital also holds the trade mark “Darori”,”Stéphén Dǻrori” and “Thé Thréshǿld Téchnǿlǿgy Curvé Mǿdél ”

The Darori Foundation is financed by a series of 2nd, 3rd and 4th Generation Trust Funds and the living Trust of the current Chairman. .

(Open)6 projects
(Open)1 organization
(Open)1 recommendation
  • David Maeir-Epstein
    David Maeir-Epstein
    David Maeir-Epstein – Resource Development Consultants for Nonprofits in Israel

    Foundation Trustees are generally lay volunteers who are not necessarily expert in the funding areas. Stephen Darori is not your typical Trustee. His range of expertise in the area of Libraries is astounding and his approach is comprehensive rather…View

Darori Foundation Plaque0001

Darori Foundation Plaque0001

Peres Center for Peace

Peres Center for Peace

שיר בית"ר (זאב ז'בוטינסקי)

שיר בית”ר (זאב ז’בוטינסקי)

Zionist Archives - הארכיון הציוני

Zionist Archives – הארכיון הציוני

Children who regularly text message have BETTER English than those who don't (even if thy use txt spk)

Children who regularly text message have BETTER English than those who don’t (even if thy use txt spk)


Managing Editor

Israel Book Review ( South African Book Review)

January 1980 – Present (34 years 6 months)Tel aviv

The South African Book Review was founded by Stephen Drus ( now Darori) , the late Kerry Capstick-dale, Lizzy Bramford, the late Sarah Cullinan and Paul Groves in 1980. Edited from Capetown , it was published and distributed from London to avoid a banning order. In 1986 Paul Groves moved to London and the editorial office moved to London. In the same year the israel Book Review was started with funding from Sir Harry Oppenheimer and Gordon Wadell . ( Sir Harry’s ex son in law).

The Israel Book Review which has always been only a hard copy publication with no advertising with the philosophy of getting University Students and High School English students to detach themselves for 30 to 40 minutes from the Internet and the numerous tabloid format blogs ( many with spelling and grammar worse than mine) and read English Book Reviews Articles that avoid tabloid-ism. The IBR includes reviews of Philatelic, Scripolily, and other Paper Emphemera catalogs in every edition (1page).

Detach and give them something substantial to read.” has been the one line philosophy of the Book Review and previously the South African Book Review.for over 30 years. All book reviews carry links to the Amazon and the Publisher of the Books..

The Israel Book Review is published monthly in English. Once a quarter a double issue with a specific theme is published. The demand for such a hard copy publication has increased annually.Distribution is free on University Campus and some High Schools in Israel.

The Israel Book Review is sponsored by the Darori Foundation.

Journalist and Wikipedia Senior Editor ( like others on a honorary basis and it really is an Honor)

Wikipedia and Part Time Journalist

May 1972 – Present (42 years 2 months)Israel

“”Wikipedia (Listeni/ˌwɪkɨˈpiːdiə/ or Listeni/ˌwɪkiˈpiːdiə/ wik-i-pee-dee-ə) is a collaboratively edited, multilingual, free-access, free content Internet encyclopedia that is supported and hosted by the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation. Volunteers worldwide collaboratively write Wikipedia’s 30 million articles in 287 languages, including over 4.5 million in the English Wikipedia. “” I am the senior editor of 28 articles on Social Media, 12 on Zionism and Israel and 6 on Food and Cooking and 34 on diverse other subjects.

If you ask me whether I will assist you with the development of a Wikipedia Article. My answer is “Chas Vechalila ” … heaven forbid.!! I have always done so free.

I have been a part time journalist representing and filing for Time Magazine (1990′)s, Newsweek ( 1970’s to its demise) ,The Washington Post, Boston Globe, NY Times, WSJ, Handelsblatt, (Germany), The Economic Times (India),Financial TimesT ( UK) , Financial Mail( South Africa) , Cape Times and Argus,( both Cape Town) Until 1990 all remuneration from these activities were ceded to the International Defense and aid fund of Southern Africa and from 1990 to LIBI, the IDf Soldiers’ Welfare fund.

My South African Press Credential is 7864. I have had the number since 1972. From 1986 to 1989 it was suspended after I was detained repeatedly without trial in 1985/6. The Credential was returned to me officially when I met Nelson Mandela in Israel in October 1999.

My IAPP ( Swiss) Credential number is 8452 . I GPO Number is 98262( Israel)

IGT Cloud Summit DLD 2013 - Once a Year the Best Cloud Event in Town - כנס בתחום טכנולוגיה - אירועים - StartIsrael - פורטל היזמות הישראלי | TheMarker

IGT Cloud Summit DLD 2013 – Once a Year the Best Cloud Event in Town – כנס בתחום טכנולוגיה – אירועים – StartIsrael – פורטל היזמות הישראלי | TheMarker

Go4Europe Business Conference organized by Cukierman & Co. and Catalyst Fund - Home

Go4Europe Business Conference organized by Cukierman & Co. and Catalyst Fund – Home



SMS language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SMS language – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Howard Kerzner Internet Gaming and High Street Sport Betting Outlets Monaco .

October 1998 – June 2007 (8 years 9 months)Monaco

Company held On Line Gaming and Traditional High Street Outlets for Sport Betting in Europe especially in the UK. Howard ” Butch” Kerzner and his father holding company , “Sol Kerner Monaco Holdings” each held 38% and other Kerner’s siblings a token shareholding totalling 10% the balance held by me.

This was initially a joint venture between Playsis , and Butch 2003 I swapped my interest in Playsis for the holding in Butch Kerzner’s company.

Corporate Controller & Treasurer, Operating Manager of Multiple Divisions

European Investments

June 2003 – December 2006 (3 years 7 months)Europe

Commercial and Industrial Real Estate, Investments and Venture Capital
The now multi billion company was founded by Glasnost Billionaires who prefer that the company keep a low profile . The Company remains today largely a real estate company with almost no debt and a high cash flow from leasing commercial property .I filled multiple positions of increasing responsibility including Managing Director of its large High Tech Incubator ( based on principles different from those in Israel) and a High Tech Investment Manager and an Alternative Investment Manager. Some Positions were held simultaneously.

(Open)1 project
Oligarchs And Oligopolies: New Formations Of Global Power (Critical Interventions: A Forum for Social Analysis): Bruce Kapferer: 9781845451745: Books

Oligarchs And Oligopolies: New Formations Of Global Power (Critical Interventions: A Forum for Social Analysis): Bruce Kapferer: 9781845451745: Books

The Oligarchs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Oligarchs – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

European Investments Commercial and industrial Developments

European Investments Commercial and industrial Developments

CFO ( Director of Finance , COO and Administration)


January 2002 – May 2003 (1 year 5 months)Kibbutz Ketura

P&L Management, Budget and Control, Business Operations, Contracts and Legal Administration, Strategic Planning, Capital Fundraising, Site Management and Human Resources. Took this 4 year old start up that was hopelessly in a insolvent position to a very healthy balance sheep one year latter by reporting all the multiple CSO gransts it had received and optioned 2 additional ones and also reporting the $3.5 million Approved Enterprise it had also received, In I n January 2013 it was valued at over $80 when part of the controlling shareholding was sold.It is today the largest biocompany producing Astaxathin from the algae strain Haematoccoccus

Algachologies Techologies

Algachologies Techologies

CFO, COO and Administration

Queenco Leisure International Ltd.

October 1999 – April 2002 (2 years 7 months)Israel

I was the CFO of the Rescido Group then part of Queenco listed on TASE . The Group consisted of Real Estate Redeveloper, Investments in late stage start ups and an in house gaming start up with both Angels and VC Partners.(STI – Benny Steinmetz) The Real Estate Redevelopment Company was purchased by interests of Milamor (delisted from TASE) which have continued renovating buildings in the CBD of Tel Aviv to this day. Playsis received a substantial exit by selling its large and high quality email membership lists to interest belonging to Teddy Sagi. The investments in late stage High Tech company were taken over by Queenco interests.

Recido Real Estate Renovations and Building Company Ltd

Recido Real Estate Renovations and Building Company Ltd

Division Cost and Management Accountant


May 1996 – November 1999 (3 years 7 months)

Cost and Management Accounting, with emphasis on Standard Cost Accounting, Outsourced Subcontracting, Obsolescence & Reserve Accounting. Two of my models were later incorporated into other Manufacturing Divisions of 3 Com. 3 Com is now part of HP.

I joined 3Com Israel , very much downsizing my resume & making it fit with the position of Division Cost and Management Accountant. I jointed 3Com went the Finance Department was in its infancy and a shambles after 3Com placed an incompetent member of their Corporate Audit Team in the position of CFO . Nachman Shelef one of 3 Founders &d General Manager, appointed Daniel Slutzky ( an excellent choice) & after an expected bump ( first audit) , 3Com Israel achieved full marks in both Finance, Management, Product Marketing & initially R & D . 3Com Israel hit an annual sales rate of $250 million quickly after acquisition

3Com was the very first US Corporation to buy an Israeli Technology Company.It bought NCD ( Nice Computer Division ) from Nice Com when the unit had just Beta Switches and Routers for Large Area Networking Solutions ( also Metro and Wide). The cost was $59 million.

What Bruce Chefet did when he replaced Eric Benahou when he retired is still taught as a business case in Ivy League Schools as an example of Corporate Mismanagement- “downsize people not entire divisions”. The entire Israeli Division was closed as one of the very first things Chefets did when he assumed office in January 2000.It was disturbing that when I met Chefets & Benahou by chance in transit at Heathrow before he assumed office, he was already speaking openly about his plans to downsize divisions that weren’t completely profitable. In hindsight he was the very worse choice to replace Eric Benahou who had led 3Coms expansion for a decade chasing Cisco all the time and nipped at the heels by late comers to this sector like Germany’s Siemens.The purchase of US Robotics for $6 billion started the disaster ( Benahou didn’t get kudos) .

Division Finance and Costing Manager

Vishay Intertechnology, Inc.

January 1995 – June 1996 (1 year 6 months)Holon (Head Office) with factories in Dimona , Beer Sheva and Migdal Haemeck

Vishay had two distinct divisions, one manufacturing core subsidiary product lines ( Dale, Daloric, Roderstein) & the other basically every thing else.Vishay has aggressively pursued expansion by purchasing companies with product lines in play. They spun off the evolving threshold technology division, the R & D they were doing themselves .I was transitioning into the core subsidiary division.It is actually quite sad. The person I was supposed to replace knew he was terminally ill but told no one (& when you are with the company from the very first day, you can can push the transition period envelop out).My patience ran out after 18 months & he sadly died suddenly less than 2 months later .Had I known,I may have had endless patience. Nobody including myself made the observation he was ill & some worked with him from day 1.Other than obvious weight loss.

Vishay Israel is one of the most profitable companies in Israel .It was established by the late Dr Felix Landsman ( in France) a Holocaust survivor as a child ( in the partisan) a Great Zionist, Businessman.& very generous Yad Vashem supporter. It received grants to build its factories in Dimona, Migdal Haemek & Beer Sheva in a smaller magnitude as Intel. x employees should be employed by the factories & well busing 5000 employees to Dimona was logistically possible if people didn’t mind been picked up at 6am to start work at 6.45am , Didn’t happen so amicable trade off .Was not privy to all the details negotiated by the Treasurer & CFO but “very fair play in play” Dimona is a award winning massive glass structure designed for 5000 workers who also receive a substantial sit down lunch.

Vishay is one of the best managed Manufacturing.Companies,in Israel and on top of the logistic nightmare.All production is shipped to a distribution center overseas.

Vishay is a Fortune 500 Company. Vishay Israel produces over 120 million passive electronic components daily & employs over 8500 people on Israel.

Deputy Head Accountant for Revenue & Special Assistant to the late Director General of Ort Israel

ORT Colleges

January 1990 – December 1994 (5 years)Holon Head Office

Ort Israel Head Offices ( Schools and Colleges) Originally employed as Deputy Finance and Accounting in Charge of all income sources of ORT Israel, the largest independent school network in Israel and assistant to the Director General ,the late Israel Goralnick once deputy to Yigal Allon in the Palmach ( he lost n arm in the War of Independence) liaising and regularly reporting with a major Donors who in the course of my time at Ort built and furnished Ort College Henry Braude , Karmiel ( the first accredited college in Israel to award degrees) paid for entirely by Baron Sir Gerald Ronso and with a little arm twisting and a lot of public relations he went on to build and furnish completely 6 additional Ort Schools in Ashkelon , Ashdod , Osafeia a/ Dalet Al Hakarmel and elsewhere and set up a maintenance fund for each at my suggestion.( Out of the Box thinking) I was project manage for two very expensive IT projects and computerized other aspects of my function using advanced business models . MY final task was to start raising fund for the conversion of Ort Vocational School to High Tech Schools. A task completed by 2000. Monthly T/O of Ort Israel exceeded 2.5 billion shekels during the period I worked for there. I was also the Ort Israel Liaison with the World Ort Union in London.

IDF – Shalev Bet and then Mil’uim


December 1986 – February 1987 (3 months)Israel

Voluntary shortened Israel military service .In 1986 anyone who was older than 26 when they immigrated was exempted from IDF service.

First Lieutenant=> Captain=> Major=> Commandant until 1994 (Lieutenant-Colonel)

SADF=> Recce Commando, the Elite Commando of 11 Commando, 3rd Infantry Battalion

January 1975 – December 1976 (2 years)Diskopolos, Kimberly , South Africa

Angola : My “4 Citations , 3 medals ( 2 Campaign + Another), 2 Battlefield Promotions” Period . South Africa ( Defence Force) enters Angola on the side of UNITA against the MPLA , SWAPO and 25,000 subprime Casto Cubans. This was not a helicopter gunship war . In a bombastic “Apocalypse Now” ( the movie came later) helicopter gunship formation , South Africa launched a massive attack on the MPLA . In the open 5-10 minutes 7 SADF gunships were destroyed by 9K32 “Strela-2” shoulder fired Russian Missiles. Not another SADF helicopter again entered Angola . The 75 person Recce Commando ( the elite of the elite unit ) was paradropped 8 kms north of Luanda & told to proceed eastwards pulling the substand Cuban Battalions & some MPLA away from the coast & the protection of SAM 6 missiles around Luanda. I ran (circling back at night) across Angola & exited through Zambia .Entered as 1 of 3, 2nd Lieutenants, exited as a Major with 12 including 4 walking wounded.During this endless & now embedded nightmare kept saying that if I survive my first daughter would be called after the home base of the Recce Commandos . 20 years to the date I was discharged, my daughter Kim(berly) was born. Kimberly ( Big Hole of .fame) was the home base of 11 Commando.Honest to god truth, joined the Recce Commandos, & really expected to sit on my backside , suntanning, drinking beer & reading all the English Classics.This was a character building lesson in survival. The Recce Commando like 11 Commando originated during the Anglo Boer War.The Recce Commando first saw action at Spion Kop (Anglo Boer War)on 24th January 1900. 11 Commando was created by the British to counter the very mobile (mounted) Boer Recce Commandos & went toe to toe with the later during the Guerrilla War phase of the Anglo Boer War, November 1900 to May 1902 until the Transvaal Republic surrendered at Vereeniging on 31st May 1902. The agreement was signed ,by the Generals De Wet & Kitchener.

Apocalypse Now redux - Trailer - HQ

Apocalypse Now redux – Trailer – HQ

Stephen Darori Angolan Nightmare

Stephen Darori Angolan Nightmare

South African Special Forces

South African Special Forces

Test Scores

Stephen Darori

Score: 95

December 1978

Don’t quite get this section. Share Peter Thiel philosophy “Two years after billionaire tech investor Peter Thiel announced an experiment to pay bright high schoolers to drop out of college for $100,000, the Thiel Fellowship program hasn’t won over education leaders.”


Threshold Technology Curve Model(Link)

US Patent Office, US Trade Mark Office , Copyright

August 8, 2010

Stephen has a wide and rich experience in turning new technologies into viable start ups . He provide leadership and value for preseed and seed stage start up by leveraging his analytical, management, and organizational skills and and strategic planning but most of all his Threshold Curve Model which addresses directly what VC’s want to see in Business and Marketing plans and especially R & D…more

Honors & Awards

Beit Trust Scholarship

Beit Trust

January 1983

The Trust was initially set up in 1906 by the Will of Mr Alfred Beit, a brilliant financier and a director of the British South Africa Company with many interests including the development of Rhodesia’s railway system. In 1903 he suffered a stroke near Salisbury, Rhodesia, and died on 16 July 1906 in England at the age of 53, leaving much of his fortune bequeathed to a wide range of charitable causes. As a result of his close association with…more

University Blue Honour fo Student Leadership

University of Cape Town

Student Blues Awards are awarded to outstanding students in various disciplines including sport ( largely) and student leadership. I was very active in Student Councils, a student led Rag fund ( that is a small industry) that supports an entire free medical aid for Blacks ( and Coloured) A massive student charity and student politics ) + held youth leadership positions in the official White opposition party with a prominent presence on multiple…more

Region Chairman Western Cape Progressive Party Youth Committee=> Progressive Reform Party->Progressive Federal Party=> now Democratic Alliance

Democratic Alliance

January 1978

The Progressive Party transitioned to the Progressive Reform Party which became the Progressive Federal Party who are the Democratic Alliance to day. The Democratic Alliance (DA) is a political party in South Africa, which is the official opposition to the ruling African National Congress (ANC) at federal level, and the governing party in the Western Cape province. The DA is broadly centrist, though it has been attributed both centre-left and…more

National Chairman Progressive Federal Party Youth Committee => now Democratic Alliance

June 1981

The Progressive Party transitioned to the Progressive Reform Party which became the Progressive Federal Party who are the Democratic Alliance to day. The Democratic Alliance (DA) is a political party in South Africa, which is the official opposition to the ruling African National Congress (ANC) at federal level, and the governing party in the Western Cape province. The DA is broadly centrist, though it has been attributed both centre-left and…more

Founding Member and Treasurer Mass Democratic Movement (MDM) and United Democratic front ( UDF)

Nelson Mandela and Democratic Black Rule in South Africa

THE MDM was the first Massive Umbrella movement fof 400+ Free Mandela organisations. The mistake it made was electing a leadership , thereby giving it existence as an organisation that could be banned by the South African Government and that happen quickly. Immediately thereafter the UDF was “formed” with 500+ organisations on board . This time without an official leadership. “The United Democratic Front (UDF) was one of the most important anti-…more

First National Youth Action Chairman (and joint founder with Helen Suzman, Colin Elgin,Harry Oppenheimer and Dr Nthato Motlana

National Youth Action


National Youth Action was the first attempt at an integrated Youth Action Program for kids aged 15 to 18 in South Africa. The idea was to form racial integrated groups who would do volunteer communal work in communities that need such help. The first two groups became active in the Western Cape ( Gugeluto) and Pretoria ( Alexandra) . The South African Government did not like mixed integrated groups of kids , ” Cleaning up Slums” and eventually…more

Volenteer of the Month ( Civil Action Clean Up Project)

Municipality of Tel Aviv and Bat Yam, and local newspapers

Local Newspapers love my Civil Action ” Clean Up Project” and interviewing me is fun and full of humour and catchy soundbites. The following have givimg me awards for volenteering
✔HaMekimon Tel Aviv ( 3)
✔Yediot Tel Aviv
✔Yediot Bat Yam
✔Gal Gefen ( Bat Yam) (3)
✔Jaffa Christian Association Publication
✔Hashikma ( Bat Yam) (2)
✔Mabat ( Russian).
✔iMar ( Arabic-Christian (4)
✔ kul-alarab ( Arabic – Muslim Religious Council)
✔ Terra…more


Threshold Curve Model ( twelve separate aspects) in e Court Decision in terms of Bilski Versus Kappos, A Supreme Court Decision whereby it became possible to patent “Business Methods” ..

United States I will have to look for a hard copy of the patent numbers

Issued April 30, 2011

It took a decade for the Supreme Court to actually permit the patenting of Business Models and Methodology and was in good company with eBay….who tried and failed using different avenues to register the “on-line auction methodology” and were first in the que after this decision. TheThreshold Curve Model for start ups and early investors ,in start ups calls among many other things for the early…more

Trade Marks : Dǻrori ; Stéphén Dǻrori and Thréshold Téchnology Curvé Model

United States 735698545 through 67

Issued 2003

Dǻrori ; Stéphén Dǻrori and Thréshold Téchnology Curvé Modél are all registered Trade Marks and Patents in terms of bilski versus Kappos for multiple aspects of the Threshold Technology Curve Model. The trade mark s have a second trade mark series of numbers.


…Industrial and Commercial Centers at the outer periphery of up market residential areas with a metropolitan line entering below ground and doing a metro circle… we built many such centers and moved workers in the opposite direction

January 1990 – Present

…revolutionary … concept .. we moved many of the frustrated Central Busines District inhabitants in the opposite direction where they had no transport problems or parking issues … every building we built had excessive underground parking… the centers used rezoned country side and were green tech before the clique was coined.. They were planned to make the worker from factory to C level…more

3 team members
  • Stéphén Dǻrori
    Stéphén Dǻrori
    Unconventional Innovative Multidisciplinary Leader and Marketing, Project and Business Development Manager

The Peres Peace House Library(Link)

October 2013

The Darori Foundation has committed itself to filling the (Shimon) Peres Peace House with 1000 academic books in the next few years on subjects relative to the Centre . The Darori Foundation has never allowed politics to interfere with its “direct” donation policy. It never donates to the bureacracy of any organisation

3 team members
  • Stéphén Dǻrori
    Stéphén Dǻrori
    Unconventional Innovative Multidisciplinary Leader and Marketing, Project and Business Development Manager
  • No photo
    Orly Nabel
  • No photo
    Samantha Shmuel

Beit Ariela(Link)

May 2010

Beit Ariela Public Library and Cultural Center

Since 1922, Shaar Zion has been Tel Aviv’s main public library. The central branch is
now located in Beit Ariela, and holds a wide selection of books in a variety of languages
(Hebrew, English, French, German and more). In addition to the main reading hall, there
are small libraries specializing in different subjects such as Dance, Music,…more

2 team members
  • Stéphén Dǻrori
    Stéphén Dǻrori
    Unconventional Innovative Multidisciplinary Leader and Marketing, Project and Business Development Manager
  • No photo
    Moshe Patz

Bezalel School of Arts and Crafts(Link)

April 2008

stablished in 1906 by artist Boris Schatz as the “Bezalel School of Arts and Crafts”, Bezalel has evolved into one of the world’s most prestigious art schools.

The name Bezalel is synonymous with more than 100 years of Israeli art, innovation
and academic excellence. Bezalel’s unique strength stems from the numerous
breakthroughs it has been responsible for and its ability to respond and…more

3 team members
  • Stéphén Dǻrori
    Stéphén Dǻrori
    Unconventional Innovative Multidisciplinary Leader and Marketing, Project and Business Development Manager
  • No photo
    Zvi Armon
  • No photo
    Eva Ilous

Peres Archives at The Peres Peace House(Link)

September 2013

The Archive is continually growing as President Peres continues his career serving the State of Israel as President. On a daily basis the archive staff collect, categorise, register and preserve the many materials that are currently being produced surrounding the life and work of the President, from news articles about him or which he is quoted in, televised interviews, books and articles he…more

2 team members
  • Stéphén Dǻrori
    Stéphén Dǻrori
    Unconventional Innovative Multidisciplinary Leader and Marketing, Project and Business Development Manager
  • No photo
    Orly Nabel

Civil Action ” Clean Up Jaffa in the Neve Golan ( Jaffa Gimmel) and Neve Tamar ( Jaffa Dalet)” and the Amidar Bat Yam Neighbourhoods

March 2013

So there I was again on my daily 8 to 12 km walk/run when like Chicken Licken something fell on my head. No it wasn’t an acorn, it wasn’t the sky .. it was a bag of pach ( rubbish) . Some customs take a generation to die before it is expelled from immigrant embedded acceptable practice. and some still throw their pach from their windows into the road.

“What the hell”,I said to myself &…more

4 team members
  • Stéphén Dǻrori
    Stéphén Dǻrori
    Unconventional Innovative Multidisciplinary Leader and Marketing, Project and Business Development Manager
  • No photo
    תמיר ג
  • No photo
    Sebastian W.
  • Lisa Gamele
    Lisa Gamele
    In House Model at Michele Gamele Fashions

“Tarshis” Jaffa Arabic Municipal Library(Link)

May 2014

Housed in a dilapidated building in Mendes France Street, it was a wonderful surprise to find a spacious library actually been used . The Darori Foundation has committed itself to filling the English Children s section.

3 team members
  • Stéphén Dǻrori
    Stéphén Dǻrori
    Unconventional Innovative Multidisciplinary Leader and Marketing, Project and Business Development Manager
  • No photo
    Fatma Tourk
  • Lisa Gamele
    Lisa Gamele
    In House Model at Michele Gamele Fashions

The Libi Fund – קרן לב”י(Link)


All fees and other remuneration from activities as a journalist have been ceded to the Libi Fund since 1981.

eBay Platform
The sale of Autographs and signed documents and photographs ( liquidation stock Herzog Hollander Phillips & Co) has been ceded to the Libi Fund since the late 1990. The darori Foundation sponsors postage and packing to eBay buyers.

(Open)7 team members, including:
  • Stéphén Dǻrori
    Stéphén Dǻrori
    Unconventional Innovative Multidisciplinary Leader and Marketing, Project and Business Development Manager
  • No photo
    Ilan Tal
  • No photo
    Yehuda Bachar
  • No photo
    Dan Halutz


Independent Coursework

  • Maximize entrepeneural potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be
  • Impart management tools according to values of the manager (Among Others)
  • • Improve ability to lead and manage workforce. (Among Others)
  • Leverage managers to strategic thinking, vision, values and objectives (Among Others)
  • Derive from long-term objectives and work plans the annual budget. (Among Others)
  • Diagnose management and administrative capabilities. (Among Others)
  • Improve the ability to choose and hire the best talents (Among Other)
  • Determining how to write a Busibness Plan and other documents from what a potential investor wants to see (Threshold Curve Model)


  1. English, Hebrew

    Native or bilingual proficiency
  2. Dutch, Afrikaans , Flemish

    Limited working proficiency
  3. Hebrew Txt Spk

  4. English Txt Spk

  5. SMS Spk

Volunteer Experience & Causes

Head of the Ofarim Local Committee & then a member of Beit Aryeh Ofarim Munincipality

Beit Aryeh – Ofarim Municipalty

December 1999Economic Empowerment

-Head of the Ofarim Local Committee that ran the 250 family units in this settlement
-After the amalgamation of Beit Areh with Ofarim served on various committees including Chair of Finance Committee ( first task was to deal with a 17 million shekel accumulated deficit of Beit Aryeh that was not disclosed before the referendum. I did ask the question and the Internal Auditor had zippo idea of the…more

Opportunities you are looking for:

  • Joining a nonprofit board
  • Skills-based volunteering (pro bono consulting)


Darori Foundation


January 1982 – Present

The Darori Foundation supports Libraries and Special Collections in Israel and South Africa. The Darori Foundation has sponsored research into Digital Libraries and the translation of Wikipedia Articles ( and similar articles that do not claim a copy right) into Hebrew before Google Translate and Bing Translate nailed the Technology of Translating. .

The Darori Foundation is financed by Darori…more


California Institute of Technology Industrial Relations Center

The Caltech 10-Day Certificate Program at Pasadena, California, Project Management98

2005 – 2005

Master the critical skills of project management.

The skills develop during the program apply to large & small projects, product design and development, construction projects, IT projects, software development, and projects with critical performance, time, and budget targets.

Activities and Societies: California Dreaming Society:SunBeer and lovely Undergraduates..

Stephen Darori Caltex Executive Education Program- Prorect Management

Stephen Darori Caltex Executive Education Program- Prorect Management

File:Caltech logo.svg

File:Caltech logo.svg

Stanford Center for Professional Development

Project Manager Stanford Certified at Stanford near Palo Alto, Project Manager96

2004 – 2004

Stanford Advanced Project Management courses and certificate blend academic theory with the real-life processes, tools, management skills, and methodologies of IPS Learning (IPS) to empower individuals to become more effective leaders and team members and to strategically execute projects, programs, and portfolios.

Activities and Societies: Took a 10 day time out for a refresher academic course . Loved to walk and run round this Ivy League Campus ( and the undergraduates were very cute ) .

Sanford and California Institute of Technology Marching Bands

Sanford and California Institute of Technology Marching Bands

Northwestern University – Kellogg School of Management

Operations Management Week at Evanston, Cook County, Illinois, The Science of Lean Six Sigma Operations combines with Supply Chain Management Program

2003 – 2003

The Science of Lean Six Sigma Operations
Combines the business-flow framework with the science of lean and six sigma, enabling participants to make major improvements in their operations and service processes.

Supply Chain Management
Focuses on effective logistics strategies for companies that operate globally, and, in particular, on integrating supply chain components into a coordinated system that reduces system-wide cost and increases service levels.

Activities and Societies: Bird Watching: The Undergraduates were really Cute.

Northwestern University School of Management

Northwestern University School of Management

מרכז לימודים והכשרה Mercaz Limudim Vehaksara

Certificate in Sustainable Ecology and the Environment, EcologyEnvironmentand Creative Recycling100

2003 – 2003

The compelling reasons why Ecology and Environment are important subjects at degree level. First, the world is faced with profound environmental and ecological challenges.
Ecology is at the heart of this programme, with core concepts ranging from ecosystem structure and function to population dynamics. These fundamentals are complemented by applied topics including urban ecology, marine ecology, biodiversity and conservation biology, and new computer technologies such as Geographical Information Systems.

Activities and Societies: Visits and hikes all over Zion

Georgia Institute of Technology

MSc Computer Science, Computer Science ( database management and languages seldom used anymore)Cum Laude ( they were been generous)

1992 – 1993

This was the first “accredited on line degree” to be recognized by the Education Ministry in Israel. It was an experiment I undertook for the Pedagogical Department of Ort Israel. Assignments were submitted with a scaled down version of Wordperfect and an early Zip ( compression program) . The Internet quite frankly did not have enough broadband . Only half the assignments were submitted over the Internet , the rest bounced and were submitted by Courier Service. The Courses revolved round Database Management and Internet Technology which of course have come a long way since then. Among the languages also studied in this degree were Pascal, an early version of C , COBOL, RPG ( for the IBM AS 400) and Fortran and an early version of Basic .That constituted a high % of the then languages. Today there are 1000’s and many have been ported to and Linux. Part of the degree revolved round identifying viruses and there was even an exercise to actually write one =:)

Activities and Societies: None

Logo of the Georgia Institute of Technology

Logo of the Georgia Institute of Technology

University of Cape Town

MBA,MA, BCOM in Accounting and Economics, Accounting and FinanceWith Distinction

1978 – 1985

Started studing at the University of Cape Town and continued elsewhere.BCompt Hons ( UNISA), MBA ( Heriot Watts) ….. Quite frankly over the years have become a Peter Thiel supporter. Peter was a founder of among other companies, Paypal and an early 2% investor in Facebook. Peter like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg , Steve Jobs,Larry Ollison and others , l has no academic degrees. Peter is sponsoring 100 young entrepreneurs with $100K a year not to go to college but jump straight into a a high tech startup…. 93% of his 100 have raised follow in finance including matching finance from Peter Thiel … clearly he has a point.According to a survey by the University of haifa , “A MBA is a waste of time and hampers success ” Lior Zetel,The Marker , Business Publication, Wednesday 5th February 2014. The survey received considerable attention at the Davos Economic Summit.

Activities and Societies: Quite frankly over the years have become a Peter Thiel supporter. Peter was a founder of among other companiesPaypal and an early 2% investor in Facebook. Peter like Bill Gates,Mark ZuckerbergSteve JobsLarry Ollison and othersPeter Thiel has no academic degrees. Peter is sponsoring 100 young entrepreneurs with $100K a year not to go to college but jump straight into starting a high tech company . ( 88 have already raised follow on finance… Thiel is onto something)

(Open)2 honors and awards
University of Cape Town Coat of Arms

University of Cape Town Coat of Arms

Herzlia High School, Cape Town

First Class University Entrance Sort of like A Levels, MathsScienceAccountancyEnglish,Hebrew Afrikaans

Jewish education in a private school environment from the age of 3 to 18.

Activities and Societies: Regional Committee Progressive Party Youth Progressive Party Youth Support Speaker First Team CricketHockeyChess National Youth Action- founding member and first Chairman

(Open)1 test score
United Herzlia Schools

United Herzlia Schools

2013 Matric Results of Herzlia ( United Hebrew day schools ,Cape Town ) by stephen Darori a 1980′s Alumni

2013 Matric Results of Herzlia ( United Hebrew day schools ,Cape Town ) by stephen Darori a 1980′s Alumni

United Herzlia Schools

United Herzlia Schools

Additional Info

  1. Interests

  2. Personal Details

    Birthday January 16, 1967
    Marital Status Single
  3. Advice for Contacting Stéphén

    Tel 0527234313. If not in Israel, by phoning these number, you will be transitioned seamlessly to an international SIM and will be stacked with other calls on hold. I immediately disconnect any cold calls . First engage me and the 3XC Global Partners’ Analysts with whatever you like by emailing me at my general email address or Hotmail is preferable. Txt message is preferable to voice mail..
    Postal Address: P.O.Box 41026, Tel Aviv ,6141001, Israel

    A Cute and a Silly Tongue in Cheek Postscript : In 1962 , Professor Ethel Drus ( my aunt, my father’s sister and three times winner of the Alexander Prize for History, the equivalent of the Mitchell prize for Mathematics) spent 3 months researching disintegrating Proclamations ( Letters Patent ) that had been traditionally handed down in the Drues/Drus family. I am the hereditary Baron of Kraków , ( hmmm , can’t help smiling) that was created in 1732 in an exchange for a very significant contribution by Drues of Mejzugola to the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth ‘s Monarch Budget . This custom was started by King Henry VIII of England Rich land owners were rewarded with Aristocracy Titles for significant contributions to the King’s Budget. I am also the hereditary Count Dziedreuszycka , the Ordynat of Poturzyca, Zarzecze, Kramarzowka, Markpol, Gluszyn, Wiry and Szczytnik estates. The Count was the eldest son of Drues of Mejzugola and was excommunicated from the family when he married a shiksa , the youngest daughter of the then Monarch . Like in France, German, Austria and elsewhere , aristocracy titles came to an end when the 2nd Polish Republic was created by the Treaty of Versailles. The first Count had no issues and the property was returned to the Monarch. The title passed down ?? At least theoretically. Now I am giggling. Both titles have nice Coat of Arms .The Count’s has a Star of David instead of a cross, a pointer to his heritage. Have a check at it.


  1. Founder

    Start Up Nation Critical Canvas in the White Silicon City ( TVL) and Silicon Wadi

    Burt Kempner
    Burt Kempner
    Senior Writer/Producer

    I would implicitly trust Renaissance man Stéphén Dǻrori to help me navigate the often confusing realm of social media. He’s an expert on marketing and digital content, conversant on a wide array of business issues and a first-class communicator. As impressed as I am with the depth and breadth of his knowledge, I’m also taken by what a down-to-earth man he is. I recommend…more

    March 6, 2014, Burt was with another company when working with Stéphén at Start Up Nation Critical Canvas in the White Silicon City ( TVL) and Silicon Wadi

  2. Proud Supporter with a Touch of Charismatic Humour

    MIU Movement for Israeli Urbanism and other ideas ( sorry I am a reality check)

    J L Mealer
    J L Mealer
    Arizona Gubernatorial Candidate. Arizona revitalization/restabilization strategies, putting Arizona Industry on top.

    Stephen certainly appears to be the man for the position. That goes for just about any position because his background is very diverse and his skill set extraordinary.

    July 26, 2013, J L was with another company when working with Stéphén at MIU Movement for Israeli Urbanism and other ideas ( sorry I am a reality check)

    Paulo Azenha
    Paulo Azenha
    CEO & Founder da empresa DreamScanner

    Excellent partner for businesses and highly recommended. Responsible in their work and a nice person.

    July 26, 2013, Paulo was with another company when working with Stéphén at MIU Movement for Israeli Urbanism and other ideas ( sorry I am a reality check)

  3. Trustee

    Darori Foundation

    David Maeir-Epstein
    David Maeir-Epstein
    David Maeir-Epstein – Resource Development Consultants for Nonprofits in Israel

    Foundation Trustees are generally lay volunteers who are not necessarily expert in the funding areas. Stephen Darori is not your typical Trustee. His range of expertise in the area of Libraries is astounding and his approach is comprehensive rather than particular. By this I mean he thinks in terms of policy and impact as opposed to individual requests. He is forward…more

    August 3, 2013, David was with another company when working with Stéphén at Darori Foundation


  • Shaju MadhavanShaju Madhavan

    Business Adviser | Growth Consulting & Advisory | Operations Excellence | Business Transformation on Analytics

  • Ira KoretskyIra Koretsky

    The Chief StorytelIer® – Improve Sales, Marketing, and Executive Effectiveness | Consultant. Speaker. Trainer. Coach

  • Vipul KapadiaVipul Kapadia

    Managing Partner

  • Arthur GoldstuckArthur Goldstuck

    Founder and managing director at World Wide Worx

  • Dror ShakedDror Shaked

    VP Business Development at

  • D. Todd DollingerD. Todd Dollinger

    Chairman and CEO, The Trendlines Group. Managing Partner, Trendlines Venture Partners, L.P.

  • Moti MargalitMoti Margalit

    Entrepreneur, consultant and inventor

  • Ayla MatalonAyla Matalon

    Chairperson at Global Entrepreneurship Week IL

  • Lesleigh DrusLesleigh Drus

    Paralegal at Naomi Assia & Co. Law Firm

  • Rafi YahalomiRafi Yahalomi

    Economy Consultant at Family Fortune Ltd

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Yosef Abramowitz: The Sunshine President NOT A CHANCE


Unlike most Israeli businesspeople, who in recent years have favored staying as far away from the media as possible, it was actually easy to snag Yosef Abramowitz for an interview. This attribute is just one among a list of Abramowitz’s qualities relating to his professional background, family, openness and certainly in how he runs his business, which deviate from the norm among his peers.

Abramowitz, who immigrated to Israel from the US seven years ago, resides in Jerusalem’s Baka neighborhood with his wife, Rabbi Susan Silverman, and his five children, two of whom are adopted from the Israeli-Ethiopian community. My request for an interview was answered immediately with an invitation to come “get to know my family” and “meet people.” It emerged that every Saturday from early afternoon until three in the morning – “Then he goes to sleep,” laughs one of his daughters – the Abramowitz-Silvermans welcome friends and acquaintances to their home. On this particular Saturday, the guest list included friends from Abramowitz’s activist days with whom he demonstrated alongside demanding the release of Soviet Prisoners of Zion, against South African apartheid, in support of immigration to Israel of the Ethiopian community, and the list goes on.

In addition to Abramowitz, two of this group now live in Israel and own businesses: Yaakov Ner-David is an entrepreneur and co-manages Jerusalem Capital, which chalked up an exit with Delta Three (a startup that developed Internet-based telephony), and today is a partner in the startup Zula, engaged in group communications; as well as a Jezreel Valley winery at Hanaton). Eli Wurtman (shown beside Ner-David), a former partner in Erel Margalit-founded JVP, moved to Benchmark Capital and started the Bat Shlomo Winery. Wurtman and Ner-David, Abramowitz tells me, are the ones who convinced him to move to Israel and engage in entrepreneurship, explaining to him that the skills he had acquired as an activist are those needed to be a successful entrepreneur.

What exactly is the similarity between the two? Abramowitz explains that just as with social justice struggles, as an entrepreneur he exerts pressures on figures in the establishment, except now his motivation is to obtain permits for his energy projects, whether those in Israel with Arava Power Company (which he co-founded, served as president, and today serves on its board of directors and has a minor controlling interest); as president and shareholder of Gigawatt Global (which does business in Israel via Energiya Global of which Abramowitz is a controlling shareholder and serves as CEO); or advancing solar energy projects worldwide, the first of which, located in Rwanda, is slated to be connected to the Rwandan electricity grid this summer.

“I fought the Soviets”

Energiya Global’s offices in Jerusalem’s Talpiot neighborhood are cavernous and colorful, featuring rounded armchairs reminiscent of seating in Google’s headquarters. Photos of Abramowitz from his social activist days grace the walls, along with the Rwandan orphanage adjacent to where Abramowitz’s first solar field outside Israel is located, and the requisite giant world map with colored pins marking Dutch parent company Gigawatt Global’s projects around the globe. An outer area houses a vegetarian snack-bar as well as a washing machine “to launder the dishtowels. We’re green,” explained an Energiya Global partner.

The sun’s rays struck Abramowitz in full force when he arrived as a new immigrant to the desert community of Kibbutz Ketura in the searing heat of August 2006. He and wife Rabbi Silverman had just completed the adoption process of their second son, a response to their older son’s wish for a brother who “looks like him.” “Mainly we were looking for quiet,” Abramowitz said, explaining his unconventional choice of locales.

But the quiet they sought was short-lived. “The very first morning in the Arava, I realized how much sunshine there is, and I just couldn’t believe that Ketura wasn’t doing something with it,” Abramowitz recalled. “By day two, I ascertained that no one in the entire Arava or Negev had made moves in the direction of solar power and by day three I realized that no one in the entire country was doing so.”

Abramowitz enlisted Ketura member and businessman Ed Hofland in the solar campaign. Abramowitz had been in charge of the catering at Hofland’s wedding in 1983, when Abramowitz spent time at Ketura as a volunteer. Since then, Hofland oversaw the founding of several Southern companies, including Algatechnologies and Ardag.

Another partner was David Rosenblatt, a New York businessman who Abramowitz did not know, but like Abramowitz, had been a member of Young Judaea in his youth. Abramowitz explained the significance of the link: “We immigrants don’t have the networking that Israelis have from school and the army. Instead, we rely on our youth movement contacts.”

At the time, not only was there not a single solar field in Israel, but no permits for building them were even issued. “No one even knew where to inquire,” said Abramowitz. “It was both complex and costly. Al Gore believed that the cost would drop, and I believed him. I’ll give you an example: Our first business model stated that the price per installed megawatt was $8 million. When we built our first field at Ketura, it had dropped to $4.8 million per megawatt, and today it’s $2 million per megawatt. We were lucky – we got organized just as the prices were falling. When producing electricity was still cost-effective, we were poised to move.”

Yet the business environment was very skeptical. “They told me, ‘You’re a naive American, a kibbutznik. You won’t win this war.’ There was no way I was accepting that. I fought the Soviets, I was an expert at getting Jews released from Soviet prisons and helping them reach Israel. So I told the naysayers, ‘We triumphed over the KGB; we can’t manage to change a few Israeli laws?’ The Israelis thought I was crazy. We had to do battle with no fewer than 24 government agencies. It was awful. I thought it would take six months, and only when the six months were over with did Susan and I realize what a long trek it was going to be.”

How long, exactly?

“Five years of struggle.”

Did you consider giving up?

“I believed that ultimately Israel would do the right thing. Fortunately for me, I had smart partners. They took care of the business end, and my job was to lobby the relevant government agencies.”

Because of your social activism experience?

“Exactly. It really is similar. My social activism history worked in my favor. What? We can help thousands of Jews make aliya, but we can’t make solar energy happen? I had both the naiveté and the social activism in my toolkit. Together, they combined in a way that Kibbutz Ketura and David Rosenblatt recognized, and thank goodness we succeeded.”

Is it any easier to work in Africa?

“Our first round of raising capital (for Arava Power) was among friends and family, in the U.S Here in Israel, we came up empty,” recalls Abramowitz, despite having asked for only $25,000-$50,000 from each investor. Everyone was cynical.

Having no alternative, Abramowitz crossed the Atlantic four times to conduct rounds of raising capital, which yielded $3 million. A significant turning point occurred in 2009 when Siemens invested $15 million in the venture. JNF subsequently invested $3 million, and Bank Hapoalim (TASE: POLI) extended an NIS 80 million loan for the first field. Today, $300 Million is invested in Arava Power, raised from 120 investors. The controlling shares were divided between Siemens (40%), JNF (10%), and Abramowitz, Rosenblatt, Ketura, and a group of Jewish-American investors, each having a few shares respectively. “They’re all quite pleased today,” Abramowitz said. “Arava Power had modest value, and now it’s less modest.” Abramowitz prefers not to name the value explicitly, but estimates put it at tens of millions of dollars.”

OK, but that’s on paper. Usually, investors are pleased when they get their dividends or when their stocks jump in value.

“At the beginning of next year, we anticipate dividends, and naturally the company’s value increases every time we throw another switch.”

Have you considered an IPO?

“I’m not making any commitments, but I will say that Ed Hofland (today chairman of Arava Power) and David Rosenblatt (deputy chairman), along with the team, are checking out many options of how to move forward in such a way as to benefit our investors. They know what they’re doing. I know how to zero in on a market very early – sometimes even before the market knows it’s a market – and how to develop it. But it was and is hard work, as we don’t have a horizon today for future fields.”

And why is that?

“While Arava Power has nearly 50 projects in the pipeline on which we’ve signed, on a total scale of a billion dollars, solar quotas have not yet been issued. I’m talking about 50 property owners: kibbutzim, moshavim, Bedouin tribes – but the state still doesn’t have a framework for issuing licenses for them. And that’s unacceptable. We played by the rules, and the state is always changing the rules on us.”

How are you trying to change this?

“For example, the entire industry is built on a first-come, first-serve basis. Arava Power has a lot of money riding on our ability to set up many projects in a row. But now the state won’t guarantee that we can do so in the future. How can this be? Are we a banana republic, or a bona fide country? In Africa, they decide something, and they do it. In Israel, we manufacture uncertainty. That’s why only 2% of our energy is renewable. It’s disgraceful.”

And in Western Europe, for comparison’s sake?

They have a target of 20% by 2020. Germany and others have already reached it. Israel’s target for 2020 is 10%.

Today Arava Power holds 23% of the solar permits in Israel, and is the largest of the permit-holding developers. It’s a signatory to an agreement to supply energy to the Israel Electric Corporation (IEC) (TASE: ELEC.B22) with a 20-year commitment. The price paid for electricity has fallen, along with the cost of solar panels. In the beginning, the electricity regulator agreed to pay NIS 1.50 per kilowatt-hour, and then it went down to NIS 1 and now a lot less. The Ketura field supplies five megawatts. The fields at Yotvata, Grofìt, Eliphaz, Maslul, and Shoval, all slated to link up to the electricity grid in two months, will together supply an additional 35.5 megawatts.

Weren’t there problems with the Israel Electric Corporation?

“They need a lot of energy; they weren’t the obstacle. The obstacle is on the regulatory side. There’s no horizon for entrepreneurs and investors, and that’s a serious problem. I must add that our difficulties here toughened us up to face the world market. When we look at Africa, and everyone’s saying ‘Impossible,’ we tell them, ‘Compared to Israel, it’s a piece of cake.’”

It’s really that easy?

“The risks differ, but because of our success in Israel, we’ve learned how to deal with nearly every obstacle and how to reduce risk. We brought to Africa everything we learned from our struggles in Israel, and we saw that we have an edge, and thank goodness, we’re continuing the dream.”

Orphanage in Rwanda

The dream is coming true in Rwanda, where in a few months Gigawatt Global’s solar field at the Agahozo-Shalom Youth VIllage will be connected to the country’s grid at a cost of NIS 85 million. The field will supply 8.5 megawatts, or 8% of Rwanda’s generation capacity. Further investments in Africa are planned worth a billion shekels.

“The best investors in the world are funding it,” said Abramowitz proudly, among them the US government (as part of an Obama-backed African aid program), which invested the relatively modest sum of $400,000. A comparable amount was invested by the European Union through a similar program, in addition to other socially-oriented business entities: Norwegian development finance institution Norfund, Norwegian-headquartered Scatec Solar, Dutch development bank FMO and the Emerging Africa Infrastructure Fund (EAIF).

“When we began building the field at Ketura, various entrepreneurs and government representatives approached us and asked us to help them launch similar projects. Over two years, we checked out 75 countries. I don’t believe there’s another company in the world that’s carried out such thorough studies. We wanted to understand whether we had an edge outside Israel.”

The choice of Agahozo-Shalom was not coincidental. The late Anne Heyman, who had been a Young Judaea friend of Abramowitz, worked from 2006 until her recent death raising money for the orphanage, which she founded against the backdrop of the genocide in Rwanda in 1994. At a certain stage, Heyman proposed that Abramowitz use Agahozo-Shalom’s land for a renewable energy project so that the village could earn some money from renting the land for a solar field.

In the division of labor between Energiya Global and Gigawatt Global, it is Energiya Global that raises seed capital and conducts feasibility testing for Gigawatt Global, which finances and builds the fields. The Rwanda project is headed by Chaim Motzen, a partner in Gigawatt Global and a graduate of Harvard Business School, as well as an African project veteran. Motzen related that when he joined forces with Abramowitz, the idea was for him to look for opportunities in Africa. In doing so, Motzen evaluated seven or eight countries.

Why Rwanda?

“A few reasons. First, they need the energy.” said Motzen. “Today they have 113 megawatts divided by a population of 11 million. In contrast, Israel has 13,000 megawatts divided by a population of 8 million. Only 18% of Rwandans even have electricity. Secondly, half of Rwanda’s energy is produced from diesel, which is both costly and pollutes. Thirdly, Rwanda is business-friendly. We deal with honest, professional people and we found good partners there.”

The process began moving at a rapid, distinctly non-Israeli pace. Motzen went to Rwanda in March 2012, and at the end of that year he submitted a feasibility study to the Rwandan government. In January 2013, the Rwandans approved the plan and last summer an agreement was signed committing the Rwandan government to purchase the Gigawatt Global-produced electricity for 25 years. The field is under construction and is scheduled to be connected to the electricity grid this summer.

“Our advantage is in our being the first,” Abramowitz explained. “We’re staking a claim in East Africa, West Africa, South Africa and in various islands around the world. The same holds true with Arava Power. We were first. Others learned from us and came in [a reference to Shikun U’Binui and Paz Solar, who followed Arava Power with projects of their own]. Now we have to move quickly in order to build in other locations in Africa, before others come in and do so.”

Abramowitz recently returned from a conference hosted by billionaire Richard Branson on his Caribbean island estate in which 10 heads of state attended. Energiya Global committed to investing $50 million in solar energy in the Caribbean. “The petroleum, gas and coal companies write the rules of the energy game and profit from them,” said Abramowitz. “They produce electricity, but they destroy the planet in the process. So we come in with a productive, natural technology and show that there’s a better way. What Google did for the search engine, we’re doing for solar energy.”

Activism is his middle name

Abramowitz, 50, was born in New York. When he was five, his parents moved to Israel. Then in 1972, when he was eight, they moved to Boston. After earning a master’s degree at Columbia University, Abramowitz gravitated toward social activism. As part of his opposition to apartheid, he met Susan, a New Hampshire native and sister of comedian Sarah Silverman, who’s also an investor in Abramowitz’s energy ventures. Through his sister-in-law, Abramowitz met with President Shimon Peres, who “is quite fond of Sarah”. Incidentally, another of Abramowitz’s investors is actress Keren Mor.

In the years preceding his move to Israel, Abramowitz earned a living from a multimedia company that built Jewish-themed websites, among them for the late Edgar Bronfman, as well as the site for Birthright, which Bronfman’s brother Charles founded together with Michael Steinhardt. Susan served as rabbi of a congregation and after moving to Israel, she joined Women of the Wall and was among the leaders of its struggle for equal worship rights at Judaism’s holiest site, which led to her arrest last year. The family likes to talk about Susan being named the not-so-clergy-appropriate title of one of the World’s 10 Sexiest Rabbis by a Jewish-oriented website Jewrotica.

In 1998, after Israel announced that it would no longer accept Ethiopian Jews, Abramowitz flew to Ethiopia and organized a mass group photograph of Jews to demonstrate how many were waiting to make aliya. In the wake of that photo, Israel reopened its gates. Amid the backdrop of his struggle on behalf of the Ethiopian Jews, and after becoming the biological parents of their two older daughters, Yosef and Susan decided to adopt an Ethiopian child. “When you visit a country like Ethiopia, you see poverty, you see need. So adopting an Ethiopian child was the natural decision.”

Rewinding to Abramowitz’s activist days, in the 1980s his struggles were mostly on behalf of Soviet Jewry, including demonstrations simultaneously organized by Abramowitz in 23 countries to “Let My People Go.” Abramowitz himself demonstrated in Washington D.C. and was even arrested. During this period, he also went on a two-week hunger strike in solidarity with Prisoner of Zion Alexei Magarik, who was released in September 1987.

Next, Abramowitz led the struggle to bring the remaining Ethiopian Jewish community to Israel. Among other accomplishments of note, he collected 35,000 signatures on a petition and submitted it to the Ethiopian Vice President at the time.

At the beginning of the 1990s, Abramowitz was active on behalf of aliya of the remaining Yemenite community. In the mid-1990s, he went back to working on behalf of the Ethiopian community, including pressuring the Israeli government to bring them to Israel. He’s also proud of his opposition to South African apartheid, which included organizing boycotts and protests.

The Better Place debacle

In 2012, despite the honor of CNN naming Abramowitz one of six global Green Pioneers, his efforts to break through the “green ceiling” by purchasing bankrupt electric vehicle venture Better Place failed. For the purposes of the purchase, Abramowitz formed Green EV with the Association of Electric Car Owners, which after Better Place’s liquidation won receivership of Better Place, and even managed it for a short time. Ultimately, though, the courts closed the business due to non-transfer of monies owed by Green EV. Green EV’s investors then filed suit against the special managers of Better Place.

“It was my first failure in 30 years,” said Abramowitz, claiming that the liquidators violated the agreements and are obligated to refund all the monies transferred. “If the court rules in my favor, and compels the vehicle owners to pay what they owe (for changing and charging batteries during the period that Sunrise was in charge of Better Place’s dealings), I’ll be a free man. I was the green Zionist sucker who got into it not for the profits, but rather to help the electric car drivers.”

So what happened?

“I know how to raise capital for good, pioneering green business. I proved myself in Arava Power, and I came through in Africa. I succeed when I have a reliable, professional, supportive governmental partner. I had investors for Better Place, but it was conditional upon one thing: that we get all of Better Place’s assets. As far as I was concerned, it was a mission, a calling, and I also committed to donating any profits I might accrue to environmental protection causes. I had investors whose investments were conditioned upon our getting all of the assets.

“Every time we went to pick up our cars at the port – 350 vehicles – the Transport Ministry stopped us. The investors began to get suspicious, then the liquidators asked for money as per the promised payment schedule. I had the investors, but they said they’d put down the money when we received the cars. Then the liquidators went to court, blew the top off the whole thing, and forfeited the best offer they’d ever get, a deal that would have covered the debts of many of the creditors. Ultimately, they got mere pennies to pay the creditors, to Israel’s disgrace.”

The Central District Court in Lod rejected Abramowitz’s claim and permitted the special managers to distribute the guarantees given by Green EV to the deal. Judge Ilan Shiloh ruled that special managers’ attorneys Shaul Kottler and Sigal Rosen-Rechev worked intensively to aid the company in releasing the cars, yet it was Green EV that failed to handle their release and the responsibility therefore was at its doorstep. In February, Abramowitz appealed to the High Court of Justice.

“What’s up with that?” Abramowitz exclaimed. “Who pays for assets not received? What happened is that the state wanted to kill off Better Place regardless of who owned it. And the state succeeded. I came here to restore Israel’s reputation in cleantech – and it could have happened – but meanwhile they killed Better Place. What? Abramowitz doesn’t know how to raise capital? Can’t raise NIS 25 million for Better Place? We raised NIS 85 million for our project in Africa. When I have a partner, a reliable, professional country working with me, I can raise capital. I admire the Rwandan government’s professionalism far more than the amateurishness of ours regarding Better Place.”

But despite the amateurishness, you’re staying and continuing to do business.

“At the end of the day, I’m a Zionist. It’s important to me that here, in Jerusalem, we help the investors profit. I look for four bottom lines: One – investors. Our investors are very smart. Two – humanitarian social values. Three – environmental values. Four – boosting Israel’s reputation. And it’s beautiful when we succeed.”

Wants to be president

The public struggles waged by Abramowitz began in his student days in Boston, in the mid-1980s, after being elected chair of the World Union of Jewish Students and leading it in various struggles. Today, though no longer involved directly in activism, Abramowitz says the next position he wants – despite its being apolitical – is to be President of Israel.

President? Isn’t that a long shot?

“There’s a huge gap between the expectations of Israelis and the Jewish World and what we look for in a President. I fear that someone else similar to Moshe Katzav will come along. Great thanks to Shimon Peres, who restored honor to the position. My friends believe there’s room for changing the public discourse through the Presidency.”


Europe Tries To Censor Google


  • A public legal battle between an embarrassed Spanish citizen and Google has led to the EU Commission’s ruling Google must comply with requests to take down personal data.
  • Google could be flooded with these requests—too many to handle at present.
  • Given lackluster results YTD, along with expensive acquisitions, investors should consider taking some profits if Q2 results continue the tough trend.

Recently, Mario Costeja González, a Spanish citizen, requested Google (GOOGGOOGL) not show links to certain newspaper notices dating back to 1998. The links involved an embarrassing tax episode for Mr. González, which resulted in the auctioning of his house. The issue has long since been resolved.

Gonzalez took the case to the European Court of Justice (the EU’s highest court). Surprisingly, the court replied on May 13th that Google should comply with Gonzalez’s request.

This comes in the wake of free speech issues for online platforms, such as Twitter (TWTR).

Results of the Ruling

The ruling, which is at the moment unable to be appealed, has started a wave of internet panic.

Google has labeled the ruling “disappointing.” Activists The Open Rights Group see a serious threat to online free speech platforms. The group fears that censorship could become a regular occurrence if search engines are routinely forced to delete links to public content.

As for Google, it does not have to stop providing links to personal information – only to information that is “inadequate, irrelevant… or excessive,” for which no significant interest exists for the public. Google can also reject a request to remove a link; however, if it does, the petitioner can then turn to the local data-protection authority, followed by the courts.

A Google Of Worries

Google is concerned that now it will now be swamped with requests to remove links. The company currently handles over 90% of online searches in Europe, and there is no limit to the number of people who could claim unfair representation. Link deletion requests have significantly increased since the ruling.

Google is also concerned that the stress of trying to balance privacy rights against freedom of information will be a difficult and costly undertaking. No clever algorithms yet exist for this. The cost of streamlining and developing the process for rejecting or accepting requests could significantly impact the company’s bottom line.

In a statement, the company stated:

“… this is logistically complicated – not least because of the many languages involved and the need for careful review. As soon as we have thought through exactly how this will work, which may take several weeks, we will let our users know.”

Some suggest the simplest and cheapest option might be for the Internet search company to automate the takedown using simple forms, and deal with public interest implications second.

Currently Contained In The EU?
At this time, the court’s ruling will probably only apply to searches executed and shown in Europe and to European citizens. However, if an antitrust investigation is initiated and settled by the European Commission, Google could find itself with a different look in Europe than in America.

Wires Crossed For Google Investors

This ruling, following rumblings of free speech concerns over Twitter from the Turkish government, certainly signals a growing concern for online information giants. In the wake of this growing trend, it would likely behoove Google to anticipate additional, similar privacy requests from the public – users, governments, even institutions (even companies and financial institutions).

Google’s lackluster Q1 results, along with difficulties keeping up with competitor Amazon (AMZN) in the cloud computing arena and expensive acquisitions, have some investors concerned about the company becoming unwieldy.

(click to enlarge)


Q2 results could clarify if now is a time for investors to take some profits – at least until scuffles with foreign governments subside.

Those interested in joining the discussion on Google should click the +FOLLOW button above the title of this article.

Israel successfully tests anti-missile system for commercial planes


The Sky Shield system integrates laser technology with a thermal camera to protect aircraft against missiles fired from the ground.

A simulation of the Sky Shield system.

A simulation of the Sky Shield system. Photo by Elbit Systems

Israel has successfully completed final testing on a system that protects commercial planes from missile attacks, the defense ministry announced on Wednesday.

Testing of the Sky Shield system was “100 percent successful,” according to Brig. Gen. Eitan Eshel, head of research and development at the ministry.

The system integrates laser technology with a thermal camera to protect aircraft against missiles fired from the ground. It deflects missiles fired at aircraft by changing their direction.

Eshel did not reveal when the system, under development for about a decade, would become operational, though he said that it would be deployed on all Israeli civilian aircraft. A contract has already been signed with El Al, he added.

The testing was conducted in the south of the country by the ministry’s Administration for the Development of Weapons and Technological Infrastructure, together with the Civil Aviation Authority and the project’s lead contractor, Elbit Systems

The ministry described the system as “the most advanced of its kind in the world, designed to secure the aircraft automatically.” It added that the system integrates advanced search and evasion technologies that “meet the most rigid standards of civil aviation.”

Islamic militants fired two surface-to-air missiles at an Israeli charter plane shortly after take-off in Mombasa, Kenya, in 2002. The missiles missed their target but spurred an Israeli effort to improve countermeasures.

Patriarch Bartholomew


Pope Francis and Constantinople Patriarch Bartholomew attend a ceremony in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, in Jerusalem Patriarch Bartholomew, the man behind the pope’s mission It all started when Patriarch Bartholomew attended Pope Francis’ investiture last March. If anyone gets credit for bringing Pope Francis I, leader of the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics to Israel this week, it is All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, spiritual leader of over 300 million Orthodox Christian faithful worldwide. It all started when Patriarch Bartholomew attended Pope Francis’ investiture last March – the first time that a spiritual head of the Orthodox Christians has attended such a papal inaugural Mass since the great Schism in 1054. Seeing as the moment was historic, Patriarch Bartholomew went one further, suggesting a joint religious road trip of sorts to Jerusalem — to mark and celebrate the reconciliation between the two churches fifty years ago. And so it came to pass that — following in the 1964 footsteps of their predecessors Ecumenical Patriarch Athenagoras and Pope Paul VI – Pope Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew touched down in Israel this week– two very senior pilgrims on a joint mission of peace. The two leaders are scheduled to meet no less than four times during Sunday and Monday. On Sunday they held a private meeting, and also joined together for a service of thanksgiving– along with the Armenian Patriarch– at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. On Monday they are scheduled to sign an as yet undisclosed joint declaration and finally, on Monday evening, they will meet at the Mount of Olives and end their two day pilgrimage with, it is expected, a hug. Or, as it is called in these circles, a fraternal embrace of the kind depicted on the official logo for the papal visit of the Apostles Peter and Andrew, patron saints of the churches of Rome and Constantinople. On Sunday, just a few hours before Pope Francis’ helicopter arrived at Ben Gurion airport, a diverse group of religious leaders gathered, under the auspices of the American Jewish Committee, to officially welcome Patriarch Bartholomew, who arrived from his home in Istanbul two days earlier, together with a 68 person strong international delegation. Rabbis of all shapes and stripes filtered into the banquet room at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem, to be welcomed by AJC’s International Director of Interreligious Affairs David Rosen. Everyone from Chief Rabbi David Lau to Europe’s chief rabbi emeritus Rene Sirat to Rabbi Levi Weiman- Kelman, the spiritual leader of Jerusalem progressive Judaism congregation Kol Haneshama were on hand. The room, which just a few hours ago was filled with tourists in shorts and flip flops, deliberating between the omelets options at the breakfast buffet – was now spruced with flags and banners. Bishop Nektarios and Bishop Dimitros from the Greek orthodox patriarchy in Jerusalem, all in black, were in one corner chatting away with British based Sikh leader, Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singh, all in white –while Shaykh Abd al-Wahid Pallavicini, President of CO.RE.IS. (Islamic Religious Community) in Italy leaned in so as not to miss out. Meanwhile, Patriarch Bartholomew’s delegation seemed just as diverse and colorful as the group welcoming them. Members of the delegation, noted Michael Karloutsos, the Patriarchal trip director, were not only prominent Greek Orthodox and other Orthodox church leaders, but also Catholics, Muslims and Jews from around the world – a symbol and sign of Patriarch Bartholomew open-minded and inclusionary style and vision. And indeed Patriarch Bartholomew’s almost 25 year tenure as the “the first among equals” among the Eastern Orthodox has been characterized by both inter-Christian and inter-religious dialogue, as well as efforts to promote human rights and religious freedom. Archbishop Demetrios, the current archbishop of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, and John George, a well known New Orleans businessmen and Greek Orthodox philanthropist, as well as Muhtar Kent, a Turkish-American Muslim who is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The Coca-Cola Company, and a supporter of the Patriarch Bartholomew, were among the notable delegation members. Addressing those gathered, Patriarch Bartholomew indicated he had high hopes for the visit. “In 1964, Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras, two men with open hearts and a vision for unity, met on the Mount of Olives. Something wonderful between Catholic and Orthodox Christians happened then,” said Patriarch Bartholomew, “ . . . and something greater could happen now.” “This week could be the beginning of a consultation, or a dialogue, or even an understanding that is greater than ourselves and our shared history. We could learn from one another, and recalibrate our relationships to transform the future.”

Stéphén (Drus) Dǻrori with Mahatma Gandhi


“Seven Deadly Sins

Wealth without work
Pleasure without conscience
Science without humanity
Knowledge without character
Politics without principle
Commerce without morality
Worship without sacrifice.” 
― Mahatma Gandhi


Stéphén (Drus) Dǻrori

Social Media Mentor-Digital Marketing is all about Engagement. Engagement is all about Content.


Investment Banking


  1. Digital Posters Israel
  2. Stephen Darori Pro Bono Publico
  3. Start Up Nation Critical Canvas in the White Silicon City ( TVL) and Silicon Wadi


  1. Howard Kerzner Internet Gaming and High Street Sport Betting Outlets Monaco .
  2. European Investments,
  3. Algatechnologies


  1. California Institute of Technology Industrial Relations Center


Contact Info



Welcome to my Profile I am Stephen Darori on Facebook, Twitter,& many other places on the web.My previous surname was Drus and still is out of Israel. Dǻrori( Drori) is a “Sparrow” in Biblical Hebrew. The “a’ and the acute accent was added in 1987 for Branding Purposes. There are no other “Darori”s on the Internet at the moment ( other than my immediate family in Zion.).

I am an Open Networker. Do send me an invitation to connect to Linkedin. I will never IDK an invitation.Please bear in mind that 1st degree contacts are of little value without a follow up email on possible synergy.

I am a Marketing Content Engagement Publisher, Mentor, Lecturer, Author, and Hands on Doer. 

I am looking for a position based in Israel with a lot less travelling ,multifaceted preferably, in the fields of Digital Marketing & Business Development, Finance, Management & Content Engagement .
“Marketing is all about Engagement. Engagement is all about Content”. I have a career that says I get things done & well within the budgeted timeline.I have an ability to Multitask to Manchester & back with a high degree of focus.My mind is terrifically organized mind & have a wonderful memory.I can digest vast amounts of information & cut to the chase quickly.Remuneration is not really an issue as long as it is not a disincentive .2-6 trips a month is the immediate reason.

I am well over the illusion that any level of privacy remains on the Internet & changes in Facebook Graph.& back door search ability says the word “privacy” can now be deleted from the WWW. If there is anything left about Stephen Darori that isn’t on the web,ask & I will put it there.


Stephen Darori’s Vizify Bio | Overview


Threshold Curve Model

Invest in Israel

Stephen Darori Business Card



Israel Franchise Holder, Early Stage and 1st and 2nd Round Investor

Digital Posters Israel

October 2013 – Present (8 months)Israel

This enterprise centers around 10.9 kg a Remarkable Digital Poster Printer with threshold digital, nanotechnology and biochemistry. The paper cartridges are liquefied and during the printing process turns to a very high quality solid state of various thickness. No trees are downed to print anything on this remarkable invention. . Any image on the internet can be printed as a poster. Obviously the higher the resolution, the better the quality of the print. The operating system also enables low resolutions images to be upgraded to higher resolutions by patented technology..

Digital Posters will print on demand and has started compiling a large series of Andy Warhol Images of famous Jews on Israeli and other Stamps. If you are a Photo Shop expert contact me . I may have some work for you. I pay per image accepted and then about $1 for every poster of the image ( print on demand). The records of all images printed can be access on the Internet ( Cloud) whenever a participating artists wants. Payment for use of print on demand images is via Paypal..

Pro Bono Service Provider

Stephen Darori Pro Bono Publico

October 2012 – Present (1 year 8 months)Tel Aviv- Jaffa

I provide ProBono Publico Services in the field of Finance , Strategy, Digital Marketing and Branding to among others the following Organisation. Despite a long history of left wing social and civil activism in South Africa, the moment I stepped of the plane in Israel, the issue of National Security started predominating my view point in Israel along with my Zionist Heritage as a Revisionist . I was schooled in Betar, the movement founded by my Grandfather with Harry Hurwitz ( Johannesburg) and Meir Katz ( Cape Town) .I actively support the formalisation of an Israeli Constitution based on the two mothers of Constitutions. The American Constitution and the Magna Carta Libertatum. Almost every principle in these documents already exist in Israel either by Legislation, Decisions of the Supreme Court, Common Law or simply by untested precedent.

I give Pro Bono support to the following organisation and businesses 
*Peres Peace House ( Center) 
*Jaffa Christian Charity ( Their English Letter Writer- $387,000 raised in 2013)
*The Jaffa Association for Charity Activities ( strange name for a huge organisation that has existed from 1865 )
*The Jaffa Center
*Arab- Jewish Center for Equality, Empowerment and Co-operation
*Matalon Arab Pastries .The CEO is a Christian Arab that never says no to providing the IDF Military Court in Jaffa and Military Prison with Sweet Arab Patisseries when ever they ask and want.

I reiterate that I support what these Organisations do but not necessary their political motives or stated politics..

Founder ( with some political connections), Political Innovator

Start Up Nation Critical Canvas in the White Silicon City ( TVL) and Silicon Wadi

May 2012 – Present (2 years 1 month)Israel

Startup Nation Critiical Canvas (A Lobby Group) in the White Silicon City ( Trade Marked by me that can be used by all) of Tel Aviv and Silicon Wadi.. Wwith most degrees per capita and within 2 graduations will lead the world.. Israeli Academia ( University Degrees , College Accredited Degrees ( I coined the the term (in 1992/3) ), and from some private academic institutions that meet the Education Ministries requirements, and Certification) are is not coming close to keeping up to the demand for skilled hitech personnel of that the Innovative and Entrepreneurial Start Up Nation needs them.Israel has so many MBA ( most in the Wold per capita) that they are a dime a dozen but few could set up a database in a Cloud.. Perhaps Peter Thiel ( Paypal, Facebook etc ) is right to suggest that Academc Degrees date within 18 months and they are not worth the investment t of time and money and nothing beats entrepreneurship with innovation and risk..The Start Up Nation Critical Canvas is trying to get the Israeli Government and all the related Ministries to allow non- Jewish highly skilled techies to come and work in Zion. These non Jewish high techies with pay taxes and other deductions like everyone else in The Start Up Nation, and enjoy all the benefits ( health in particular). The impediment to working in the Start Up Nation is the Israel ID ( Teudat Zehut ) number you are born and die with it and everything you pay for and get in return is linked to it. The Start Up Nation Critical Canvas dos not advocate citizenship for non Jewish Employers . We have no illusions we are up against the ” $120 Billion Club” lead by Mark Zuckerberg and he is also pitching ” citizenship “. Still Palo Alto is a far , far second to the White Silicon City with its zillion attractions.(Walking , Cycling, Beaches and Nightlife).Nothing beats been single in Tel Aviv. Join us an ping & pong,canvas & meet Government decision makers.The situation is critical , we must adapt or die (trying)

(Open)1 project

(Open)1 recommendation

Burt Kempner
Senior Writer/Producer

I would implicitly trust Renaissance man Stéphén Dǻrori to help me navigate the often confusing realm of social media. He’s an expert on marketing and digital content, conversant on a wide array of business issues and a first-class communicator. As…View

Tel Aviv Vacations


Peter Thiel – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The IDF History Museum


Stephen Darori – Stephen Darori’s Photos | Facebook


Environmental Indicators


Founder , Partner and Mentor

3XC Global Partners

January 2006 – Present (8 years 5 months)Europe particularly Berlin. Geneva, Paris, Barcelona, and Holland ,and Israel

3XC Global Partners (29 Partners) has different Global Partnerships that provide Micro and Macro Management, Finance, Marketing, Branding, Restructuring and Strategy advice ( hands in always) 

Areas have I been involved in:- 
As a Mentor and Lead Partner to Early Stage and Seed Start Ups , we set up Start ups according to Eric Weis’s Lean Start Up Philosophy and Stephen Darori’s Threshold Technology Curve Model for Start Ups and Investors ( with 12 Patents) which includes expert knowledge of Digital Marketing,Affiliate Marketing, Inbound Marketing ,Advertising ( Bid Optimization, Portfolio and Manual Management), Digital Branding, Product Development , Business Development , Financial Management and Control. 3XC Lead Partner in preparation of Marketing Plans, Competitive Analysis, R &D Project Plan, Next Stage Finance Strategy, Exit Strategy, Marking, Branding, Restructuring and Strategy Business Plan, Executive Summaries, Elevator Pitches. Documents are always prepared from the point of view of Investors, .

Position: Founder, Mentor and Lead Partner of different 3XC Global Partnerships. I am in the process of stepping down as the Managing Partner since the Group was founded. I have for the last year taken a far more central role in our Investment syndicates and especially Lecturing at Tech Colleges around the world . We have agreements with over 140 colleges world wide to provide . Lecture Series in exchange for permanent advertising on their campuses offering our services and finance .This is a wonderful arrangement and beats anything a website could do hands down.

(Open)1 honor or award

Proud Supporter with a Touch of Charismatic Humour

MIU Movement for Israeli Urbanism and other ideas ( sorry I am a reality check)

February 2005 – Present (9 years 4 months)Israel

– The Draft or equal time National Service at 18 ( after exiting school) for everyone living in Greater Israel , Jew, Christrian, Druze, Bahai, Samarian , Buddist , Bedouim. ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE , no matter your religion ( and who cares about your length of your beard) and political beliefs 
– A Constitution for Zion
-1st Amendment I believe that any level of privacy on the Internet in 2013 is a complete Fallacy. If you are there, you are tagged to Timbaktu and back . Get over it and enjoy Social Media technology. 
– Startup Nation Critical Canvas in the White City in Zion. Nothing could be more important than this – Economic Development & will only happen at the same pace if the high tech industry can start legally employing non-Jewish techies without one of the boutique solutions in play. If they pay Income Tax & Bituah Leimi , give them all the rights but not citizenship 
– Environmental Sustainability .Wishful thinking but if land allocation continues at such a slow rate , the cost of Apartments will still remain absurdly high in relation to earning power. Instead of fighting sustainability in the Mercaz ( Central Area) , Jewish Villages , Towns and Cities with plenty of land allocation , should be developed in the Shomron and Judea at an accelerated pace and more direct access roads and railways should connect the 340,000 Zionists in the area West of the Jordan River .
– Social Justice and Equality in the Israeli Society as long as Israeli security is not pressurized.
– Rapid Transitioning of Israel Peripheral Poverty into the the Silicon Periphery even if we have to bulldoze Gaza into the Sea .. you simple can’t Zip Rockets at Zion .
– Two States Solution … Israel and Palestinian State in Jordan which already has a 83% majority of Palestinian. ( most still unfranchised after 65 years in the Jordanian artificial Monarchy ) .I have never denied I am a Right Wing Rip Roaring Zionist. school in Betar and Zeev Jabotinsky ‘s Revisionist Zionism.

(Open)2 recommendations

J L Mealer
Arizona Gubernatorial Candidate. Arizona revitalization/restabilization strategies, putting Arizona Industry on top.

Stephen certainly appears to be the man for the position. That goes for just about any position because his background is…View

Paulo Azenha
CEO & Founder da empresa DreamScanner

Excellent partner for businesses and highly recommended. Responsible in their work and a nice person.View

MIU About in English

Ministry of Environmental Protection

Senior Editor ( like others on a Honorary Basis and it really is an Honor)

May 2002 – Present (12 years 1 month)Israel

The English Wikipedia is the English-language edition of the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia.
Participating editor (some as a senior- but still can’t spell) editor of a large number of Wikipedia articles ranging in subject from Digital Libraries,Entrepreneurship, IFRS ( use and abuse) , Lean Six Sigma , SWOT , Pestle, Marketing Strategy,especially as the starting point to create Corporate Value, Social Media to Advertising both on Television and Internet Targeted Platforms. . Social and Digital Media lifted the Internet to a new Technology Plane , just as broad band technology did half a decade before . The Darori Foundation used to sponsored the translation of Wikipedia Articles into Hebrew before Google Translate . I have also been a Conference Panelist on the latter subjects presenting an alternative view point often to in conflict to the “herding” ( general viewpoint) Often ( sometimes really) my opinion is tongue in cheek to & do some stirring to make people think & refine their pitches.Almost brought the house down on myself yesterday after a panel discussion on how early stage VC investors go about there business by starting my question ( in Hebrew). with “There a huge gap in reality between deliverable wants of a VCs”and what startup are capable of delivering and this is where consultants come in . Go for all Star .

Regularly file background information related to Israeli High Tech tor WSJ , FT , Barron’s Bloomberg Businessweek, Financial Mail and business sections of major US Newspapers , including Washington Post, New York Times , Boston Globe , Time of London…. previously worked as a hardcopy reporter ( culture) at the Cape Times and Cape Argus. Just for the record. I have always contracted and received payment to an offshore Trust Fund . I have existed in the Cloud before the technology gave it that name. I am a good citizen of the World Wide Web.My god is the internet or perhaps that should be, “My God !! It is the Internet”

IGT Cloud Summit DLD 2013 – Once a Year the Best Cloud Event in Town – כנס בתחום טכנולוגיה – אירועים – StartIsrael – פורטל היזמות הישראלי | TheMarker

Go4Europe Business Conference organized by Cukierman & Co. and Catalyst Fund – Home



SMS language – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Founding Partner, Mentor when I have time

Corporate Image Luxembourg

January 1998 – Present (16 years 5 months)Tel Aviv

Company now provides sophisticated Public relations and Crisis Management using Social Media largely and physical gimmicks imported from South East Asia . This separate division is the largest importer of made to order such gimmicks. Corporate Image Luxembourg evolved out of a once 50% holding with the late Kerry Capstick- Dale in what is now Corporate Image ( Pty) Ltd lead by Kerry’s widow Tamra Vervey.. Interest in Corporate Image (Pty) Ltd was sold in stages inthe mid and late 80’s to Kerry Capstickdale . Kerry dies in 2008 after a long illness. The company he founded with me has been lead ever since successfully by Tamra. 

Corporate Image Luxembourg strives to be leading communications and public affairs consultancy.. Formed in 1987 and operating independently, it has been extensively involved over the years with the corporate FMCG, financial and industrial sectors in Europe and to a lesser extent in Israel.

In an Ipsos Markinor independent research survey into PR agencies , conducted amongst editors, deputy editors and consumer journalists in 2010, Corporate Image was rated in the top 5 PR companies in all categories, including overall professionalism, integrity, standard of press releases, understanding of clients and sectors, being proactive and providing service to clients.

The company has particular expertise in reputation research and management and corporate brand strategy, with a focus on corporate communications, media liaison, research, positioning strategies, crisis communications and issues management.


Stephen Darori Investments ( Paper emphenera, Postal History, Maps, Prints) ,

November 1997 – Present (16 years 7 months)Luxembourg, movedfrom Tel aviv for Tax Reasons.

I have been both a Buyer ( especially) and seller on eBay since early Noveber 1997 , shortly after eBay changed its name from AuctionWeb. In early 2000 I purchased two large colleections of autographed material including 8000 items related to Judaism and Zionism and have been leading the disposal with all proceeds going to Aguda Lemaan Hachayal – the Association for the Wellbeing of Israel’s Soldiers. The Darori foundation sponsors all the cost of postage of sales.

I currently employ a retired stamp and paper ephemera dealer who was based in Ahad Haam Street ( Pinat Allenby) to lead this charitable enterprise.All proceeds are donated to the Aguda Lemaan Hachayal are earmarked for physical items . The Darori Foundation and Darori Family Trusts never throw money in or at the bureaucracies of organisations. ( they are inherently inefficient and wasteful )


3XC Capital and Darori Capital Luxembourg

January 1990 – Present (24 years 5 months)Luxembourg

3XC Capital and Darori Capital Luxembourg invests in 3XC Global Partners ‘s Clients both at Start Ups and Revenue Growth stages. Darori Capital leads and participates in Closed Investment Syndicates.

Chairman, Double Diget Shareholder and Mentor when I have time.

The Warehouse Group – – Lets Go International

January 1990 – Present (24 years 5 months)Israel Greece, Cyprus ,Macedonia,Albania

Now run by minority interests , The Warehouse Group have been importers since 1990 from SE Asia of Clothing, and Shoes Tea , Coffee, Spices, Electronic Devices and Gourmet Kitchen Gadgets, Digital Cameras , Humorous T-Shirts, Caps and Hats ( preprinted), Hip Hop Bracelets, and Publicity Gimmicks ( Balls, Caps, Hats) . Lets Go International was started to give my ex ( wife) , a Kibbutznik from Gevaram. something to do other than have children. She dismally failed . Her Father said their were two types of kibbutznik. Movilim ( leaders) who could be counted in one hand and Nogschleppers ( people who follow) . At Kibbutz Gevaram the Movilim can be counted on one hand with fingers to spare. The Mother of my 2 wonderful children is a a Nogschlepper Deluxe , delightfully amicable, not an enemy in the world ,a good worker if you arrange the job and tell her what to do but absolutely no initiative. If ever there was a single reason for the collapse of the kibbutz Movement it was their tendency to have very largely Nogschleppers. Kibbutz Gevaram today has just 12 members who are not already 65. A Kibbutz with a wonderful history . All its then 59 members fought along side those of other Moshavim at Yad Mordechai to stop the Eqyptiian Invasion in 1948.

Even a. $100,000 donation I arranged to commercialize their petting zoo and the JNF forest that surrounds the Kibbutz has not stopped the ongoing decay. Nice place to visit on a Shabbath . Saturday especially with kids.


Darori Foundation

January 1988 – Present (26 years 5 months)Off Shore

Until May 2013 , the Darori Foundation supported Libraries and Special Collections in Israel only. In June 2013 it started an initiative to give ever child in Israel an Internet Device and a Free Internet Access Service. (100 mega down, ) . The Darori Foundation has in the past sponsored research into Digital Libraries and the translation of Wikipedia Articles ( and similar articles that do not claim a copy right) into Hebrew before Google Translate and Bing made that product redundant..The translation project was led by the ministry of education in Israel . The Darori Foundation financed dozens of translators..

3XC Capital holds the 12 patents , trademarks and copyrights related to the Threshold Technology Curve Model. Since 2010 the 12 patents have been making a PCT circuit and have increased exponentially by a double digit number. 3XC Capital also holds the trade mark “Darori”,”Stéphén Dǻrori” and “Thé Thréshǿld Téchnǿlǿgy Curvé Mǿdél “

The Darori Foundation is financed by a series of 2nd, 3rd and 4th Generation Trust Funds and the living Trust of the current Chairman. .

(Open)5 projects

(Open)1 organization

(Open)1 recommendation

David Maeir-Epstein
David Maeir-Epstein – Resource Development Consultants for Nonprofits in Israel

Foundation Trustees are generally lay volunteers who are not necessarily expert in the funding areas. Stephen Darori is not your typical Trustee. His range of expertise in the area of Libraries is astounding and his approach is comprehensive rather…View

Darori Foundation Plaque0001

Peres Center for Peace

שיר בית”ר (זאב ז’בוטינסקי)

Zionist Archives – הארכיון הציוני


Children who regularly text message have BETTER English than those who don’t (even if thy use txt spk)


Managing Editor with others

Israel Book Review ( South African Book Review)

January 1980 – Present (34 years 5 months)Tel aviv

The South African Book Review was founded by Stephen Drus ( now Darori) , the late Kerry Capstick-dale, Lizzy Bramford, the late Sarah Cullinan and Paul Groves in 1980. Edited from Capetown , it was published and distributed from London to avoid a banning order. In 1986 Paul Groves moved to London and the editorial office moved to London. In the same year the israel Book Review was started with funding from Sir Harry Oppenheimer and Gordon Wadell . ( Sir Harry’s ex son in law). 

The Israel Book Review which has always been only a hard copy publication with no advertising with the philosophy of getting University Students and High School English students to detach themselves for 30 to 40 minutes from the Internet and the numerous tabloid format blogs ( many with spelling and grammar worse than mine) and read English Book Reviews Articles that avoid tabloid-ism. The IBR includes reviews of Philatelic, Scripolily, and other Paper Emphemera catalogs in every edition (1page). 

Detach and give them something substantial to read.” has been the one line philosophy of the Book Review and previously the South African Book Review.for over 30 years. All book reviews carry links to the Amazon and the Publisher of the Books.. 

The Israel Book Review is published monthly in English. Once a quarter a double issue with a specific theme is published. The demand for such a hard copy publication has increased annually.Distribution is free on University Campus and some High Schools in Israel.

The Israel Book Review is sponsored by the Darori Foundation.

Director and double digit shareholder

Howard Kerzner Internet Gaming and High Street Sport Betting Outlets Monaco .

October 1998 – June 2007 (8 years 9 months)Monaco

Company held On Line Gaming and Traditional High Street Outlets for Sport Betting in Europe especially in the UK. Howard ” Butch” Kerzner and his father holding company , “Sol Kerner Monaco Holdings” each held 38% and other Kerner’s siblings a token shareholding totalling 10% the balance held by me.

This was initially a joint venture between Playsis , and Butch 2003 I swapped my interest in Playsis for the holding in Butch Kerzner’s company.

Corporate Controller & Treasurer, Operating Manager of Multiple Divisions

European Investments

June 2003 – December 2006 (3 years 7 months)Europe

Commercial and Industrial Real Estate, Investments and Venture Capital
The now multi billion company was founded by Glasnost Billionaires who prefer that the company keep a low profile . The Company remains today largely a real estate company with almost no debt and a high cash flow from leasing commercial property .I filled multiple positions of increasing responsibility including Managing Director of its large High Tech Incubator ( based on principles different from those in Israel) and a High Tech Investment Manager and an Alternative Investment Manager. Some Positions were held simultaneously.

(Open)1 project

Oligarchs And Oligopolies: New Formations Of Global Power (Critical Interventions: A Forum for Social Analysis): Bruce Kapferer: 9781845451745: Books


The Oligarchs – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


European Investments Commercial and industrial Developments

CFO ( Director of Finance , COO and Administration)


January 2002 – May 2003 (1 year 5 months)Kibbutz Ketura

P&L Management, Budget and Control, Business Operations, Contracts and Legal Administration, Strategic Planning, Capital Fundraising, Site Management and Human Resources. Took this 4 year old start up that was hopelessly in a insolvent position to a very healthy balance sheep one year latter by reporting all the multiple CSO gransts it had received and optioned 2 additional ones and also reporting the $3.5 million Approved Enterprise it had also received, In I n January 2013 it was valued at over $80 when part of the controlling shareholding was sold.It is today the largest biocompany producing Astaxathin from the algae strain Haematoccoccus

Algachologies Techologies

CFO, COO and Administration

Queenco Leisure International Ltd.

October 1999 – April 2002 (2 years 7 months)Israel

I was the CFO of the Rescido Group then part of Queenco listed on TASE . The Group consisted of Real Estate Redeveloper, Investments in late stage start ups and an in house gaming start up with both Angels and VC Partners.(STI – Benny Steinmetz) The Real Estate Redevelopment Company was purchased by interests of Milamor (delisted from TASE) which have continued renovating buildings in the CBD of Tel Aviv to this day. Playsis received a substantial exit by selling its large and high quality email membership lists to interest belonging to Teddy Sagi. The investments in late stage High Tech company were taken over by Queenco interests.

Recido Real Estate Renovations and Building Company Ltd

Division Cost and Management Accountant


May 1996 – November 1999 (3 years 7 months)

Cost and Management Accounting, with emphasis on Standard Cost Accounting, Outsourced Subcontracting, Obsolescence & Reserve Accounting. Two of my models were later incorporated into other Manufacturing Divisions of 3 Com. 3 Com is now part of HP.

I joined 3Com Israel , very much downsizing my resume & making it fit with the position of Division Cost and Management Accountant. I jointed 3Com went the Finance Department was in its infancy and a shambles after 3Com placed an incompetent member of their Corporate Audit Team in the position of CFO . Nachman Shelef one of 3 Founders &d General Manager, appointed Daniel Slutzky ( an excellent choice) & after an expected bump ( first audit) , 3Com Israel achieved full marks in both Finance, Management, Product Marketing & initially R & D . 3Com Israel hit an annual sales rate of $250 million quickly after acquisition

3Com was the very first US Corporation to buy an Israeli Technology Company.It bought NCD ( Nice Computer Division ) from Nice Com when the unit had just Beta Switches and Routers for Large Area Networking Solutions ( also Metro and Wide). The cost was $59 million.

What Bruce Chefet did when he replaced Eric Benahou when he retired is still taught as a business case in Ivy League Schools as an example of Corporate Mismanagement- “downsize people not entire divisions”. The entire Israeli Division was closed as one of the very first things Chefets did when he assumed office in January 2000.It was disturbing that when I met Chefets & Benahou by chance in transit at Heathrow before he assumed office, he was already speaking openly about his plans to downsize divisions that weren’t completely profitable. In hindsight he was the very worse choice to replace Eric Benahou who had led 3Coms expansion for a decade chasing Cisco all the time and nipped at the heels by late comers to this sector like Germany’s Siemens.The purchase of US Robotics for $6 billion started the disaster ( Benahou didn’t get kudos) .

Division Finance and Costing Manager

Vishay Intertechnology, Inc.

January 1995 – June 1996 (1 year 6 months)Holon (Head Office) with factories in Dimona , Beer Sheva and Migdal Haemeck

Vishay had two distinct divisions, one manufacturing core subsidiary product lines ( Dale, Daloric, Roderstein) & the other basically every thing else.Vishay has aggressively pursued expansion by purchasing companies with product lines in play. They spun off the evolving threshold technology division, the R & D they were doing themselves .I was transitioning into the core subsidiary division.It is actually quite sad. The person I was supposed to replace knew he was terminally ill but told no one (& when you are with the company from the very first day, you can can push the transition period envelop out).My patience ran out after 18 months & he sadly died suddenly less than 2 months later .Had I known,I may have had endless patience. Nobody including myself made the observation he was ill & some worked with him from day 1.Other than obvious weight loss.

Vishay Israel is one of the most profitable companies in Israel .It was established by the late Dr Felix Landsman ( in France) a Holocaust survivor as a child ( in the partisan) a Great Zionist, Businessman.& very generous Yad Vashem supporter. It received grants to build its factories in Dimona, Migdal Haemek & Beer Sheva in a smaller magnitude as Intel. x employees should be employed by the factories & well busing 5000 employees to Dimona was logistically possible if people didn’t mind been picked up at 6am to start work at 6.45am , Didn’t happen so amicable trade off .Was not privy to all the details negotiated by the Treasurer & CFO but “very fair play in play” Dimona is a award winning massive glass structure designed for 5000 workers who also receive a substantial sit down lunch.

Vishay is one of the best managed Manufacturing.Companies,in Israel and on top of the logistic nightmare.All production is shipped to a distribution center overseas. 

Vishay is a Fortune 500 Company. Vishay Israel produces over 120 million passive electronic components daily & employs over 8500 people on Israel.

Deputy Head Accountant for Revenue & Special Assistant to the late Director General of Ort Israel

ORT Colleges

January 1990 – December 1994 (5 years)Holon Head Office

Ort Israel Head Offices ( Schools and Colleges) Originally employed as Deputy Finance and Accounting in Charge of all income sources of ORT Israel, the largest independent school network in Israel and assistant to the Director General ,the late Israel Goralnick once deputy to Yigal Allon in the Palmach ( he lost n arm in the War of Independence) liaising and regularly reporting with a major Donors who in the course of my time at Ort built and furnished Ort College Henry Braude , Karmiel ( the first accredited college in Israel to award degrees) paid for entirely by Baron Sir Gerald Ronso and with a little arm twisting and a lot of public relations he went on to build and furnish completely 6 additional Ort Schools in Ashkelon , Ashdod , Osafeia a/ Dalet Al Hakarmel and elsewhere and set up a maintenance fund for each at my suggestion.( Out of the Box thinking) I was project manage for two very expensive IT projects and computerized other aspects of my function using advanced business models . MY final task was to start raising fund for the conversion of Ort Vocational School to High Tech Schools. A task completed by 2000. Monthly T/O of Ort Israel exceeded 2.5 billion shekels during the period I worked for there. I was also the Ort Israel Liaison with the World Ort Union in London.

IDF – Shalev Bet and then Mil’uim


December 1986 – February 1987 (3 months)Israel

Voluntary shortened Israel military service .In 1986 anyone who was older than 26 when they immigrated was exempted from IDF service.

First Lieutenant=> Captain=> Major=> Commandant until 1994 (Lieutenant-Colonel)

SADF=> Recce Commando, the Elite Commando of 11 Commando, 3rd Infantry Battalion

January 1975 – December 1976 (2 years)Diskopolos, Kimberly , South Africa

Angola : My “4 Citation , 3 medals ( 2 Campaign + Another), 2 Battlefield Promotions Period . South Africa ( Defence Force) enters Angola on the side of UNITA against the MPLA , SWAPO and 25,000 subprime Casto Cubans. This was not a helicopter gunship war . In a bombastic “Apocalypse Now” ( the movie came later) helicopter gunship formation , South Africa launched a massive attack on the MPLA . In the open 5-10 minutes 7 SADF gunships were destroyed by 9K32 “Strela-2” shoulder fired Russian Missiles. Not another SADF helicopter again entered Angola . The 75 person Recce Commando ( the elite of the elite unit ) was paradropped 8 kms north of Luanda & told to proceed eastwards pulling the substand Cuban Battalions & some MPLA away from the coast & the protection of SAM 6 missiles around Luanda. I ran (circling back at night) across Angola & exited through Zambia .Entered as 1 of 3, 2nd Lieutenants, exited as a Major with 12 including 4 walking wounded.During this endless & now embedded nightmare kept saying that if I survive my first daughter would be called after the home base of the Recce Commandos . 20 years to the date I was discharged, my daughter Kim(berly) was born. Kimberly ( Big Hole of .fame) was the home base of 11 Commando.Honest to god truth, joined the Recce Commandos, & really expected to sit on my backside , suntanning, drinking beer & reading all the English Classics.This was a character building lesson in survival. The Recce Commando like 11 Commando originated during the Anglo Boer War.The Recce Commando first saw action at Spion Kop (Anglo Boer War)on 24th January 1900. 11 Commando was created by the British to counter the very mobile (mounted) Boer Recce Commandos & went toe to toe with the later during the Guerrilla War phase of the Anglo Boer War, November 1900 to May 1902 until the Transvaal Republic surrendered at Vereeniging on 31st May 1902. The agreement was signed ,by the Generals De Wet & Kitchener.

Apocalypse Now redux – Trailer – HQ

Stephen Darori Angolan Nightmare


South African Special Forces

Test Scores

Stephen Darori

Score: 95

December 1978

Don’t quite get this section. Share Peter Thiel philosophy “Two years after billionaire tech investor Peter Thiel announced an experiment to pay bright high schoolers to drop out of college for $100,000, the Thiel Fellowship program hasn’t won over education leaders.”


FCMA(Link), License 466453

June 1988 – Present


Institute of Commercial & Financial Accountants, License 56522

June 1985 – Present

FCMA(Link), License 66523

September 1985 – Present

AICPA ( in the States of Maryland, Virginia and DC)(Link)

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, License 899876

March 1992 – Present


Threshold Technology Curve Model(Link)

US Patent Office, US Trade Mark Office , Copyright

August 8, 2010

Stephen has a wide and rich experience in turning new technologies into viable start ups . He provide leadership and value for preseed and seed stage start up by leveraging his analytical, management, and organizational skills and and strategic planning but most of all his Threshold Curve Model which addresses directly what VC’s want to see in Business and Marketing plans and especially R & D…more

Honors & Awards

Beit Trust Scholarship

Beit Trust

January 1983

The Trust was initially set up in 1906 by the Will of Mr Alfred Beit, a brilliant financier and a director of the British South Africa Company with many interests including the development of Rhodesia’s railway system. In 1903 he suffered a stroke near Salisbury, Rhodesia, and died on 16 July 1906 in England at the age of 53, leaving much of his fortune bequeathed to a wide range of charitable causes. As a result of his close association with…more

University Blue Honour fo Student Leadership

University of Cape Town

Student Blues Awards are awarded to outstanding students in various disciplines including sport ( largely) and student leadership. I was very active in Student Councils, a student led Rag fund ( that is a small industry) that supports an entire free medical aid for Blacks ( and Coloured) A massive student charity and student politics ) + held youth leadership positions in the official White opposition party with a prominent presence on multiple…more

Region Chairman Western Cape Progressive Party Youth Committee=> Progressive Reform Party->Progressive Federal Party=> now Democratic Alliance

Democratic Alliance

January 1978

The Progressive Party transitioned to the Progressive Reform Party which became the Progressive Federal Party who are the Democratic Alliance to day. The Democratic Alliance (DA) is a political party in South Africa, which is the official opposition to the ruling African National Congress (ANC) at federal level, and the governing party in the Western Cape province. The DA is broadly centrist, though it has been attributed both centre-left and…more

National Chairman Progressive Federal Party Youth Committee => now Democratic Alliance

June 1981

The Progressive Party transitioned to the Progressive Reform Party which became the Progressive Federal Party who are the Democratic Alliance to day. The Democratic Alliance (DA) is a political party in South Africa, which is the official opposition to the ruling African National Congress (ANC) at federal level, and the governing party in the Western Cape province. The DA is broadly centrist, though it has been attributed both centre-left and…more

Founding Member and Treasurer Mass Democratic Movement (MDM) and United Democratic front ( UDF)

Nelson Mandela and Democratic Black Rule in South Africa

THE MDM was the first Massive Umbrella movement fof 400+ Free Mandela organisations. The mistake it made was electing a leadership , thereby giving it existence as an organisation that could be banned by the South African Government and that happen quickly. Immediately thereafter the UDF was “formed” with 500+ organisations on board . This time without an official leadership. “The United Democratic Front (UDF) was one of the most important anti-…more

First National Youth Action Chairman (and joint founder with Helen Suzman, Colin Elgin,Harry Oppenheimer and Dr Nthato Motlana

National Youth Action


National Youth Action was the first attempt at an integrated Youth Action Program for kids aged 15 to 18 in South Africa. The idea was to form racial integrated groups who would do volunteer communal work in communities that need such help. The first two groups became active in the Western Cape ( Gugeluto) and Pretoria ( Alexandra) . The South African Government did not like mixed integrated groups of kids , ” Cleaning up Slums” and eventually…more

Volenteer of the Month ( Civil Action Clean Up Project)

Municipality of Tel Aviv and Bat Yam, and local newspapers

Local Newspapers love my Civil Action ” Clean Up Project” and interviewing me is fun and full of humour and catchy soundbites. The following have givimg me awards for volenteering
*HaMekimon Tel Aviv ( 3) 
*Yediot Tel Aviv
*Yediot Bat Yam 
*Gal Gefen ( Bat Yam) (3)
*Jaffa Christian Association
* Hashikma ( Bat Yam) (2)
* Mabat ( Russian).
* iMar ( Arabic-Christian (4)
* kul-alarab ( Arabic – Muslim Religious Council) 
* Terra Santa (…more


Threshold Curve Model ( twelve separate aspects) in e Court Decision in terms of Bilski Versus Kappos, A Supreme Court Decision whereby it became possible to patent “Business Methods” ..

United States I will have to look for a hard copy of the patent numbers

Issued April 30, 2011

It took a decade for the Supreme Court to actually permit the patenting of Business Models and Methodology and was in good company with eBay….who tried and failed using different avenues to register the “on-line auction methodology” and were first in the que after this decision. TheThreshold Curve Model for start ups and early investors ,in start ups calls among many other things for the early…more

Trade Marks : Dǻrori ; Stéphén Dǻrori and Thréshold Téchnology Curvé Model

United States 735698545 through 67

Issued 2003

Dǻrori ; Stéphén Dǻrori and Thréshold Téchnology Curvé Modél are all registered Trade Marks and Patents in terms of bilski versus Kappos for multiple aspects of the Threshold Technology Curve Model. The trade mark s have a second trade mark series of numbers.


…Industrial and Commercial Centers at the outer periphery of up market residential areas with a metropolitan line entering below ground and doing a metro circle… we built many such centers and moved workers in the opposite direction

January 1990 – Present

…revolutionary … concept .. we moved many of the frustrated Central Busines District inhabitants in the opposite direction where they had no transport problems or parking issues … every building we built had excessive underground parking… the centers used rezoned country side and were green tech before the clique was coined.. They were planned to make the worker from factory to C level…more

3 team members

Stéphén Dǻrori
Social Media Mentor-Digital Marketing is all about Engagement. Engagement is all about Content.

The Peres Peace House Library(Link)

October 2013

The Darori Foundation has committed itself to filling the (Shimon) Peres Peace House with 1000 academic books in the next few years on subjects relative to the Centre . The Darori Foundation has never allowed politics to interfere with its “direct” donation policy. It never donates to the bureacracy of any organisation

3 team members

Stéphén Dǻrori
Social Media Mentor-Digital Marketing is all about Engagement. Engagement is all about Content.
Orly Nabel
Samantha Shmuel

Beit Ariela(Link)

May 2010

Beit Ariela Public Library and Cultural Center 

Since 1922, Shaar Zion has been Tel Aviv’s main public library. The central branch is 
now located in Beit Ariela, and holds a wide selection of books in a variety of languages 
(Hebrew, English, French, German and more). In addition to the main reading hall, there 
are small libraries specializing in different subjects such as Dance, Music,…more

2 team members

Stéphén Dǻrori
Social Media Mentor-Digital Marketing is all about Engagement. Engagement is all about Content.
Moshe Patz

Bezalel School of Arts and Crafts(Link)

April 2008

stablished in 1906 by artist Boris Schatz as the “Bezalel School of Arts and Crafts”, Bezalel has evolved into one of the world’s most prestigious art schools. 

The name Bezalel is synonymous with more than 100 years of Israeli art, innovation
and academic excellence. Bezalel’s unique strength stems from the numerous
breakthroughs it has been responsible for and its ability to respond and…more

3 team members

Stéphén Dǻrori
Social Media Mentor-Digital Marketing is all about Engagement. Engagement is all about Content.
Zvi Armon
Eva Ilous

Peres Archives at The Peres Peace House(Link)

September 2013

The Archive is continually growing as President Peres continues his career serving the State of Israel as President. On a daily basis the archive staff collect, categorise, register and preserve the many materials that are currently being produced surrounding the life and work of the President, from news articles about him or which he is quoted in, televised interviews, books and articles he…more

2 team members

Stéphén Dǻrori
Social Media Mentor-Digital Marketing is all about Engagement. Engagement is all about Content.
Orly Nabel

Civil Action ” Clean Up Jaffa in the Neve Golan ( Jaffa Gimmel) and Neve Tamar ( Jaffa Dalet)” and the Amidar Bat Yam Neighbourhoods

March 2013

So there I was again on my daily 8 to 12 km walk/run when like Chicken Licken something fell on my head. No it wasn’t an acorn, it wasn’t the sky .. it was a bag of pach ( rubbish) . Some customs take a generation to die before it is expelled from immigrant embedded acceptable practice. and some still throw their pach from their windows into the road. 

“What the hell”,I said to myself &…more

4 team members

Stéphén Dǻrori
Social Media Mentor-Digital Marketing is all about Engagement. Engagement is all about Content.
תמיר ג
Sebastian W.
Lisa Gamele
In House Model at Michele Gamele Fashions

“Tarshis” Jaffa Arabic Municipal Library(Link)

May 2014

Housed in a dilapidated building in Mendes France Street, it was a wonderful surprise to find a spacious library actually been used . The Darori Foundation has committed itself to filling the English Children s section.

3 team members

Stéphén Dǻrori
Social Media Mentor-Digital Marketing is all about Engagement. Engagement is all about Content.
Fatma Tourk
Lisa Gamele
In House Model at Michele Gamele Fashions


Independent Coursework

  • Maximize entrepeneural potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be
  • Impart management tools according to values of the manager (Among Others)
  • • Improve ability to lead and manage workforce. (Among Others)
  • Leverage managers to strategic thinking, vision, values and objectives (Among Others)
  • Derive from long-term objectives and work plans the annual budget. (Among Others)
  • Diagnose management and administrative capabilities. (Among Others)
  • Improve the ability to choose and hire the best talents (Among Other)
  • Determining how to write a Busibness Plan and other documents from what a potential investor wants to see (Threshold Curve Model)


1.      English, Hebrew

Native or bilingual proficiency

2.      Dutch, Afrikaans , Flemish

Limited working proficiency

3.      Hebrew Txt Spk

4.      English Txt Spk

5.      SMS Spk

Volunteer Experience & Causes

Head of the Ofarim Local Committee & then a member of Beit Aryeh Ofarim Munincipality

Beit Aryeh – Ofarim Municipalty

December 1999Economic Empowerment

-Head of the Ofarim Local Committee that ran the 250 family units in this settlement
-After the amalgamation of Beit Areh with Ofarim served on various committees including Chair of Finance Committee ( first task was to deal with a 17 million shekel accumulated deficit of Beit Aryeh that was not disclosed before the referendum. I did ask the question and the Internal Auditor had zippo idea of the…more

Opportunities you are looking for:

Causes you care about:

Organizations you support:


Darori Foundation


January 1982 – Present

The Darori Foundation supports Libraries and Special Collections in Israel and South Africa. The Darori Foundation has sponsored research into Digital Libraries and the translation of Wikipedia Articles ( and similar articles that do not claim a copy right) into Hebrew before Google Translate and Bing Translate nailed the Technology of Translating. .

The Darori Foundation is financed by Darori…more

Skills & Endorsements

Top Skills

























































































































Stéphén also knows about…


California Institute of Technology Industrial Relations Center

The Caltech 10-Day Certificate Program at Pasadena, California, Project Management, 98

2005 – 2005

Master the critical skills of project management.

The skills develop during the program apply to large & small projects, product design and development, construction projects, IT projects, software development, and projects with critical performance, time, and budget targets.

Activities and Societies: California Dreaming Society:SunBeer and lovely Undergraduates..

Stephen Darori Caltex Executive Education Program- Prorect Management


File:Caltech logo.svg

Stanford Center for Professional Development

Project Manager Stanford Certified at Stanford near Palo Alto, Project Manager, 96

2004 – 2004

Stanford Advanced Project Management courses and certificate blend academic theory with the real-life processes, tools, management skills, and methodologies of IPS Learning (IPS) to empower individuals to become more effective leaders and team members and to strategically execute projects, programs, and portfolios.

Activities and Societies: Took a 10 day time out for a refresher academic course . Loved to walk and run round this Ivy League Campus ( and the undergraduates were very cute ) .

Sanford and California Institute of Technology Marching Bands


Northwestern University – Kellogg School of Management

Operations Management Week at Evanston, Cook County, Illinois, The Science of Lean Six Sigma Operations combines with Supply Chain Management Program

2003 – 2003

The Science of Lean Six Sigma Operations
Combines the business-flow framework with the science of lean and six sigma, enabling participants to make major improvements in their operations and service processes. 

Supply Chain Management
Focuses on effective logistics strategies for companies that operate globally, and, in particular, on integrating supply chain components into a coordinated system that reduces system-wide cost and increases service levels.

Activities and Societies: Bird Watching: The Undergraduates were really Cute.

Northwestern University School of Management

מרכז לימודים והכשרה Mercaz Limudim Vehaksara

Certificate in Sustainable Ecology and the Environment, Ecology, Environment, and Creative Recycling, 100

2003 – 2003

The compelling reasons why Ecology and Environment are important subjects at degree level. First, the world is faced with profound environmental and ecological challenges. 
Ecology is at the heart of this programme, with core concepts ranging from ecosystem structure and function to population dynamics. These fundamentals are complemented by applied topics including urban ecology, marine ecology, biodiversity and conservation biology, and new computer technologies such as Geographical Information Systems.

Activities and Societies: Visits and hikes all over Zion


Georgia Institute of Technology

MSc Computer Science, Computer Science ( database management and languages seldom used anymore), Cum Laude ( they were been generous)

1992 – 1993

This was the first “accredited on line degree” to be recognized by the Education Ministry in Israel. It was an experiment I undertook for the Pedagogical Department of Ort Israel. Assignments were submitted with a scaled down version of Wordperfect and an early Zip ( compression program) . The Internet quite frankly did not have enough broadband . Only half the assignments were submitted over the Internet , the rest bounced and were submitted by Courier Service. The Courses revolved round Database Management and Internet Technology which of course have come a long way since then. Among the languages also studied in this degree were Pascal, an early version of C , COBOL, RPG ( for the IBM AS 400) and Fortran and an early version of Basic .That constituted a high % of the then languages. Today there are 1000’s and many have been ported to and Linux. Part of the degree revolved round identifying viruses and there was even an exercise to actually write one =:)

Activities and Societies: None


Logo of the Georgia Institute of Technology

University of Cape Town

MBA,MA, BCOM in Accounting and Economics, Accounting and Finance, With Distinction

1978 – 1985

Started studing at the University of Cape Town and continued elsewhere.BCompt Hons ( UNISA), MBA ( Heriot Watts) ….. Quite frankly over the years have become a Peter Thiel supporter. Peter was a founder of among other companies, Paypal and an early 2% investor in Facebook. Peter like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg , Steve Jobs,Larry Ollison and others , l has no academic degrees. Peter is sponsoring 100 young entrepreneurs with $100K a year not to go to college but jump straight into a a high tech startup…. 93% of his 100 have raised follow in finance including matching finance from Peter Thiel … clearly he has a point.According to a survey by the University of haifa , “A MBA is a waste of time and hampers success ” Lior Zetel,The Marker , Business Publication, Wednesday 5th February 2014. The survey received considerable attention at the Davos Economic Summit.

Activities and Societies: Quite frankly over the years have become a Peter Thiel supporter. Peter was a founder of among other companiesPaypal and an early 2% investor in Facebook. Peter like Bill Gates,Mark ZuckerbergSteve JobsLarry Ollison and othersPeter Thiel has no academic degrees. Peter is sponsoring 100 young entrepreneurs with $100K a year not to go to college but jump straight into starting a high tech company . ( 88 have already raised follow on finance… Thiel is onto something)

(Open)2 honors and awards

University of Cape Town Coat of Arms

Herzlia High School, Cape Town

First Class University Entrance Sort of like A Levels, Maths, Science, Accountancy, English,Hebrew Afrikaans

Jewish education in a private school environment from the age of 3 to 18.

Activities and Societies: Regional Committee Progressive Party Youth Progressive Party Youth Support Speaker First Team CricketHockeyChess National Youth Action- founding member and first Chairman

(Open)1 test score

United Herzlia Schools

2013 Matric Results of Herzlia ( United Hebrew day schools ,Cape Town ) by stephen Darori a 1980′s Alumni

United Herzlia Schools

Additional Info

1.      Interests

o    Also interested in viable Alternative Investments include Africana and Judaica

o    Maps and Prints and investment quality Philatelic Postal History. Individual items rather than collection. Cooking: Try Family Recipes Passed down from Poland

o    Lithuania and Latvia ;Editing them and Blogging Them. Try them – they are all great and easy Recipes to make.

2.      Personal Details


January 16, 1967

Marital Status


3.      Advice for Contacting Stéphén

Tel 0527234313. If not in Israel, by phoning these number, you will be transitioned seamlessly to an international SIM and will be stacked with other calls on hold. I immediately disconnect any cold calls . First engage me and the 3XC Global Partners’ Analysts with whatever you like by emailing me at my general email address or Hotmail is preferable. Txt message is preferable to voice mail..
Postal Address: P.O.Box 41026, Tel Aviv ,6141001, Israel

A Cute and a Silly Tongue in Cheek Postscript : In 1962 , Professor Ethel Drus ( my aunt, my father’s sister and three times winner of the Alexander Prize for History, the equivalent of the Mitchell prize for Mathematics) spent 3 months researching disintegrating Proclamations ( Letters Patent ) that had been traditionally handed down in the Drues/Drus family. I am the hereditary Baron of Kraków , ( hmmm , can’t help smiling) that was created in 1732 in an exchange for a very significant contribution by Drues of Mejzugola to the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth ‘s Monarch Budget . This custom was started by King Henry VIII of England Rich land owners were rewarded with Aristocracy Titles for significant contributions to the King’s Budget. I am also the hereditary Count Dziedreuszycka , the Ordynat of Poturzyca, Zarzecze, Kramarzowka, Markpol, Gluszyn, Wiry and Szczytnik estates. The Count was the eldest son of Drues of Mejzugola and was excommunicated from the family when he married a shiksa , the youngest daughter of the then Monarch . Like in France, German, Austria and elsewhere , aristocracy titles came to an end when the 2nd Polish Republic was created by the Treaty of Versailles. The first Count had no issues and the property was returned to the Monarch. The title passed down ?? At least theoretically. Now I am giggling. Both titles have nice Coat of Arms .The Count’s has a Star of David instead of a cross, a pointer to his heritage. Have a check at it.


1.     Founder ( with some political connections), Political Innovator

Start Up Nation Critical Canvas in the White Silicon City ( TVL) and Silicon Wadi

Burt Kempner
Senior Writer/Producer

I would implicitly trust Renaissance man Stéphén Dǻrori to help me navigate the often confusing realm of social media. He’s an expert on marketing and digital content, conversant on a wide array of business issues and a first-class communicator. As impressed as I am with the depth and breadth of his knowledge, I’m also taken by what a down-to-earth man he is. I recommend…more

March 6, 2014, Burt was with another company when working with Stéphén at Start Up Nation Critical Canvas in the White Silicon City ( TVL) and Silicon Wadi

2.     Proud Supporter with a Touch of Charismatic Humour

MIU Movement for Israeli Urbanism and other ideas ( sorry I am a reality check)

J L Mealer
Arizona Gubernatorial Candidate. Arizona revitalization/restabilization strategies, putting Arizona Industry on top.

Stephen certainly appears to be the man for the position. That goes for just about any position because his background is very diverse and his skill set extraordinary.

July 26, 2013, J L was with another company when working with Stéphén at MIU Movement for Israeli Urbanism and other ideas ( sorry I am a reality check)

Paulo Azenha
CEO & Founder da empresa DreamScanner

Excellent partner for businesses and highly recommended. Responsible in their work and a nice person.

July 26, 2013, Paulo was with another company when working with Stéphén at MIU Movement for Israeli Urbanism and other ideas ( sorry I am a reality check)

3.     Trustee

Darori Foundation

David Maeir-Epstein
David Maeir-Epstein – Resource Development Consultants for Nonprofits in Israel

Foundation Trustees are generally lay volunteers who are not necessarily expert in the funding areas. Stephen Darori is not your typical Trustee. His range of expertise in the area of Libraries is astounding and his approach is comprehensive rather than particular. By this I mean he thinks in terms of policy and impact as opposed to individual requests. He is forward…more

August 3, 2013, David was with another company when working with Stéphén at Darori Foundation


Operational excellence | Cost reduction | Start-up & Growth Consultant | Business Analytics

Improving Effectiveness of Sales and Marketing, and How Executives Communicate . Consultant . Trainer . Speaker . Coach

Managing Partner

Founder and managing director at World Wide Worx

VP Business Development at

Chairman and CEO, The Trendlines Group. Managing Partner, Trendlines Venture Partners, L.P.

Entrepreneur, consultant and inventor

Chairperson at Global Entrepreneurship Week IL

Paralegal at Naomi Assia & Co. Law Firm

Economy Consultant at Family Fortune Ltd









  • See 39 more



Richard Branson

Founder at Virgin…


Bill Gates

Co-chair, Bill &…


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CEO at LinkedIn


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President of the…


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Author of FOCUS:…


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Naomi Shemer and other Fascinating Deathbed Confessions


Stephen Darori

When death is inevitable some people decide it is a good time to confess to things that have burdened them during their lifetime. Perhaps it is in order to leave the world with a clear conscience or maybe to benefit the living ones they leave behind. This list contains 10 deathbed confessions and the stories behind them of people who, for whatever reason, decided to reveal their darkest secrets.

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Naomi Shemer and other Fascinating Deathbed Confessions


When death is inevitable some people decide it is a good time to confess to things that have burdened them during their lifetime. Perhaps it is in order to leave the world with a clear conscience or maybe to benefit the living ones they leave behind. This list contains 10 deathbed confessions and the stories behind them of people who, for whatever reason, decided to reveal their darkest secrets.

Naomi Shemer


Confessed to: using a Basque lullaby melody for her song Jerusalem of Gold

Naomi Shemer is one of Israel’s best loved songwriters. The song Jerusalem of Gold was first performed in 1967 at an Israeli song festival shortly before the Arab-Israeli war and describes the Jewish people’s 2000-year longing to return to Jerusalem. It continues to serve as an unofficial Israeli anthem and is often played at national ceremonies. Shemer spent many years denying claims that she plagiarized a lullaby song and turned it into Jerusalem of Gold. Then in 2004 after years of angry denials she made her confession to another composer Gil Aldema just days before dying of cancer writing to him, “I consider the entire affair a regrettable work accident – so regrettable that it may be the reason for me taking ill,” she also wrote that she heard a well-known Basque lullaby which “went in one ear and out the other” and the song must have crept into her unwittingly. Aldema said that Shemer had agreed for her secret to be revealed after her death.

Interesting Fact: In 2005 the lullaby Pello Joxepe became known worldwide when it was published that Jerusalem of Gold was based on its melody. The Spanish singer Paco Ibáñez who performed the song in Israel in 1962 where Shemer first heard it was asked how he felt when he heard Naomi Shemer based most of the melody on the lullaby. He replied by saying he was honored that she chose to use his melody to use for Jerusalem of Gold. You can listen to the song here performed by Ofra Haza at an Israel concert in 1998.

Naaman Diller
1935- 2004


Confessed to: the legendary clock collection heist

In 1983, the costliest theft in Israel’s history saw 106 timepieces worth millions of dollars disappear from a Jerusalem museum. Included in the timepieces was a pocket watch made for Marie Antoinette which is valued at more than £19m ($30 million). The case remained unsolved for almost 25 years until 2006 when a Tel Aviv watchmaker told police that he had paid some $40,000 to an anonymous person to buy 40 items including Marie Antoinette’s pocket watch (pictured above). Forensic experts examined the clocks and detectives questioned the lawyer who negotiated the sale. The trail led to an Israeli woman in Los Angeles named Nili Shamrat who police identified as the widow of Naaman Diller who was a notorious criminal in the 1960s and 1970s. When Israeli police and US officials arrived at her home to question her they found more stolen clocks. Shamrat then told the police that her husband who she had recently married confessed to her just before he died that he had committed the heist. He then advised his wife to try and sell his collection after his death.

Interesting Fact: The Marie Antoinette watch was actually self winding and was ordered in 1783 by one of her admirers and was to be made by the famous Swiss watchmakers Abraham Louis Breguet. The order specified that gold should be used wherever possible instead of other metals and to make it the most spectacular watch possible. The watch was finally finished in 1827, 34 years after Marie-Antoinette was guillotined and four years after Breguet’s death.

Christian Spurling

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Confessed to: faking the famous Loch Ness Monster photo

In 1934 a doctor named Robert Kenneth Wilson offered a picture to the Daily Mail newspaper. Wilson told the newspaper he noticed something moving in Loch Ness and stopped his car to take the photo. Wilson refused to have his name associated with it so the photo became known simply as “The Surgeon’s Photo.” For decades this photo was considered to be the best evidence of the existence of the Loch Ness Monster. In 1994 at the age of 93 and near death Christian Spurling confessed that the surgeon’s photo taken 60 years ago was a hoax and the mastermind behind it was his Stepfather Marmaduke Wetherell.

In the early 1930s, sightings of the Loch Ness Monster became commonplace, so Spurling’s stepfather who was a big game hunter was hired by the Daily Mail newspaper to investigate. Wetherell found some huge tracks leading to the lake that he proudly displayed to the press. When the Natural History Museum investigated they quickly discovered that the footprints were a hoax. Wetherell was humiliated when the newspaper reported this and for being fooled by the prank. For revenge he asked his stepson Chris Spurling who was a professional model-maker to make something that would fool the public. Spurling started with a toy submarine and then added a long neck and small head. The finished product was about 45 cm long, and about 30 cm high. Wetherell then went down to the lake and took some pictures of the “monster”. To add respectability to the hoax he convinced Dr. Wilson whom he knew through a mutual friend to develop the photo and sell it to the Daily Mail.

Interesting Fact: This deathbed confession is often mistakenly attributed to Roger Patterson of big foot fame. (The Paterson Film) Paterson died of cancer in 1972 and in this case swore on his death bed that the footage was authentic and he had encountered and filmed a large bipedal animal unknown to science.

Geraldine Kelly

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Confessed to: the murder of her husband John Kelly

In 1991, after years of domestic violence, Geraldine Kelly shot and killed her husband and stored his body in a freezer at their home in Ventura, California. She told her young children that their father died in a car accident. Seven years later when she decided to move back home to Somerville Massachusetts she had the moving company move the freezer with the body inside and drive it across the country to a local storage facility in Somerville. In 2004, 13 years after the murder Kelly was gravely ill with breast cancer and confessed to her daughter that she had killed her father claiming he abused her for years and then told her where to find his body. Authorities investigated and found human remains in a locked, unplugged freezer in the storage room. The body was mummified but identified as John Kelly based on distinctive tattoos he was known to have including a panther, a Kewpie doll and a skull. The cause of death was a gunshot to the back of the head.

Interesting Fact: The District Attorney of Somerville said it wasn’t clear if Kelly wanted to unburden herself or if she wanted her children to know so if they found the body they wouldn’t be blamed for it.

Tor Hepso


Confessed to: the murder of Torunn Finstad and Sigrid Heggheim

In 1978, Fritz Moen (pictured center above) was 36 when he was arrested for raping and killing 20-year-old Torunn Finstad in Trondheim, Norway. There was no physical or forensic evidence linking Moen to the crime and no witnesses saw him with Finstad. Moen was deaf with a severe speech impediment and an interpreter was needed for him to communicate effectively. Moen was found guilty of the murder and sentenced to 20 years imprisonment. Several years later police claimed that Moen had confessed to the 1976 murder of 20-year-old Sigrid Heggheim. During the seven interrogations his confession came during the one time in which he did not have the benefit an interpreter. He was found guilty of this murder as well and sentenced to an additional 5 years in prison. In 1996 after spending 18 years in prison he was released and placed under preventative supervision.

During the next several years Moen’s attorneys tried desperately to clear his name. In 2004 he was acquitted for the murder of Sigrid Heggheim finding that reasonable doubt should have acquitted him in the first place. Then in December 2005 a convicted felon Tor Hepso confessed at a hospital one day before he died to three nurses and later to the police that he had murdered two women and mentioned the names Heggheim and Finstad. After Hepso’s deathbed confession was thoroughly investigated Moen was finally exonerated of the murder. Unfortunately Fritz Moen died of natural causes earlier that year in March and was not alive when he was declared completely innocent of the both crimes.

Interesting Fact: This case was publicly criticized as one of Norway’s most shameful miscarriages of justice. There is even talk of erecting a bust or statue of Moen in front of the Norwegian Ministry of Justice as a symbol of the responsibilities of the criminal justice system.

Henry Alexander


Confessed to: the murder of Willie Edwards

I think most would agree that this confession was too little too late and another example of a miscarriage of justice. In 1957 the body of a 25 year old black man Willie Edwards was washed up on the shores of the Alabama River. Although there was much suspicion surrounding his death officials stated that decomposition made it impossible to determine the cause of death. In 1976, an aggressive attorney re-opened the Edwards case and four Klansmen were arrested including Henry Alexander. One of the men gave a sworn affidavit (in exchange for immunity). In the statement the man described how he and three other men beat and forced Willie Edwards to jump off the Tyler-Goodwin Bridge because he said something offensive to a white woman. Even with one of the men’s sworn testimony, Alabama Judge Frank Embry dismissed the charges because no cause of death was ever established. He concluded that “merely forcing a person to jump from a bridge does not naturally and probably lead to the death of such person.” In 1992, Henry Alexander now 63 was near death from lung cancer and decided to confess to his wife. He told her he had things bothering him and said Willie Edwards would not have died if he had not falsely identified him as the one who had offended the white woman. He then said he and the other Klansmen gave Mr. Edwards a choice to run or jump and didn’t think he would jump. He said. “If he’d a run, they would never have shot him.”

Interesting Fact: After her husband’s confession Mrs. Alexander wrote a letter of apology to Mr. Edwards’s widow. In the letter she writes “I hope maybe one day I can meet you to tell you face to face how sorry I am. May God bless you and your family and I pray that this letter helps you somehow.”

James Brewer

James Brewer

Confessed to: Killing his Neighbor Jimmy Carroll

In 1977 James Brewer was arrested in Tennessee on suspicion of killing his neighbor in a fit of jealous rage. Brewer jumped bail and fled to Oklahoma where he and his wife began a new life together under the names Michael and Dorothy Anderson. They became active members of the local church where his wife established a Bible study group. They also have a married daughter and are grandparents. In 2009, Brewer had a serious stroke and before dying he felt compelled to confess to the crime that had weighed on his conscience for over 3 decades. His wife then called the Police Department to the hospital saying her husband wanted to confess to a murder. Brewer confessed to his crime with the help of his wife who had to translate due to the effects of the stroke. The only problem with this deathbed confession is that fortunately or unfortunately for Mr. Brewer he didn’t die. When Brewer was released from the hospital he surrendered to Tennessee authorities and appeared in court with the same lawyer he had almost 32 years earlier when he jumped bail. The picture above shows Mr. & Mrs. Brewer after their arrest.

Interesting Fact: The Pastor of the church where Mrs. Brewer set up a Bible study group, said: “I don’t know what their former life was but I do know they were both dedicated to the Lord. They’ve been in their own prison for 30 years. I think they’ve done their time.”

Margaret Gibson


Confessed to: the Murder of William Desmond Taylor

William Desmond Taylor was an actor and a top US film director of silent films in the early days of Hollywood. When Taylor was shot to death in 1922 it became one of Hollywood’s most famous scandals and mysteries. In 1964, 42 years after the murder a reclusive old woman living in the Hollywood hill was suffering from a heart attack and summoned her neighbor. With her recent conversion to Catholicism she asked for a priest to confess but when no Priest was available she began to make her confession to her neighbor. As she was dying on her kitchen floor she said she was a silent film actress by the name of Margaret Gibson and that she shot and killed a man named William Desmond Taylor. She is alleged to have been involved romantically with Taylor but a motive as to why she killed him was never mentioned. Taylor’s murder remains officially unsolved however the one thing that stands out is that Gibson had absolutely nothing to gain by her confession. Another revealing fact that should be mentioned is the neighbor that witnessed Gibson’s confession said his mother (who was a friend of Gibson’s) later said that when they were watching a TV piece on the Taylor murder she became hysterical and blurted out that she’d killed him.

Interesting Fact: In the 1950 film Sunset Boulevard, the name Norma Desmond is a reference to both Taylor’s middle name and one of his actress friends Mabel Normand.

You can watch a silent movie called “The Kiss” Starring William Desmond Taylor and Margaret Gibson here.

Diane Crawford


Confessed to: the murders of Constance Smootz Hevener and Carolyn Hevener Perry

In 1967, 20-year-old Carolyn Hevener Perry and 19-year-old Constance Smootz Hevener were shot to death while working at an ice cream store in Staunton Virginia. Each had been shot once in the head at closing time and about $138 was stolen from the store. Over the years police worked the case but with no luck. Then in November 2008, police were led to Diane Crawford by new information revealed by a witness. When police went to question Crawford she was at the end-stages of heart failure and suffered from chronic kidney disease and decided to confess in detail to the murders that she committed over 40 years ago. On the night of the shooting, Crawford who was 19 at the time said she went to the store where she worked part time to tell the women she could not work the next day and ended up in a shoving match with them. Crawford then took out a .25 caliber pistol and shot the two women because they had made fun of her for being a lesbian. Perry was the first to be shot at near-point-blank range and when Hevener rushed to her aid Crawford shot her also from just a couple of inches away. She then took money from the store as she fled which led the police to think it was a robbery. Crawford died in January 2009, 2 months after confessing to the murders. The photo above shows Crawford in her 1966 high school year book picture and in her police mug shot.

Interesting Fact: Diane Crawford moved away after the killings for 20 years, got married and had two daughters. She then returned to Staunton without her husband and moved in with a woman and lived with her new partner until her death.

Julian Altman

Large Joshbell01

Confessed to: stealing a Stradivarius violin from Bronis?aw Huberman

I put this at the number one spot not because of the severity of the crime but for the overall story surrounding this deathbed confession. In 1936 Polish virtuoso Hall Huberman was performing at Carnegie Hall and decided to switch the Stradivarius he was playing in the first half of his performance to his newly acquired Guarnerius violin. After the intermission the Stradivarius was stolen out of his dressing room by 20 year old Julian Altman who was a New York nightclub musician. Altman went on to become a violinist with the National Symphony Orchestra in Washington, D.C. and performed for Presidents and politicians with the stolen Stradivarius for many years. In 1985, 49 years after the theft, Julian Altman who was in prison for child molestation and gravely ill confessed to his wife that he had stolen the violin. He then instructed his wife where to find the Stradivarius at the couple’s home. Along with the Stradivarius she found newspaper clippings recounting the theft. It wasn’t until 1987 (2 years later) that his wife returned the Stradivarius to Lloyds of London in exchange for a $263,000 finder’s fee.

Interesting Fact: This violin is now called the Gibson ex-Huberman Stradivarius named after its two previous owners; George Alfred Gibson and Hall Huberman (No love for Altman I guess). It is now owned by violinist Joshua Bell who is pictured above playing the famous violin which he paid close to 4 million dollars for.


Stéphén (Drus) Dǻrori




Welcome to my Profile I am Stephen Darori on Facebook, Twitter,& many other places on the web.My previous surname was Drus and still is out of Israel. Dǻrori( Drori) is a “Sparrow” in Biblical Hebrew. The “a’ and the acute accent was added in 1987 for Branding Purposes. There are no other “Darori”s on the Internet at the moment ( other than my immediate family in Zion.).

I am an Open Networker. Do send me an invitation to connect to Linkedin. I will never IDK an invitation.

I am a Marketing Content Engagement Publisher, Mentor, Lecturer, author, and Hands on Doer. I have published over 4800 blogs on Social Media & just about everything.

I am looking for a position based in Israel with a lot less travelling ,multifaceted preferably, in the fields of Digital Marketing & Business Development, Finance, Management & Content Engagement .
“Marketing is all about Engagement. Engagement is all about Content”. I have a career that says I get things done & well within the budgeted timeline.I have an ability to Multitask to Manchester & back with a high degree of focus.My mind is terrifically organized mind & have a wonderful memory.I can digest vast amounts of information & cut to the chase quickly.Remuneration is not really an issue as long as it is not a disincentive .2-6 trips a month is the immediate reason.

I am well over the illusion that any level of privacy remains on the Internet & changes in Facebook Graph.& back door search ability says the word “privacy” can now be deleted from the WWW. If there is anything left about Stephen Darori that isn’t on the web,ask & I will put it there.

Stephen Darori's Vizify Bio | Overview


Israel Franchise Holder, Early Stage and 1st and 2nd Round Investor

Digital Posters Israel

October 2013 – Present (8 months)Israel

This enterprise centers around 10.9 kg a Remarkable Digital Poster Printer with threshold digital, nanotechnology and biochemistry. The paper cartridges are liquefied and during the printing process turns to a very high quality solid state of various thickness. No trees are downed to print anything on this remarkable invention. . Any image on the internet can be printed as a poster. Obviously the higher the resolution, the better the quality of the print. The operating system also enables low resolutions images to be upgraded to higher resolutions by patented technology..

Digital Posters will print on demand and has started compiling a large series of Andy Warhol Images of famous Jews on Israeli and other Stamps. If you are a Photo Shop expert contact me . I may have some work for you. I pay per image accepted and then about $1 for every poster of the image ( print on demand). The records of all images printed can be access on the Internet ( Cloud) whenever a participating artists wants. Payment for use of print on demand images is via Paypal..

Pro Bono Service Provider

Stephen Darori Pro Bono Publico

October 2012 – Present (1 year 8 months)Tel Aviv- Jaffa

I provide ProBono Publico Services in the field of Finance , Strategy, Digital Marketing and Branding to among others the following Organisation. Despite a long history of left wing social and civil activism in South Africa, the moment I stepped of the plane in Israel, the issue of National Security started predominating my view point in Israel along with my Zionist Heritage as a Revisionist . I was schooled in Betar, the movement founded by my Grandfather with Harry Hurwitz ( Johannesburg) and Meir Katz ( Cape Town) .I actively support the formalisation of an Israeli Constitution based on the two mothers of Constitutions. The American Constitution and the Magna Carta Libertatum. Almost every principle in these documents already exist in Israel either by Legislation, Decisions of the Supreme Court, Common Law or simply by untested precedent.

I give Pro Bono support to the following organisation and businesses
*Peres Peace House ( Center)
*Jaffa Christian Charity ( Their English Letter Writer- $387,000 raised in 2013)
*The Jaffa Association for Charity Activities ( strange name for a huge organisation that has existed from 1865 )
*The Jaffa Center
*Arab- Jewish Center for Equality, Empowerment and Co-operation
*Matalon Arab Pastries .The CEO is a Christian Arab that never says no to providing the IDF Military Court in Jaffa and Military Prison with Sweet Arab Patisseries when ever they ask and want.

I reiterate that I support what these Organisations do but not necessary their political motives or stated politics..

Founder ( with some political connections), Political Innovator

Start Up Nation Critical Canvas in the White Silicon City ( TVL) and Silicon Wadi

May 2012 – Present (2 years 1 month)Israel

Startup Nation Critiical Canvas (A Lobby Group) in the White Silicon City ( Trade Marked by me that can be used by all) of Tel Aviv and Silicon Wadi.. Wwith most degrees per capita and within 2 graduations will lead the world.. Israeli Academia ( University Degrees , College Accredited Degrees ( I coined the the term (in 1992/3) ), and from some private academic institutions that meet the Education Ministries requirements, and Certification) are is not coming close to keeping up to the demand for skilled hitech personnel of that the Innovative and Entrepreneurial Start Up Nation needs them.Israel has so many MBA ( most in the Wold per capita) that they are a dime a dozen but few could set up a database in a Cloud.. Perhaps Peter Thiel ( Paypal, Facebook etc ) is right to suggest that Academc Degrees date within 18 months and they are not worth the investment t of time and money and nothing beats entrepreneurship with innovation and risk..The Start Up Nation Critical Canvas is trying to get the Israeli Government and all the related Ministries to allow non- Jewish highly skilled techies to come and work in Zion. These non Jewish high techies with pay taxes and other deductions like everyone else in The Start Up Nation, and enjoy all the benefits ( health in particular). The impediment to working in the Start Up Nation is the Israel ID ( Teudat Zehut ) number you are born and die with it and everything you pay for and get in return is linked to it. The Start Up Nation Critical Canvas dos not advocate citizenship for non Jewish Employers . We have no illusions we are up against the ” $120 Billion Club” lead by Mark Zuckerberg and he is also pitching ” citizenship “. Still Palo Alto is a far , far second to the White Silicon City with its zillion attractions.(Walking , Cycling, Beaches and Nightlife).Nothing beats been single in Tel Aviv. Join us an ping & pong,canvas & meet Government decision makers.The situation is critical , we must adapt or die (trying)

(Open)1 project
(Open)1 recommendation
  • Burt Kempner
    Burt Kempner
    Senior Writer/Producer

    I would implicitly trust Renaissance man Stéphén Dǻrori to help me navigate the often confusing realm of social media. He’s an expert on marketing and digital content, conversant on a wide array of business issues and a first-class communicator. As…View

Tel Aviv Vacations

Tel Aviv Vacations

Peter Thiel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Peter Thiel – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The IDF History Museum

The IDF History Museum

Stephen Darori - Stephen Darori's Photos | Facebook

Stephen Darori – Stephen Darori’s Photos | Facebook

Environmental Indicators

Environmental Indicators


Founder , Partner and Mentor

3XC Global Partners

January 2006 – Present (8 years 5 months)Europe particularly Berlin. Geneva, Paris, Barcelona, and Holland ,and Israel

3XC Global Partners (29 Partners) has different Global Partnerships that provide Micro and Macro Management, Finance, Marketing, Branding, Restructuring and Strategy advice ( hands in always)

Areas have I been involved in:-
As a Mentor and Lead Partner to Early Stage and Seed Start Ups , we set up Start ups according to Eric Weis’s Lean Start Up Philosophy and Stephen Darori’s Threshold Technology Curve Model for Start Ups and Investors ( with 12 Patents) which includes expert knowledge of Digital Marketing,Affiliate Marketing, Inbound Marketing ,Advertising ( Bid Optimization, Portfolio and Manual Management), Digital Branding, Product Development , Business Development , Financial Management and Control. 3XC Lead Partner in preparation of Marketing Plans, Competitive Analysis, R &D Project Plan, Next Stage Finance Strategy, Exit Strategy, Marking, Branding, Restructuring and Strategy Business Plan, Executive Summaries, Elevator Pitches. Documents are always prepared from the point of view of Investors, .

Position: Founder, Mentor and Lead Partner of different 3XC Global Partnerships. I am in the process of stepping down as the Managing Partner since the Group was founded. I have for the last year taken a far more central role in our Investment syndicates and especially Lecturing at Tech Colleges around the world . We have agreements with over 140 colleges world wide to provide . Lecture Series in exchange for permanent advertising on their campuses offering our services and finance .This is a wonderful arrangement and beats anything a website could do hands down.

(Open)1 honor or award

Proud Supporter with a Touch of Charismatic Humour

MIU Movement for Israeli Urbanism and other ideas ( sorry I am a reality check)

February 2005 – Present (9 years 4 months)Israel

– The Draft or equal time National Service at 18 ( after exiting school) for everyone living in Greater Israel , Jew, Christrian, Druze, Bahai, Samarian , Buddist , Bedouim. ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE , no matter your religion ( and who cares about your length of your beard) and political beliefs
– A Constitution for Zion
-1st Amendment I believe that any level of privacy on the Internet in 2013 is a complete Fallacy. If you are there, you are tagged to Timbaktu and back . Get over it and enjoy Social Media technology.
– Startup Nation Critical Canvas in the White City in Zion. Nothing could be more important than this – Economic Development & will only happen at the same pace if the high tech industry can start legally employing non-Jewish techies without one of the boutique solutions in play. If they pay Income Tax & Bituah Leimi , give them all the rights but not citizenship
– Environmental Sustainability .Wishful thinking but if land allocation continues at such a slow rate , the cost of Apartments will still remain absurdly high in relation to earning power. Instead of fighting sustainability in the Mercaz ( Central Area) , Jewish Villages , Towns and Cities with plenty of land allocation , should be developed in the Shomron and Judea at an accelerated pace and more direct access roads and railways should connect the 340,000 Zionists in the area West of the Jordan River .
– Social Justice and Equality in the Israeli Society as long as Israeli security is not pressurized.
– Rapid Transitioning of Israel Peripheral Poverty into the the Silicon Periphery even if we have to bulldoze Gaza into the Sea .. you simple can’t Zip Rockets at Zion .
– Two States Solution … Israel and Palestinian State in Jordan which already has a 83% majority of Palestinian. ( most still unfranchised after 65 years in the Jordanian artificial Monarchy ) .I have never denied I am a Right Wing Rip Roaring Zionist. school in Betar and Zeev Jabotinsky ‘s Revisionist Zionism.

(Open)2 recommendations
  • J L Mealer
    J L Mealer
    Arizona Gubernatorial Candidate. Arizona revitalization/restabilization strategies, putting Arizona Industry on top.

    Stephen certainly appears to be the man for the position. That goes for just about any position because his background is…View

  • Paulo Azenha
    Paulo Azenha
    CEO & Founder da empresa DreamScanner

    Excellent partner for businesses and highly recommended. Responsible in their work and a nice person.View

MIU About in English

MIU About in English

Ministry of Environmental Protection

Ministry of Environmental Protection

Senior Editor ( like others on a Honorary Basis and it really is an Honor)

May 2002 – Present (12 years 1 month)Israel

The English Wikipedia is the English-language edition of the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia.
Participating editor (some as a senior- but still can’t spell) editor of a large number of Wikipedia articles ranging in subject from Digital Libraries,Entrepreneurship, IFRS ( use and abuse) , Lean Six Sigma , SWOT , Pestle, Marketing Strategy,especially as the starting point to create Corporate Value, Social Media to Advertising both on Television and Internet Targeted Platforms. . Social and Digital Media lifted the Internet to a new Technology Plane , just as broad band technology did half a decade before . The Darori Foundation used to sponsored the translation of Wikipedia Articles into Hebrew before Google Translate . I have also been a Conference Panelist on the latter subjects presenting an alternative view point often to in conflict to the “herding” ( general viewpoint) Often ( sometimes really) my opinion is tongue in cheek to & do some stirring to make people think & refine their pitches.Almost brought the house down on myself yesterday after a panel discussion on how early stage VC investors go about there business by starting my question ( in Hebrew). with “There a huge gap in reality between deliverable wants of a VCs”and what startup are capable of delivering and this is where consultants come in . Go for all Star .

Regularly file background information related to Israeli High Tech tor WSJ , FT , Barron’s Bloomberg Businessweek, Financial Mail and business sections of major US Newspapers , including Washington Post, New York Times , Boston Globe , Time of London…. previously worked as a hardcopy reporter ( culture) at the Cape Times and Cape Argus. Just for the record. I have always contracted and received payment to an offshore Trust Fund . I have existed in the Cloud before the technology gave it that name. I am a good citizen of the World Wide Web.My god is the internet or perhaps that should be, “My God !! It is the Internet”

IGT Cloud Summit DLD 2013 - Once a Year the Best Cloud Event in Town - כנס בתחום טכנולוגיה - אירועים - StartIsrael - פורטל היזמות הישראלי | TheMarker

IGT Cloud Summit DLD 2013 – Once a Year the Best Cloud Event in Town – כנס בתחום טכנולוגיה – אירועים – StartIsrael – פורטל היזמות הישראלי | TheMarker

Go4Europe Business Conference organized by Cukierman & Co. and Catalyst Fund - Home

Go4Europe Business Conference organized by Cukierman & Co. and Catalyst Fund – Home



SMS language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

SMS language – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Founding Partner, Mentor when I have time

Corporate Image Luxembourg

January 1998 – Present (16 years 5 months)Tel Aviv

Company now provides sophisticated Public relations and Crisis Management using Social Media largely and physical gimmicks imported from South East Asia . This separate division is the largest importer of made to order such gimmicks. Corporate Image Luxembourg evolved out of a once 50% holding with the late Kerry Capstick- Dale in what is now Corporate Image ( Pty) Ltd lead by Kerry’s widow Tamra Vervey.. Interest in Corporate Image (Pty) Ltd was sold in stages inthe mid and late 80’s to Kerry Capstickdale . Kerry dies in 2008 after a long illness. The company he founded with me has been lead ever since successfully by Tamra.

Corporate Image Luxembourg strives to be leading communications and public affairs consultancy.. Formed in 1987 and operating independently, it has been extensively involved over the years with the corporate FMCG, financial and industrial sectors in Europe and to a lesser extent in Israel.

In an Ipsos Markinor independent research survey into PR agencies , conducted amongst editors, deputy editors and consumer journalists in 2010, Corporate Image was rated in the top 5 PR companies in all categories, including overall professionalism, integrity, standard of press releases, understanding of clients and sectors, being proactive and providing service to clients.

The company has particular expertise in reputation research and management and corporate brand strategy, with a focus on corporate communications, media liaison, research, positioning strategies, crisis communications and issues management.


Stephen Darori Investments ( Paper emphenera, Postal History, Maps, Prints) ,

November 1997 – Present (16 years 7 months)Luxembourg, movedfrom Tel aviv for Tax Reasons.

I have been both a Buyer ( especially) and seller on eBay since early Noveber 1997 , shortly after eBay changed its name from AuctionWeb. In early 2000 I purchased two large colleections of autographed material including 8000 items related to Judaism and Zionism and have been leading the disposal with all proceeds going to Aguda Lemaan Hachayal – the Association for the Wellbeing of Israel’s Soldiers. The Darori foundation sponsors all the cost of postage of sales.

I currently employ a retired stamp and paper ephemera dealer who was based in Ahad Haam Street ( Pinat Allenby) to lead this charitable enterprise.All proceeds are donated to the Aguda Lemaan Hachayal are earmarked for physical items . The Darori Foundation and Darori Family Trusts never throw money in or at the bureaucracies of organisations. ( they are inherently inefficient and wasteful )


3XC Capital and Darori Capital Luxembourg

January 1990 – Present (24 years 5 months)Luxembourg

3XC Capital and Darori Capital Luxembourg invests in 3XC Global Partners ‘s Clients both at Start Ups and Revenue Growth stages. Darori Capital leads and participates in Closed Investment Syndicates.

Chairman, Double Diget Shareholder and Mentor when I have time.

The Warehouse Group – – Lets Go International

January 1990 – Present (24 years 5 months)Israel Greece, Cyprus ,Macedonia,Albania

Now run by minority interests , The Warehouse Group have been importers since 1990 from SE Asia of Clothing, and Shoes Tea , Coffee, Spices, Electronic Devices and Gourmet Kitchen Gadgets, Digital Cameras , Humorous T-Shirts, Caps and Hats ( preprinted), Hip Hop Bracelets, and Publicity Gimmicks ( Balls, Caps, Hats) . Lets Go International was started to give my ex ( wife) , a Kibbutznik from Gevaram. something to do other than have children. She dismally failed . Her Father said their were two types of kibbutznik. Movilim ( leaders) who could be counted in one hand and Nogschleppers ( people who follow) . At Kibbutz Gevaram the Movilim can be counted on one hand with fingers to spare. The Mother of my 2 wonderful children is a a Nogschlepper Deluxe , delightfully amicable, not an enemy in the world ,a good worker if you arrange the job and tell her what to do but absolutely no initiative. If ever there was a single reason for the collapse of the kibbutz Movement it was their tendency to have very largely Nogschleppers. Kibbutz Gevaram today has just 12 members who are not already 65. A Kibbutz with a wonderful history . All its then 59 members fought along side those of other Moshavim at Yad Mordechai to stop the Eqyptiian Invasion in 1948.

Even a. $100,000 donation I arranged to commercialize their petting zoo and the JNF forest that surrounds the Kibbutz has not stopped the ongoing decay. Nice place to visit on a Shabbath . Saturday especially with kids.


Darori Foundation

January 1988 – Present (26 years 5 months)Off Shore

Until May 2013 , the Darori Foundation supported Libraries and Special Collections in Israel only. In June 2013 it started an initiative to give ever child in Israel an Internet Device and a Free Internet Access Service. (100 mega down, ) . The Darori Foundation has in the past sponsored research into Digital Libraries and the translation of Wikipedia Articles ( and similar articles that do not claim a copy right) into Hebrew before Google Translate and Bing made that product redundant..The translation project was led by the ministry of education in Israel . The Darori Foundation financed dozens of translators..

3XC Capital holds the 12 patents , trademarks and copyrights related to the Threshold Technology Curve Model. Since 2010 the 12 patents have been making a PCT circuit and have increased exponentially by a double digit number. 3XC Capital also holds the trade mark “Darori”,”Stéphén Dǻrori” and “Thé Thréshǿld Téchnǿlǿgy Curvé Mǿdél ”

The Darori Foundation is financed by a series of 2nd, 3rd and 4th Generation Trust Funds and the living Trust of the current Chairman. .

(Open)4 projects
(Open)1 organization
(Open)2 recommendations
  • David Maeir-Epstein
    David Maeir-Epstein
    David Maeir-Epstein – Resource Development Consultants for Nonprofits in Israel

    Foundation Trustees are generally lay volunteers who are not necessarily expert in the funding areas. Stephen Darori is not…View

Darori Foundation Plaque0001

Darori Foundation Plaque0001

Peres Center for Peace

Peres Center for Peace

שיר בית"ר (זאב ז'בוטינסקי)

שיר בית”ר (זאב ז’בוטינסקי)

Zionist Archives - הארכיון הציוני

Zionist Archives – הארכיון הציוני

Children who regularly text message have BETTER English than those who don't (even if thy use txt spk)

Children who regularly text message have BETTER English than those who don’t (even if thy use txt spk)


Managing Editor with others

Israel Book Review ( South African Book Review)

January 1980 – Present (34 years 5 months)Tel aviv

The South African Book Review was founded by Stephen Drus ( now Darori) , the late Kerry Capstick-dale, Lizzy Bramford, the late Sarah Cullinan and Paul Groves in 1980. Edited from Capetown , it was published and distributed from London to avoid a banning order. In 1986 Paul Groves moved to London and the editorial office moved to London. In the same year the israel Book Review was started with funding from Sir Harry Oppenheimer and Gordon Wadell . ( Sir Harry’s ex son in law).

The Israel Book Review which has always been only a hard copy publication with no advertising with the philosophy of getting University Students and High School English students to detach themselves for 30 to 40 minutes from the Internet and the numerous tabloid format blogs ( many with spelling and grammar worse than mine) and read English Book Reviews Articles that avoid tabloid-ism. The IBR includes reviews of Philatelic, Scripolily, and other Paper Emphemera catalogs in every edition (1page).

Detach and give them something substantial to read.” has been the one line philosophy of the Book Review and previously the South African Book Review.for over 30 years. All book reviews carry links to the Amazon and the Publisher of the Books..

The Israel Book Review is published monthly in English. Once a quarter a double issue with a specific theme is published. The demand for such a hard copy publication has increased annually.Distribution is free on University Campus and some High Schools in Israel.

The Israel Book Review is sponsored by the Darori Foundation.

Director and double digit shareholder

Howard Kerzner Internet Gaming and High Street Sport Betting Outlets Monaco .

October 1998 – June 2007 (8 years 9 months)Monaco

Company held On Line Gaming and Traditional High Street Outlets for Sport Betting in Europe especially in the UK. Howard ” Butch” Kerzner and his father holding company , “Sol Kerner Monaco Holdings” each held 38% and other Kerner’s siblings a token shareholding totalling 10% the balance held by me.

This was initially a joint venture between Playsis , and Butch 2003 I swapped my interest in Playsis for the holding in Butch Kerzner’s company.

Corporate Controller & Treasurer, Operating Manager of Multiple Divisions

European Investments

June 2003 – December 2006 (3 years 7 months)Europe

Commercial and Industrial Real Estate, Investments and Venture Capital
The now multi billion company was founded by Glasnost Billionaires who prefer that the company keep a low profile . The Company remains today largely a real estate company with almost no debt and a high cash flow from leasing commercial property .I filled multiple positions of increasing responsibility including Managing Director of its large High Tech Incubator ( based on principles different from those in Israel) and a High Tech Investment Manager and an Alternative Investment Manager. Some Positions were held simultaneously.

(Open)1 project
(Open)5 recommendations, including:
3 more recommendations
Oligarchs And Oligopolies: New Formations Of Global Power (Critical Interventions: A Forum for Social Analysis): Bruce Kapferer: 9781845451745: Books

Oligarchs And Oligopolies: New Formations Of Global Power (Critical Interventions: A Forum for Social Analysis): Bruce Kapferer: 9781845451745: Books

The Oligarchs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Oligarchs – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

European Investments Commercial and industrial Developments

European Investments Commercial and industrial Developments

CFO ( Director of Finance , COO and Administration)


January 2002 – May 2003 (1 year 5 months)Kibbutz Ketura

P&L Management, Budget and Control, Business Operations, Contracts and Legal Administration, Strategic Planning, Capital Fundraising, Site Management and Human Resources. Took this 4 year old start up that was hopelessly in a insolvent position to a very healthy balance sheep one year latter by reporting all the multiple CSO gransts it had received and optioned 2 additional ones and also reporting the $3.5 million Approved Enterprise it had also received, In I n January 2013 it was valued at over $80 when part of the controlling shareholding was sold.It is today the largest biocompany producing Astaxathin from the algae strain Haematoccoccus

Algachologies Techologies

Algachologies Techologies

CFO, COO and Administration

Queenco Leisure International Ltd.

October 1999 – April 2002 (2 years 7 months)Israel

I was the CFO of the Rescido Group then part of Queenco listed on TASE . The Group consisted of Real Estate Redeveloper, Investments in late stage start ups and an in house gaming start up with both Angels and VC Partners.(STI – Benny Steinmetz) The Real Estate Redevelopment Company was purchased by interests of Milamor (delisted from TASE) which have continued renovating buildings in the CBD of Tel Aviv to this day. Playsis received a substantial exit by selling its large and high quality email membership lists to interest belonging to Teddy Sagi. The investments in late stage High Tech company were taken over by Queenco interests.

(Open)3 recommendations, including:
1 more recommendation
Recido Real Estate Renovations and Building Company Ltd

Recido Real Estate Renovations and Building Company Ltd

Division Cost and Management Accountant


May 1996 – November 1999 (3 years 7 months)

Cost and Management Accounting, with emphasis on Standard Cost Accounting, Outsourced Subcontracting, Obsolescence & Reserve Accounting. Two of my models were later incorporated into other Manufacturing Divisions of 3 Com. 3 Com is now part of HP.

I joined 3Com Israel , very much downsizing my resume & making it fit with the position of Division Cost and Management Accountant. I jointed 3Com went the Finance Department was in its infancy and a shambles after 3Com placed an incompetent member of their Corporate Audit Team in the position of CFO . Nachman Shelef one of 3 Founders &d General Manager, appointed Daniel Slutzky ( an excellent choice) & after an expected bump ( first audit) , 3Com Israel achieved full marks in both Finance, Management, Product Marketing & initially R & D . 3Com Israel hit an annual sales rate of $250 million quickly after acquisition

3Com was the very first US Corporation to buy an Israeli Technology Company.It bought NCD ( Nice Computer Division ) from Nice Com when the unit had just Beta Switches and Routers for Large Area Networking Solutions ( also Metro and Wide). The cost was $59 million.

What Bruce Chefet did when he replaced Eric Benahou when he retired is still taught as a business case in Ivy League Schools as an example of Corporate Mismanagement- “downsize people not entire divisions”. The entire Israeli Division was closed as one of the very first things Chefets did when he assumed office in January 2000.It was disturbing that when I met Chefets & Benahou by chance in transit at Heathrow before he assumed office, he was already speaking openly about his plans to downsize divisions that weren’t completely profitable. In hindsight he was the very worse choice to replace Eric Benahou who had led 3Coms expansion for a decade chasing Cisco all the time and nipped at the heels by late comers to this sector like Germany’s Siemens.The purchase of US Robotics for $6 billion started the disaster ( Benahou didn’t get kudos) .

Division Finance and Costing Manager/Controller

Vishay Intertechnology, Inc.

January 1995 – June 1996 (1 year 6 months)Holon (Head Office) with massive factories in Dimona , Beer Sheva and Migdal Hem

Vishay had two distinct divisions, one manufacturing core subsidiary product lines ( Dale, Daloric, Roderstein) & the other basically every thing else.Vishay has aggressively pursued expansion by purchasing companies with product lines in play. They spun off the evolving threshold technology division, the R & D they were doing themselves .I was transitioning into the core subsidiary division.It is actually quite sad. The person I was supposed to replace knew he was terminally ill but told no one (& when you are with the company from the very first day, you can can push the transition period envelop out).My patience ran out after 18 months & he sadly died suddenly less than 2 months later .Had I known,I may have had endless patience. Nobody including myself made the observation he was ill & some worked with him from day 1.Other than obvious weight loss.

Vishay Israel is one of the most profitable companies in Israel .It was established by the late Dr Felix Landsman ( in France) a Holocaust survivor as a child ( in the partisan) a Great Zionist, Businessman.& very generous Yad Vashem supporter. It received grants to build its factories in Dimona, Migdal Haemek & Beer Sheva in a smaller magnitude as Intel. x employees should be employed by the factories & well busing 5000 employees to Dimona was logistically possible if people didn’t mind been picked up at 6am to start work at 6.45am , Didn’t happen so amicable trade off .Was not privy to all the details negotiated by the Treasurer & CFO but “very fair play in play” Dimona is a award winning massive glass structure designed for 5000 workers who also receive a substantial sit down lunch.

Vishay is one of the best managed Manufacturing.Companies,in Israel and on top of the logistic nightmare.All production is shipped to a distribution center overseas.

Vishay is a Fortune 500 Company. Vishay Israel produces over 120 million passive electronic components daily & employs over 8500 people on Israel.

Deputy Head Accountant for Revenue & Special Assistant to the late Director General of Ort Israel

ORT Colleges

January 1990 – December 1994 (5 years)Holon Head Office

Ort Israel Head Offices ( Schools and Colleges) Originally employed as Deputy Finance and Accounting in Charge of all income sources of ORT Israel, the largest independent school network in Israel and assistant to the Director General ,the late Israel Goralnick once deputy to Yigal Allon in the Palmach ( he lost n arm in the War of Independence) liaising and regularly reporting with a major Donors who in the course of my time at Ort built and furnished Ort College Henry Braude , Karmiel ( the first accredited college in Israel to award degrees) paid for entirely by Baron Sir Gerald Ronso and with a little arm twisting and a lot of public relations he went on to build and furnish completely 6 additional Ort Schools in Ashkelon , Ashdod , Osafeia a/ Dalet Al Hakarmel and elsewhere and set up a maintenance fund for each at my suggestion.( Out of the Box thinking) I was project manage for two very expensive IT projects and computerized other aspects of my function using advanced business models . MY final task was to start raising fund for the conversion of Ort Vocational School to High Tech Schools. A task completed by 2000. Monthly T/O of Ort Israel exceeded 2.5 billion shekels during the period I worked for there. I was also the Ort Israel Liaison with the World Ort Union in London.

(Open)4 recommendations, including:
2 more recommendations

IDF – Shalev Bet and then Mil’uim


December 1986 – February 1987 (3 months)Israel

Voluntary shortened Israel military service .In 1986 anyone who was older than 26 when they immigrated was exempted from IDF service.

First Lieutenant=> Captain=> Major=> Commandant until 1994 (Lieutenant-Colonel)

SADF=> Recce Commando, the Elite Commando of 11 Commando, 3rd Infantry Battalion

January 1975 – December 1976 (2 years)Diskopolos, Kimberly , South Africa

Angola : My “4 Citation , 3 medals ( 2 Campaign + Another), 2 Battlefield Promotions Period . South Africa ( Defence Force) enters Angola on the side of UNITA against the MPLA , SWAPO and 25,000 subprime Casto Cubans. This was not a helicopter gunship war . In a bombastic “Apocalypse Now” ( the movie came later) helicopter gunship formation , South Africa launched a massive attack on the MPLA . In the open 5-10 minutes 7 SADF gunships were destroyed by 9K32 “Strela-2” shoulder fired Russian Missiles. Not another SADF helicopter again entered Angola . The 75 person Recce Commando ( the elite of the elite unit ) was paradropped 8 kms north of Luanda & told to proceed eastwards pulling the substand Cuban Battalions & some MPLA away from the coast & the protection of SAM 6 missiles around Luanda. I ran (circling back at night) across Angola & exited through Zambia .Entered as 1 of 3, 2nd Lieutenants, exited as a Major with 12 including 4 walking wounded.During this endless & now embedded nightmare kept saying that if I survive my first daughter would be called after the home base of the Recce Commandos . 20 years to the date I was discharged, my daughter Kim(berly) was born. Kimberly ( Big Hole of .fame) was the home base of 11 Commando.Honest to god truth, joined the Recce Commandos, & really expected to sit on my backside , suntanning, drinking beer & reading all the English Classics.This was a character building lesson in survival. The Recce Commando like 11 Commando originated during the Anglo Boer War.The Recce Commando first saw action at Spion Kop (Anglo Boer War)on 24th January 1900. 11 Commando was created by the British to counter the very mobile (mounted) Boer Recce Commandos & went toe to toe with the later during the Guerrilla War phase of the Anglo Boer War, November 1900 to May 1902 until the Transvaal Republic surrendered at Vereeniging on 31st May 1902. The agreement was signed ,by the Generals De Wet & Kitchener.

Apocalypse Now redux - Trailer - HQ

Apocalypse Now redux – Trailer – HQ

Stephen Darori Angolan Nightmare

Stephen Darori Angolan Nightmare

South African Special Forces

South African Special Forces

Test Scores

Stephen Darori

Score: 95

December 1978

Don’t quite get this section. Share Peter Thiel philosophy “Two years after billionaire tech investor Peter Thiel announced an experiment to pay bright high schoolers to drop out of college for $100,000, the Thiel Fellowship program hasn’t won over education leaders.”


Threshold Technology Curve Model(Link)

US Patent Office, US Trade Mark Office , Copyright

August 8, 2010

Stephen has a wide and rich experience in turning new technologies into viable start ups . He provide leadership and value for preseed and seed stage start up by leveraging his analytical, management, and organizational skills and and strategic planning but most of all his Threshold Curve Model which addresses directly what VC’s want to see in Business and Marketing plans and especially R & D…more

Honors & Awards

Beit Trust Scholarship

Beit Trust

January 1983

The Trust was initially set up in 1906 by the Will of Mr Alfred Beit, a brilliant financier and a director of the British South Africa Company with many interests including the development of Rhodesia’s railway system. In 1903 he suffered a stroke near Salisbury, Rhodesia, and died on 16 July 1906 in England at the age of 53, leaving much of his fortune bequeathed to a wide range of charitable causes. As a result of his close association with…more

University Blue Honour fo Student Leadership

University of Cape Town

Student Blues Awards are awarded to outstanding students in various disciplines including sport ( largely) and student leadership. I was very active in Student Councils, a student led Rag fund ( that is a small industry) that supports an entire free medical aid for Blacks ( and Coloured) A massive student charity and student politics ) + held youth leadership positions in the official White opposition party with a prominent presence on multiple…more

Region Chairman Western Cape Progressive Party Youth Committee=> Progressive Reform Party->Progressive Federal Party=> now Democratic Alliance

Democratic Alliance

January 1978

The Progressive Party transitioned to the Progressive Reform Party which became the Progressive Federal Party who are the Democratic Alliance to day. The Democratic Alliance (DA) is a political party in South Africa, which is the official opposition to the ruling African National Congress (ANC) at federal level, and the governing party in the Western Cape province. The DA is broadly centrist, though it has been attributed both centre-left and…more

National Chairman Progressive Federal Party Youth Committee => now Democratic Alliance

June 1981

The Progressive Party transitioned to the Progressive Reform Party which became the Progressive Federal Party who are the Democratic Alliance to day. The Democratic Alliance (DA) is a political party in South Africa, which is the official opposition to the ruling African National Congress (ANC) at federal level, and the governing party in the Western Cape province. The DA is broadly centrist, though it has been attributed both centre-left and…more

Founding Member and Treasurer Mass Democratic Movement (MDM) and United Democratic front ( UDF)

Nelson Mandela and Democratic Black Rule in South Africa

THE MDM was the first Massive Umbrella movement fof 400+ Free Mandela organisations. The mistake it made was electing a leadership , thereby giving it existence as an organisation that could be banned by the South African Government and that happen quickly. Immediately thereafter the UDF was “formed” with 500+ organisations on board . This time without an official leadership. “The United Democratic Front (UDF) was one of the most important anti-…more

Chess : Western Province Schools, University of Cape Town, SA Universities

University of Cape Town ( awarded Blues with role in Student Government and Politics)

December 1981

Western Province Schools Board 3 ( six times) Board 2 (four times)
University of Cape Town Board 2 (12 times) Board 1 ( 9 times) . Awarded Full Blues ” Chess” and for considerable Role in Student Government and Politics ( both on and off campus)
SA Universities ( Tour of the United Kingdom, France,The Netherlands , Denmark and Germany. Board 2 ( 17 times) Board 1 ( 14 times)

First National Youth Action Chairman (and joint founder with Helen Suzman, Colin Elgin,Harry Oppenheimer and Dr Nthato Motlana

National Youth Action


National Youth Action was the first attempt at an integrated Youth Action Program for kids aged 15 to 18 in South Africa. The idea was to form racial integrated groups who would do volunteer communal work in communities that need such help. The first two groups became active in the Western Cape ( Gugeluto) and Pretoria ( Alexandra) . The South African Government did not like mixed integrated groups of kids , ” Cleaning up Slums” and eventually…more

Volenteer of the Month ( Civil Action Clean Up Project)

Municipality of Tel Aviv and Bat Yam, and local newspapers

Local Newspapers love my Civil Action ” Clean Up Project” and interviewing me is fun and full of humour and catchy soundbites. The following have givimg me awards for volenteering
*HaMekimon Tel Aviv ( 3)
*Yediot Tel Aviv
*Yediot Bat Yam
*Gal Gefen ( Bat Yam) (3)
*Jaffa Christian Association
* Hashikma ( Bat Yam) (2)
* Mabat ( Russian).
* iMar ( Arabic-Christian (4)
* kul-alarab ( Arabic – Muslim Religious Council)
* Terra Santa (…more


Threshold Curve Model ( twelve separate aspects) in e Court Decision in terms of Bilski Versus Kappos, A Supreme Court Decision whereby it became possible to patent “Business Methods” ..

United States I will have to look for a hard copy of the patent numbers

Issued April 30, 2011

It took a decade for the Supreme Court to actually permit the patenting of Business Models and Methodology and was in good company with eBay….who tried and failed using different avenues to register the “on-line auction methodology” and were first in the que after this decision. TheThreshold Curve Model for start ups and early investors ,in start ups calls among many other things for the early…more

Trade Marks : Dǻrori ; Stéphén Dǻrori and Thréshold Téchnology Curvé Model

United States 735698545 through 67

Issued 2003

Dǻrori ; Stéphén Dǻrori and Thréshold Téchnology Curvé Modél are all registered Trade Marks and Patents in terms of bilski versus Kappos for multiple aspects of the Threshold Technology Curve Model. The trade mark s have a second trade mark series of numbers.


…Industrial and Commercial Centers at the outer periphery of up market residential areas with a metropolitan line entering below ground and doing a metro circle… we built many such centers and moved workers in the opposite direction

January 1990 – Present

…revolutionary … concept .. we moved many of the frustrated Central Busines District inhabitants in the opposite direction where they had no transport problems or parking issues … every building we built had excessive underground parking… the centers used rezoned country side and were green tech before the clique was coined.. They were planned to make the worker from factory to C level…more

3 team members
  • Stéphén Dǻrori
    Stéphén Dǻrori
    Social Media Mentor-Digital Marketing is all about Engagement. Engagement is all about Content.

The Peres Peace House Library(Link)

October 2013

The Darori Foundation has committed itself to filling the (Shimon) Peres Peace House with 1000 academic books in the next few years on subjects relative to the Centre . The Darori Foundation has never allowed politics to interfere with its “direct” donation policy. It never donates to the bureacracy of any organisation

3 team members
  • Stéphén Dǻrori
    Stéphén Dǻrori
    Social Media Mentor-Digital Marketing is all about Engagement. Engagement is all about Content.
  • No photo
    Orly Nabel
  • No photo
    Samantha Shmuel

Beit Ariela(Link)

May 2010

Beit Ariela Public Library and Cultural Center

Since 1922, Shaar Zion has been Tel Aviv’s main public library. The central branch is
now located in Beit Ariela, and holds a wide selection of books in a variety of languages
(Hebrew, English, French, German and more). In addition to the main reading hall, there
are small libraries specializing in different subjects such as Dance, Music,…more

2 team members
  • Stéphén Dǻrori
    Stéphén Dǻrori
    Social Media Mentor-Digital Marketing is all about Engagement. Engagement is all about Content.
  • No photo
    Moshe Patz

Bezalel School of Arts and Crafts(Link)

April 2008

stablished in 1906 by artist Boris Schatz as the “Bezalel School of Arts and Crafts”, Bezalel has evolved into one of the world’s most prestigious art schools.

The name Bezalel is synonymous with more than 100 years of Israeli art, innovation
and academic excellence. Bezalel’s unique strength stems from the numerous
breakthroughs it has been responsible for and its ability to respond and…more

3 team members
  • Stéphén Dǻrori
    Stéphén Dǻrori
    Social Media Mentor-Digital Marketing is all about Engagement. Engagement is all about Content.
  • No photo
    Zvi Armon
  • No photo
    Eva Ilous

Peres Archives at The Peres Peace House(Link)

September 2013

The Archive is continually growing as President Peres continues his career serving the State of Israel as President. On a daily basis the archive staff collect, categorise, register and preserve the many materials that are currently being produced surrounding the life and work of the President, from news articles about him or which he is quoted in, televised interviews, books and articles he…more

2 team members
  • Stéphén Dǻrori
    Stéphén Dǻrori
    Social Media Mentor-Digital Marketing is all about Engagement. Engagement is all about Content.
  • No photo
    Orly Nabel

Civil Action ” Clean Up Jaffa in the Neve Golan ( Jaffa Gimmel) and Neve Tamar ( Jaffa Dalet)” and the Amidar Bat Yam Neighbourhoods

March 2013

So there I was again on my daily 8 to 12 km walk/run when like Chicken Licken something fell on my head. No it wasn’t an acorn, it wasn’t the sky .. it was a bag of pach ( rubbish) . Some customs take a generation to die before it is expelled from immigrant embedded acceptable practice. and some still throw their pach from their windows into the road.

“What the hell”,I said to myself &…more

3 team members
  • Stéphén Dǻrori
    Stéphén Dǻrori
    Social Media Mentor-Digital Marketing is all about Engagement. Engagement is all about Content.
  • No photo
    תמיר ג
  • No photo
    Sebastian W.


Independent Coursework

  • Maximize entrepeneural potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be
  • Impart management tools according to values of the manager (Among Others)
  • • Improve ability to lead and manage workforce. (Among Others)
  • Leverage managers to strategic thinking, vision, values and objectives (Among Others)
  • Derive from long-term objectives and work plans the annual budget. (Among Others)
  • Diagnose management and administrative capabilities. (Among Others)
  • Improve the ability to choose and hire the best talents (Among Other)
  • Determining how to write a Busibness Plan and other documents from what a potential investor wants to see (Threshold Curve Model)


  1. English, Hebrew

    Native or bilingual proficiency
  2. Dutch, Afrikaans , Flemish

    Limited working proficiency
  3. Hebrew Txt Spk

  4. English Txt Spk

  5. SMS Spk

Volunteer Experience & Causes

Head of the Ofarim Local Committee & then a member of Beit Aryeh Ofarim Munincipality

Beit Aryeh – Ofarim Municipalty

December 1999Economic Empowerment

-Head of the Ofarim Local Committee that ran the 250 family units in this settlement
-After the amalgamation of Beit Areh with Ofarim served on various committees including Chair of Finance Committee ( first task was to deal with a 17 million shekel accumulated deficit of Beit Aryeh that was not disclosed before the referendum. I did ask the question and the Internal Auditor had zippo idea of the…more

Opportunities you are looking for:

  • Joining a nonprofit board
  • Skills-based volunteering (pro bono consulting)


Darori Foundation


January 1982 – Present

The Darori Foundation supports Libraries and Special Collections in Israel and South Africa. The Darori Foundation has sponsored research into Digital Libraries and the translation of Wikipedia Articles ( and similar articles that do not claim a copy right) into Hebrew before Google Translate and Bing Translate nailed the Technology of Translating. .

The Darori Foundation is financed by Darori…more


California Institute of Technology Industrial Relations Center

The Caltech 10-Day Certificate Program at Pasadena, California, Project Management98

2005 – 2005

Master the critical skills of project management.

The skills develop during the program apply to large & small projects, product design and development, construction projects, IT projects, software development, and projects with critical performance, time, and budget targets.

Activities and Societies: California Dreaming Society:SunBeer and lovely Undergraduates..

Stephen Darori Caltex Executive Education Program- Prorect Management

Stephen Darori Caltex Executive Education Program- Prorect Management

File:Caltech logo.svg

File:Caltech logo.svg

Stanford Center for Professional Development

Project Manager Stanford Certified at Stanford near Palo Alto, Project Manager96

2004 – 2004

Stanford Advanced Project Management courses and certificate blend academic theory with the real-life processes, tools, management skills, and methodologies of IPS Learning (IPS) to empower individuals to become more effective leaders and team members and to strategically execute projects, programs, and portfolios.

Activities and Societies: Took a 10 day time out for a refresher academic course . Loved to walk and run round this Ivy League Campus ( and the undergraduates were very cute ) .

Sanford and California Institute of Technology Marching Bands

Sanford and California Institute of Technology Marching Bands

Northwestern University – Kellogg School of Management

Operations Management Week at Evanston, Cook County, Illinois, The Science of Lean Six Sigma Operations combines with Supply Chain Management Program

2003 – 2003

The Science of Lean Six Sigma Operations
Combines the business-flow framework with the science of lean and six sigma, enabling participants to make major improvements in their operations and service processes.

Supply Chain Management
Focuses on effective logistics strategies for companies that operate globally, and, in particular, on integrating supply chain components into a coordinated system that reduces system-wide cost and increases service levels.

Activities and Societies: Bird Watching: The Undergraduates were really Cute.

Northwestern University School of Management

Northwestern University School of Management

מרכז לימודים והכשרה Mercaz Limudim Vehaksara

Certificate in Sustainable Ecology and the Environment, EcologyEnvironmentand Creative Recycling100

2003 – 2003

The compelling reasons why Ecology and Environment are important subjects at degree level. First, the world is faced with profound environmental and ecological challenges.
Ecology is at the heart of this programme, with core concepts ranging from ecosystem structure and function to population dynamics. These fundamentals are complemented by applied topics including urban ecology, marine ecology, biodiversity and conservation biology, and new computer technologies such as Geographical Information Systems.

Activities and Societies: Visits and hikes all over Zion

Georgia Institute of Technology

MSc Computer Science, Computer Science ( database management and languages seldom used anymore)Cum Laude ( they were been generous)

1992 – 1993

This was the first “accredited on line degree” to be recognized by the Education Ministry in Israel. It was an experiment I undertook for the Pedagogical Department of Ort Israel. Assignments were submitted with a scaled down version of Wordperfect and an early Zip ( compression program) . The Internet quite frankly did not have enough broadband . Only half the assignments were submitted over the Internet , the rest bounced and were submitted by Courier Service. The Courses revolved round Database Management and Internet Technology which of course have come a long way since then. Among the languages also studied in this degree were Pascal, an early version of C , COBOL, RPG ( for the IBM AS 400) and Fortran and an early version of Basic .That constituted a high % of the then languages. Today there are 1000’s and many have been ported to and Linux. Part of the degree revolved round identifying viruses and there was even an exercise to actually write one =:)

Activities and Societies: None

Logo of the Georgia Institute of Technology

Logo of the Georgia Institute of Technology

University of Cape Town

MBA,MA, BCOM in Accounting and Economics, Accounting and FinanceWith Distinction

1978 – 1985

Started studing at the University of Cape Town and continued elsewhere.BCompt Hons ( UNISA), MBA ( Heriot Watts) ….. Quite frankly over the years have become a Peter Thiel supporter. Peter was a founder of among other companies, Paypal and an early 2% investor in Facebook. Peter like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg , Steve Jobs,Larry Ollison and others , l has no academic degrees. Peter is sponsoring 100 young entrepreneurs with $100K a year not to go to college but jump straight into a a high tech startup…. 93% of his 100 have raised follow in finance including matching finance from Peter Thiel … clearly he has a point.According to a survey by the University of haifa , “A MBA is a waste of time and hampers success ” Lior Zetel,The Marker , Business Publication, Wednesday 5th February 2014. The survey received considerable attention at the Davos Economic Summit.

Activities and Societies: Quite frankly over the years have become a Peter Thiel supporter. Peter was a founder of among other companiesPaypal and an early 2% investor in Facebook. Peter like Bill Gates,Mark ZuckerbergSteve JobsLarry Ollison and othersPeter Thiel has no academic degrees. Peter is sponsoring 100 young entrepreneurs with $100K a year not to go to college but jump straight into starting a high tech company . ( 88 have already raised follow on finance… Thiel is onto something)

(Open)3 honors and awards
University of Cape Town Coat of Arms

University of Cape Town Coat of Arms

Herzlia High School, Cape Town

First Class University Entrance Sort of like A Levels, MathsScienceAccountancyEnglish,Hebrew Afrikaans

Jewish education in a private school environment from the age of 3 to 18.

Activities and Societies: Regional Committee Progressive Party Youth Progressive Party Youth Support Speaker First Team CricketHockeyChess National Youth Action- founding member and first Chairman

(Open)1 test score
United Herzlia Schools

United Herzlia Schools

2013 Matric Results of Herzlia ( United Hebrew day schools ,Cape Town ) by stephen Darori a 1980′s Alumni

2013 Matric Results of Herzlia ( United Hebrew day schools ,Cape Town ) by stephen Darori a 1980′s Alumni

United Herzlia Schools

United Herzlia Schools

Additional Info

  1. Interests

  2. Personal Details

    Birthday January 16, 1967
    Marital Status Single
  3. Advice for Contacting Stéphén

    Tel 0527234313. If not in Israel, by phoning these number, you will be transitioned seamlessly to an international SIM and will be stacked with other calls on hold. I immediately disconnect any cold calls . First engage me and the 3XC Global Partners’ Analysts with whatever you like by emailing me at my general email address or Hotmail is preferable. Txt message is preferable to voice mail..
    Postal Address: P.O.Box 41026, Tel Aviv ,6141001, Israel

    A Cute and a Silly Tongue in Cheek Postscript : In 1962 , Professor Ethel Drus ( my aunt, my father’s sister and three times winner of the Alexander Prize for History, the equivalent of the Mitchell prize for Mathematics) spent 3 months researching disintegrating Proclamations ( Letters Patent ) that had been traditionally handed down in the Drues/Drus family. I am the hereditary Baron of Kraków , ( hmmm , can’t help smiling) that was created in 1732 in an exchange for a very significant contribution by Drues of Mejzugola to the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth ‘s Monarch Budget . This custom was started by King Henry VIII of England Rich land owners were rewarded with Aristocracy Titles for significant contributions to the King’s Budget. I am also the hereditary Count Dziedreuszycka , the Ordynat of Poturzyca, Zarzecze, Kramarzowka, Markpol, Gluszyn, Wiry and Szczytnik estates. The Count was the eldest son of Drues of Mejzugola and was excommunicated from the family when he married a shiksa , the youngest daughter of the then Monarch . Like in France, German, Austria and elsewhere , aristocracy titles came to an end when the 2nd Polish Republic was created by the Treaty of Versailles. The first Count had no issues and the property was returned to the Monarch. The title passed down ?? At least theoretically. Now I am giggling. Both titles have nice Coat of Arms .The Count’s has a Star of David instead of a cross, a pointer to his heritage. Have a check at it.


  1. Founder ( with some political connections), Political Innovator

    Start Up Nation Critical Canvas in the White Silicon City ( TVL) and Silicon Wadi

    Burt Kempner
    Burt Kempner
    Senior Writer/Producer

    I would implicitly trust Renaissance man Stéphén Dǻrori to help me navigate the often confusing realm of social media. He’s an expert on marketing and digital content, conversant on a wide array of business issues and a first-class communicator. As impressed as I am with the depth and breadth of his knowledge, I’m also taken by what a down-to-earth man he is. I recommend…more

    March 6, 2014, Burt was with another company when working with Stéphén at Start Up Nation Critical Canvas in the White Silicon City ( TVL) and Silicon Wadi

  2. Proud Supporter with a Touch of Charismatic Humour

    MIU Movement for Israeli Urbanism and other ideas ( sorry I am a reality check)

    J L Mealer
    J L Mealer
    Arizona Gubernatorial Candidate. Arizona revitalization/restabilization strategies, putting Arizona Industry on top.

    Stephen certainly appears to be the man for the position. That goes for just about any position because his background is very diverse and his skill set extraordinary.

    July 26, 2013, J L was with another company when working with Stéphén at MIU Movement for Israeli Urbanism and other ideas ( sorry I am a reality check)

    Paulo Azenha
    Paulo Azenha
    CEO & Founder da empresa DreamScanner

    Excellent partner for businesses and highly recommended. Responsible in their work and a nice person.

    July 26, 2013, Paulo was with another company when working with Stéphén at MIU Movement for Israeli Urbanism and other ideas ( sorry I am a reality check)

  3. Trustee

    Darori Foundation

    David Maeir-Epstein
    David Maeir-Epstein
    David Maeir-Epstein – Resource Development Consultants for Nonprofits in Israel

    Foundation Trustees are generally lay volunteers who are not necessarily expert in the funding areas. Stephen Darori is not your typical Trustee. His range of expertise in the area of Libraries is astounding and his approach is comprehensive rather than particular. By this I mean he thinks in terms of policy and impact as opposed to individual requests. He is forward…more

    August 3, 2013, David was with another company when working with Stéphén at Darori Foundation



